blob: ccbadbcb9e09d9b3199d3484bd1483e7c3fcffc7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub_cache;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart' as yaml;
// TODO: get the latest version for a package?
// TODO: get the latest non-dev version for a package?
// TODO: Scan for git packages.
* A programattic API for reflecting on Pub's cache directory.
class PubCache {
static Directory getSystemCacheLocation() {
if (Platform.environment.containsKey('PUB_CACHE')) {
return new Directory(Platform.environment['PUB_CACHE']);
} else if (Platform.operatingSystem == 'windows') {
var appData = Platform.environment['APPDATA'];
return new Directory(path.join(appData, 'Pub', 'Cache'));
} else {
return new Directory('${Platform.environment['HOME']}/.pub-cache');
final Directory location;
List<Application> _applications;
List<PackageRef> _packageRefs;
PubCache([Directory dir]) :
location = dir == null ? getSystemCacheLocation() : dir {
* Return the contents of `bin/` - the scripts for the activated applications.
List<File> getBinaries() {
Directory dir = _getSubDir(location, 'bin');
return dir.existsSync() ? dir.listSync() : [];
* Return applications that have been installed via `pub global activate`.
List<Application> getGlobalApplications() => _applications;
* Get all the packages and their versions that have been installed into the
* cache.
List<PackageRef> getPackageRefs() => _packageRefs;
* Return the list of package names (not versions) that are available in the
* cache.
List<String> getCachedPackages() =>
new Set.from(getPackageRefs().map((p) =>;
* Return all available cached versions for a given package.
List<PackageRef> getAllPackageVersions(String packageName) =>
getPackageRefs().where((p) => == packageName).toList();
void _parse() {
// Read the activated applications.
_applications = [];
Directory globalPackagesDir = _getSubDir(location, 'global_packages');
if (globalPackagesDir.existsSync()) {
_applications = globalPackagesDir.listSync().map(
(dir) => new Application._(this, dir)).toList();
// Scan hosted packages - just for now.
_packageRefs = [];
Directory dartlangDir = new Directory(
path.join(location.path, 'hosted', ''));
if (dartlangDir.existsSync()) {
_packageRefs = dartlangDir.listSync()
.where((dir) => dir is Directory)
.map((dir) => new _DirectoryPackageRef('hosted', dir))
Directory _getSubDir(Directory dir, String name) =>
new Directory(path.join(dir.path, name));
class Application {
final PubCache _cache;
final Directory _dir;
List<PackageRef> _packageRefs;
Application._(this._cache, this._dir);
String get name => path.basename(_dir.path);
Version get version {
PackageRef ref = getDefiningPackageRef();
return ref == null ? null : ref.version;
PackageRef getDefiningPackageRef() {
for (PackageRef ref in getPackageRefs()) {
if ( == name) return ref;
return null;
List<PackageRef> getPackageRefs() {
if (_packageRefs == null) _parsePubspecLock();
return _packageRefs;
String toString() => '${name} ${version}';
void _parsePubspecLock() {
File pubspecLock = new File(path.join(_dir.path, 'pubspec.lock'));
Map doc = yaml.loadYaml(pubspecLock.readAsStringSync());
Map packages = doc['packages'];
_packageRefs = {
Map m = packages[key];
return new _AppPackageRef(_cache, m['source'], key, m['version']);
abstract class PackageRef {
String get sourceType;
String get name;
Version get version;
Package resolve();
bool operator ==(other) {
return this.sourceType == other.sourceType
&& ==
&& this.version == other.version;
String toString() => '${name} ${version}';
class _AppPackageRef extends PackageRef {
final PubCache cache;
final String sourceType;
final String name;
final Version version;
_AppPackageRef(this.cache, this.sourceType,, String ver) :
version = new Version.parse(ver);
Package resolve() {
for (PackageRef ref in cache.getPackageRefs()) {
if (ref == this) return ref.resolve();
return null;
class _DirectoryPackageRef extends PackageRef {
final String sourceType;
final Directory directory;
String _name;
Version _version;
_DirectoryPackageRef(this.sourceType, {
_name = path.basename(;
int index = _name.indexOf('-');
if (index != -1) {
_version = new Version.parse(_name.substring(index + 1));
_name = _name.substring(0, index);
String get name => _name;
Version get version => _version;
Package resolve() => new Package(directory, name, version);
class Package {
final Directory location;
final String name;
final Version version;
Package(this.location,, this.version);
String toString() => '${name} ${version}';