blob: ec4ece918232c955b664f4d90bf520cf50e11065 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Dart test program to test arithmetic operations.
// VMOptions=--optimization-counter-threshold=10 --no-use-osr --no-background-compilation
library arithmetic_test;
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
import 'dart:math';
class ArithmeticTest {
static bool exceptionCaughtParseInt(String s) {
try {
return false;
} on FormatException catch (e) {
return true;
static bool exceptionCaughtParseDouble(String s) {
try {
return false;
} on FormatException catch (e) {
return true;
static bool toIntThrowsUnsupportedError(String str) {
// No exception allowed for parse double.
double d = double.parse(str);
try {
var a = d.toInt();
return false;
} on UnsupportedError catch (e) {
return true;
static runOne() {
var a = 22;
var b = 4;
// Smi & smi.
Expect.equals(26, a + b);
Expect.equals(18, a - b);
Expect.equals(88, a * b);
Expect.equals(5, a ~/ b);
Expect.equals(5.5, a / b);
Expect.equals(2.0, 10 / 5);
Expect.equals(2, a % b);
Expect.equals(2, a.remainder(b));
// Smi corner cases.
for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) {
a = -(1 << i);
b = -1;
Expect.equals(1 << i, a ~/ b);
a = 22;
b = 4.0;
// Smi & double.
Expect.equals(26.0, a + b);
Expect.equals(18.0, a - b);
Expect.equals(88.0, a * b);
Expect.equals(5, a ~/ b);
Expect.equals(5.5, a / b);
Expect.equals(2.0, a % b);
Expect.equals(2.0, a.remainder(b));
a = 22.0;
b = 4;
// Double & smi.
Expect.equals(26.0, a + b);
Expect.equals(18.0, a - b);
Expect.equals(88.0, a * b);
Expect.equals(5, a ~/ b);
Expect.equals(5.5, a / b);
Expect.equals(2.0, a % b);
Expect.equals(2.0, a.remainder(b));
a = 22.0;
b = 4.0;
// Double & double.
Expect.equals(26.0, a + b);
Expect.equals(18.0, a - b);
Expect.equals(88.0, a * b);
Expect.equals(5, a ~/ b);
Expect.equals(5.5, a / b);
Expect.equals(2.0, a % b);
Expect.equals(2.0, a.remainder(b));
// Special int operations.
Expect.equals(2, (2).floor());
Expect.equals(2, (2).ceil());
Expect.equals(2, (2).round());
Expect.equals(2, (2).truncate());
Expect.equals(-2, (-2).floor());
Expect.equals(-2, (-2).ceil());
Expect.equals(-2, (-2).round());
Expect.equals(-2, (-2).truncate());
// Note that this number fits into 53 bits of a double.
int big = 123456789012345;
Expect.equals(big, big.floor());
Expect.equals(big, big.ceil());
Expect.equals(big, big.round());
Expect.equals(big, big.truncate());
big = -big;
Expect.equals(big, big.floor());
Expect.equals(big, big.ceil());
Expect.equals(big, big.round());
Expect.equals(big, big.truncate());
// Test if double is contagious. The assignment will check the type.
{ double d = 1 + 1.0; }
{ double d = 1.0 + 1; }
{ double d = 1 * 1.0; }
{ double d = 0 * 1.0; }
{ double d = 1.0 * 0; }
{ double d = 1 / 1.0; }
{ double d = 1.0 / 0; }
{ double d = 1 - 1.0; }
{ double d = 1.0 - 1; }
{ double d = big * 1.0; }
{ double d = 1.0 * big; }
// Reset big to positive value.
big = 123456789012345;
// -- isNegative --.
// Smi.
Expect.equals(false, (0).isNegative);
Expect.equals(false, (1).isNegative);
Expect.equals(true, (-1).isNegative);
// Big.
Expect.equals(false, big.isNegative);
Expect.equals(true, (-big).isNegative);
// Double.
// TODO(srdjan): enable the following test once isNegative works.
// Expect.equals(true, (-0.0).isNegative);
Expect.equals(false, (0.0).isNegative);
Expect.equals(false, (2.0).isNegative);
Expect.equals(true, (-2.0).isNegative);
double negateDouble(double x) {
return -x;
// Constants.
final nan = 0.0/0.0;
final infinity = 1.0/0.0;
// -- isInfinite --.
// Smi.
Expect.equals(false, (0).isInfinite);
Expect.equals(false, (1).isInfinite);
Expect.equals(false, (-1).isInfinite);
// Big.
Expect.equals(false, big.isInfinite);
Expect.equals(false, (-big).isInfinite);
// Double.
Expect.equals(false, (0.0).isInfinite);
Expect.equals(true, infinity.isInfinite);
Expect.equals(true, (-infinity).isInfinite);
Expect.equals(false, (12.0).isInfinite);
Expect.equals(false, (-12.0).isInfinite);
Expect.equals(false, nan.isInfinite);
// -- isNaN --.
// Smi.
Expect.equals(false, (0).isNaN);
Expect.equals(false, (1).isNaN);
Expect.equals(false, (-1).isNaN);
// Big.
Expect.equals(false, big.isNaN);
Expect.equals(false, (-big).isNaN);
// Double.
Expect.equals(true, nan.isNaN);
Expect.equals(false, (12.0).isNaN);
Expect.equals(false, infinity.isNaN);
// -- abs --.
// Smi.
Expect.equals(0, (0).abs());
Expect.equals(2, (2).abs());
Expect.equals(2, (-2).abs());
// Big.
Expect.equals(big, big.abs());
Expect.equals(big, (-big).abs());
// Double.
Expect.equals(false, (0.0).abs().isNegative);
Expect.equals(false, (-0.0).abs().isNegative);
Expect.equals(2.0, (2.0).abs());
Expect.equals(2.0, (-2.0).abs());
// -- ceil --.
// Smi.
Expect.equals(0, (0).ceil());
Expect.equals(1, (1).ceil());
Expect.equals(-1, (-1).ceil());
// Big.
Expect.equals(big, big.ceil());
Expect.equals(-big, (-big).ceil());
// Double.
Expect.equals(0, (0.0).ceil());
Expect.equals(false, (0.0).ceil().isNegative);
Expect.equals(1, (0.1).ceil());
Expect.equals(1, double.MIN_POSITIVE.ceil());
Expect.equals(1, (0.49999999999999994).ceil());
Expect.equals(0, (-0.0).ceil());
Expect.equals(0, (-0.3).ceil());
Expect.isTrue((-0.0).ceil() is int);
Expect.isTrue((-0.3).ceil() is int);
Expect.equals(0, (-0.49999999999999994).ceil());
Expect.equals(3, (2.1).ceil());
Expect.equals(-2, (-2.1).ceil());
// -- floor --.
// Smi.
Expect.equals(0, (0).floor());
Expect.equals(1, (1).floor());
Expect.equals(-1, (-1).floor());
// Big.
Expect.equals(big, big.floor());
Expect.equals(-big, (-big).floor());
// Double.
Expect.equals(0, (0.0).floor());
Expect.equals(0, (0.1).floor());
Expect.equals(0, (0.49999999999999994).floor());
Expect.equals(0, double.MIN_POSITIVE.floor());
Expect.isTrue((0.0).floor() is int);
Expect.isTrue((0.1).floor() is int);
Expect.equals(0, (-0.0).floor());
Expect.isTrue((-0.0).floor() is int);
Expect.equals(-1, (-0.1).floor());
Expect.equals(2, (2.1).floor());
Expect.equals(-3, (-2.1).floor());
Expect.equals(-1.0, (-0.49999999999999994).floor());
Expect.equals(-3.0, (-2.1).floor());
// -- truncate --.
// Smi.
Expect.equals(0, (0).truncate());
Expect.equals(1, (1).truncate());
Expect.equals(-1, (-1).truncate());
// Big.
Expect.equals(big, big.truncate());
Expect.equals(-big, (-big).truncate());
// Double.
Expect.equals(0, (0.0).truncate());
Expect.equals(0, (0.1).truncate());
Expect.isTrue((0.0).truncate() is int);
Expect.isTrue((0.1).truncate() is int);
Expect.equals(0, (-0.0).truncate());
Expect.equals(0, (-0.3).truncate());
Expect.isTrue((-0.0).truncate() is int);
Expect.isTrue((-0.3).truncate() is int);
Expect.equals(2, (2.1).truncate());
Expect.equals(-2, (-2.1).truncate());
int b1 = (1234567890123.0).truncate();
int b2 = (1234567890124.0).truncate();
Expect.equals(b2, b1 + 1.0);
// -- round --.
// Smi.
Expect.equals(0, (0).round());
Expect.equals(1, (1).round());
Expect.equals(-1, (-1).round());
// Big.
Expect.equals(big, big.round());
Expect.equals(-big, (-big).round());
// Double.
Expect.equals(3, (2.6).round());
Expect.equals(-3, (-2.6).round());
Expect.equals(0, (0.0).round());
Expect.equals(0, (0.1).round());
Expect.equals(3, (2.5).round());
Expect.equals(-3, (-2.5).round());
Expect.equals(0, (-0.0).round());
Expect.equals(0, (-0.3).round());
Expect.equals(2, (2.1).round());
Expect.equals(-2, (-2.1).round());
Expect.equals(1, (0.5).round());
Expect.equals(-1, (-0.5).round());
Expect.isTrue((-0.0).round() is int);
Expect.isTrue((-0.3).round() is int);
Expect.isTrue((-0.5).round() is int);
Expect.equals(2, (1.5).round());
Expect.equals(-2, (-1.5).round());
Expect.equals(1, (0.99).round());
// -- toInt --.
// Smi.
Expect.equals(0, (0).toInt());
Expect.equals(1, (1).toInt());
Expect.equals(-1, (-1).toInt());
// Type checks.
{ int i = (0).toInt(); }
{ int i = (1).toInt(); }
{ int i = (-1).toInt(); }
// Big.
Expect.equals(big, big.toInt());
Expect.equals(-big, (-big).toInt());
{ int i = big.toInt(); }
{ int i = (-big).toInt(); }
// Double.
Expect.equals(1234567890123, (1234567890123.0).toInt());
Expect.equals(-1234567890123, (-1234567890123.0).toInt());
{ int i = (1234567890123.0).toInt(); }
{ int i = (-1234567890123.0).toInt(); }
// 32bit Smi border cases.
Expect.equals(-1073741824, (-1073741824.0).toInt());
Expect.equals(-1073741825, (-1073741825.0).toInt());
Expect.equals(1073741823, (1073741823.0).toInt());
Expect.equals(1073741824, (1073741824.0).toInt());
{ int i = (-1073741824.0).toInt(); }
{ int i = (-1073741825.0).toInt(); }
{ int i = (1073741823.0).toInt(); }
{ int i = (1073741824.0).toInt(); }
// -- toDouble --.
// Smi.
Expect.equals(0.0, (0).toDouble());
Expect.equals(1.0, (1).toDouble());
Expect.equals(-1.0, (-1).toDouble());
// Type checks.
{ double d = (0).toDouble(); }
{ double d = (1).toDouble(); }
{ double d = (-1).toDouble(); }
// Big.
Expect.equals(big, big.toInt());
Expect.equals(-big, (-big).toInt());
{ int i = big.toInt(); }
{ int i = (-big).toInt(); }
// Math functions.
Expect.equals(2.0, sqrt(4.0));
Expect.approxEquals(1.0, sin(3.14159265 / 2.0));
Expect.approxEquals(-1.0, cos(3.14159265));
Expect.equals(12, int.parse("12"));
Expect.equals(-12, int.parse("-12"));
// Type checks.
{ int i = int.parse("12"); }
{ int i = int.parse("-12"); }
{ int i = int.parse("12345678901234567890"); }
{ int i = int.parse("-12345678901234567890"); }
Expect.equals(1.2, double.parse("1.2"));
Expect.equals(-1.2, double.parse("-1.2"));
// Type checks.
{ double d = double.parse("1.2"); }
{ double d = double.parse("-1.2"); }
{ double d = double.parse("0"); }
// Random
Random rand = new Random();
double d = rand.nextDouble();
Expect.equals(false, exceptionCaughtParseInt("22"));
Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaughtParseInt("alpha"));
Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaughtParseInt("-alpha"));
Expect.equals(false, exceptionCaughtParseDouble("22.2"));
Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaughtParseDouble("alpha"));
Expect.equals(true, exceptionCaughtParseDouble("-alpha"));
Expect.equals(false, double.parse("1.2").isNaN);
Expect.equals(false, double.parse("1.2").isInfinite);
Expect.equals(true, double.parse("NaN").isNaN);
Expect.equals(true, double.parse("Infinity").isInfinite);
Expect.equals(true, double.parse("-Infinity").isInfinite);
Expect.equals(false, double.parse("NaN").isNegative);
Expect.equals(false, double.parse("Infinity").isNegative);
Expect.equals(true, double.parse("-Infinity").isNegative);
Expect.equals("NaN", double.parse("NaN").toString());
Expect.equals("Infinity", double.parse("Infinity").toString());
Expect.equals("-Infinity", double.parse("-Infinity").toString());
Expect.equals(false, toIntThrowsUnsupportedError("1.2"));
Expect.equals(true, toIntThrowsUnsupportedError("Infinity"));
Expect.equals(true, toIntThrowsUnsupportedError("-Infinity"));
Expect.equals(true, toIntThrowsUnsupportedError("NaN"));
// Min/max
Expect.equals(1, min(1, 12));
Expect.equals(12, max(1, 12));
Expect.equals(1.0, min(1.0, 12.0));
Expect.equals(12.0, max(1.0, 12.0));
Expect.equals(false, 1.0 < min(1.0, 12.0));
Expect.equals(true, 1.0 < max(1.0, 12.0));
// Hashcode
Expect.equals(false, (3.4).hashCode == (1.2).hashCode);
Expect.equals(true, (1.2).hashCode == (1.2).hashCode);
Expect.equals(false, (3).hashCode == (1).hashCode);
Expect.equals(true, (10).hashCode == (10).hashCode);
static int div(a, b) => a ~/ b;
static void testSmiDivDeopt() {
var a = -0x40000000;
var b = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) Expect.equals(0x40000000, div(a, b));
static int divMod(a, b) => a ~/ b + a % b;
static void testSmiDivModDeopt() {
var a = -0x40000000;
var b = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) Expect.equals(0x40000000, divMod(a, b));
static double sinCosSub(double a) => sin(a) - cos(a);
static double sinCosAddCos(double a) => sin(a) * cos(a) + cos(a);
static void testSinCos() {
var e = sin(1.234) - cos(1.234);
var f = sin(1.234) * cos(1.234) + cos(1.234);
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
Expect.approxEquals(e, sinCosSub(1.234));
Expect.approxEquals(f, sinCosAddCos(1.234));
Expect.approxEquals(1.0, sinCosSub(3.14159265));
Expect.approxEquals(1.0, sinCosSub(3.14159265 / 2.0));
// Test fix for issue 16592.
static void testSinCosNoUse() {
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
static mySqrt(var x) => sqrt(x);
static testSqrtDeopt() {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) mySqrt(4.0);
Expect.equals(2.0, mySqrt(4.0));
Expect.throws(() => mySqrt("abc"));
static self_equality(x) {
return x == x;
static testDoubleEquality() {
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
static testMain() {
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
main() {