blob: 853d2f013f114338235da53ec43361a29a8cd999 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import '../../../../../pkg/front_end/test/tool/reload.dart';
export '../snapshot_test_helper.dart' show withTempDir;
final includeIn = RegExp(r'//\s+@include-in-reload-([0-9]+)([+]?)\s*$');
Future<List<String>> generateDills(String tempDir, String testDartFile) async {
// We have to compile in serial by always using the same source filename in
// order to ensure all dills will have the same root Uri.
final versions = generateReloadVersions(testDartFile);
final dills = <String>[];
int i = 0;
for (final version in versions) {
final testFile = path.join(tempDir, 'test.dart');
await File(testFile).writeAsString(version);
final dillFile = path.join(tempDir, 'test.dart.${i++}.dill');
await compile(testFile, dillFile);
return dills;
/// We generate several versions of a program by looking at annotations such as:
/// @include-in-reload-<N>
/// @include-in-reload-<N>+
/// Lines with such annotations are included in the <N>th program version and
/// possibly in all following ones (if `+` was used).
List<String> generateReloadVersions(String fileContent) {
final lines = fileContent.split('\n');
// Scan for all annotations to find out how many we reloads we need to do.
final reloadAnnotation = Uint32List(lines.length);
final reloadPlusAnnotation = List<bool>.filled(lines.length, true);
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
final line = lines[i];
final m = includeIn.firstMatch(line);
if (m != null) {
final annotation = int.parse( as String);
reloadAnnotation[i] = annotation;
reloadPlusAnnotation[i] = == '+';
} else {
// No annotation means include always.
reloadPlusAnnotation[i] = true;
final reloadAnnotationSet = reloadAnnotation.toSet();
final sortedReloadAnnotations = reloadAnnotationSet.toList()..sort();
for (int i = 1; i < sortedReloadAnnotations.length; ++i) {
final int from = sortedReloadAnnotations[i - 1];
final int to = sortedReloadAnnotations[i];
if ((from + 1) != to) {
throw 'Should have strictly increasing reloads without gaps';
final versions = <String>[];
for (int i = 0; i < sortedReloadAnnotations.length; ++i) {
final int reloadIteration = sortedReloadAnnotations[i];
final sb = StringBuffer();
for (int j = 0; j < lines.length; ++j) {
final int annotation = reloadAnnotation[j];
final bool plus = reloadPlusAnnotation[j];
if (annotation == reloadIteration ||
(plus && annotation <= reloadIteration)) {
final String line = lines[j];
return versions;
Future compile(String from, String to) async {
final executable = Platform.executable;
final command = [
print('Launching $executable ${command.join(' ')}');
final process = await Process.start(executable, command);
final f1 = process.stdout
.transform(const LineSplitter())
.listen((line) => print('stdout: $line'))
final f2 = process.stderr
.transform(const LineSplitter())
.listen((line) => print('stderr: $line'))
final exitCode = await process.exitCode;
if (exitCode != 0) {
await f1;
await f2;
throw 'Compilation failed';
Future<Reloader> launchOn(String file, {bool verbose: false}) async {
final command = [
if (verbose) '--trace-reload',
if (verbose) '--trace-reload-verbose',
final env = Platform.environment;
final executable = Platform.executable;
print('Launching $executable ${command.join(' ')}');
final process = await Process.start(executable, command, environment: env);
final reloader = Reloader(process);
await reloader._waitUntilService();
return reloader;
class Reloader {
final Process _process;
final List<String> _stdout = [];
final Set<_Filter> _stdoutFilters = {};
final List<String> _stderr = [];
final Set<_Filter> _stderrFilters = {};
RemoteVm _remoteVm;
int _reloadVersion = 0;
Reloader(this._process) {
.transform(const LineSplitter())
.listen((line) {
print('stdout: $line');
.transform(const LineSplitter())
.listen((line) {
print('stderr: $line');
Future _waitUntilService() async {
final needle = 'Observatory listening on ';
final line = await waitUntilStdoutContains(needle);
final Uri uri = Uri.parse(line.substring(needle.length));
assert(_remoteVm == null);
_remoteVm = RemoteVm(uri.port);
Future writeToStdin(String line) async {
await _process.stdin.flush();
Future<Map> reload(String file) async {
print('Reload $file (version: ${_reloadVersion++})');
final Map reloadResult = await _remoteVm.reload(Uri.parse(file));
print(const JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(reloadResult));
return reloadResult;
Future<int> close() async {
await _remoteVm.disconnect();
final exitCode = await _process.exitCode;
print('ExitCode = $exitCode');
return exitCode;
Future<String> waitUntilStdoutContains(String needle) {
return _waitUntilContains(_stdout, _stdoutFilters, needle, 1);
Future<String> waitUntilStdoutContainsN(String needle, int N) {
return _waitUntilContains(_stdout, _stdoutFilters, needle, N);
Future<String> waitUntilStderrContains(String needle) {
return _waitUntilContains(_stderr, _stderrFilters, needle, 1);
Future<String> waitUntilstderrContainsN(String needle, int N) {
return _waitUntilContains(_stderr, _stderrFilters, needle, N);
Future<String> _waitUntilContains(
List<String> lines, Set<_Filter> filterSet, String needle, int N) {
int count = 0;
bool handleLine(String line) {
// Sometimes the prints of the isolates get interleaved, so we allow
// multiple matches on one line.
int index = line.indexOf(needle);
while (index >= 0) {
if (++count == N) return true;
index = line.indexOf(needle, index + 1);
return false;
for (final line in lines) {
if (handleLine(line)) return Future.value(line);
final c = Completer<String>();
filterSet.add(_Filter(needle, (line) {
if (handleLine(line)) {
return true;
return false;
return c.future;
void _addStdout(String line) {
_handleNewLine(_stdoutFilters, line);
void _addStderr(String line) {
_handleNewLine(_stderrFilters, line);
void _handleNewLine(Set<_Filter> filters, String line) {
final toRemove = <_Filter>[];
for (final filter in filters) {
if (line.contains(filter.needle)) {
if (filter.callback(line)) {
for (final filter in toRemove) {
class _Filter {
final String needle;
final bool Function(String line) callback;
_Filter(this.needle, this.callback);