blob: bf20e49005b8d8ef30b553da1e86167e6a0b758a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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import "package:expect/expect.dart";
// Tests for parsing closures with complex parameter types.
main() {
class Pair<A, B> {
final A fst;
final B snd;
Pair(A this.fst, B this.snd);
test1() {
// Closures with nested parameterized types.
var cdar1 = (Pair<int, Pair<int, int>> pr) => pr.snd.fst;
var cdar2 = (Pair<int, Pair<int, int> > pr) => pr.snd.fst;
var e = new Pair<int, Pair<int, int>>(100, new Pair<int, int>(200, 300));
Expect.equals(200, cdar1(e));
Expect.equals(200, cdar2(e));
test2() {
// Closures with nested parameterized types in optional position
var cdar1 = ([Pair<int, Pair<int, int>> pr = null]) => pr.snd.fst;
var cdar2 = ([Pair<int, Pair<int, int> > pr = null]) => pr.snd.fst;
var e = new Pair<int, Pair<int, int>>(100, new Pair<int, int>(200, 300));
Expect.equals(200, cdar1(e));
Expect.equals(200, cdar2(e));
test3() {
// Closures with nested parameterized types.
var f1 = (Pair<int, Pair<int, int>> pr) => pr.snd.fst + 1;
var f2 = (Pair<int, Pair<int, int> > pr) => pr.snd.fst + 2;
// Closures with function type with nested parameterized types.
var ap1 = (f(Pair<int, Pair<int, int>> pr1), Pair<int, Pair<int, int>> pr)
=> f(pr) * 10;
var ap2 = (f(Pair<int, Pair<int, int> > pr1), Pair<int, Pair<int, int> > pr)
=> f(pr) * 100;
var e = new Pair<int, Pair<int, int>>(100, new Pair<int, int>(200, 300));
Expect.equals(2010, ap1(f1, e));
Expect.equals(2020, ap1(f2, e));
Expect.equals(20100, ap2(f1, e));
Expect.equals(20200, ap2(f2, e));