blob: b6c03fa90780e76ccc6adda9e9a5cb4428fd915d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library pub_cache_test;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:pub_cache/pub_cache.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() => defineTests();
void defineTests() {
final String cacheDirName = Platform.isWindows ? 'Cache' : 'pub-cache';
group('PubCache', () {
tearDown(() {
Directory cacheDir = PubCache.getSystemCacheLocation();
var globalDir =
new Directory(path.join(cacheDir.path, "global_packages"));
var file = new File(path.join(globalDir.path, "nonsense"));
if (file.existsSync()) {
test('getSystemCacheLocation', () {
Directory cacheDir = PubCache.getSystemCacheLocation();
expect(cacheDir, isNotNull);
expect(path.basename(cacheDir.path), contains(cacheDirName));
test('Create PubCache when non-directories are in global_packages', () {
// Get cache in its current state
var cache = new PubCache();
var currentGlobalApps = cache.getGlobalApplications();
// Put a file in global_packages
Directory cacheDir = PubCache.getSystemCacheLocation();
var globalDir =
new Directory(path.join(cacheDir.path, "global_packages"));
var file = new File(path.join(globalDir.path, "nonsense"));
file.writeAsStringSync("pub_cache test suite");
// Ensure that this file is not reflected in cache
cache = new PubCache();
var newGlobalApps = cache.getGlobalApplications();
expect(currentGlobalApps.length, newGlobalApps.length);
test('PubCache', () {
PubCache cache = new PubCache();
expect(cache, isNotNull);
expect(cache.location, isNotNull);
expect(path.basename(cache.location.path), contains(cacheDirName));
test('getBinaries', () {
PubCache cache = new PubCache();
expect(cache.getBinScripts(), isNotNull);
test('getGlobalApplications', () {
PubCache cache = new PubCache();
expect(cache.getGlobalApplications(), isNotEmpty);
test('getPackageRefs', () {
PubCache cache = new PubCache();
expect(cache.getPackageRefs(), isNotEmpty);
test('getCachedPackages', () {
PubCache cache = new PubCache();
expect(cache.getCachedPackages(), isNotEmpty);
test('getAllPackageVersions', () {
PubCache cache = new PubCache();
expect(cache.getAllPackageVersions('path'), isNotEmpty);
test('getLatestVersion', () {
PubCache cache = new PubCache();
expect(cache.getLatestVersion('path'), isNotNull);
test('', () {
PubCache cache = new PubCache();
cache.getLatestVersion('path', includePreRelease: true), isNotNull);
group('Application', () {
PubCache cache;
Application app;
setUp(() {
cache = new PubCache();
app = cache.getGlobalApplications().first;
test('name', () {
expect(, isNotEmpty);
test('version', () {
expect(app.version, isNotNull);
test('getDefiningPackageRef', () {
test('getPackageRefs', () {
expect(app.getPackageRefs(), isNotEmpty);
test('toString', () {
expect(app.toString(), isNotEmpty);
group('PackageRef', () {
PubCache cache;
Application app;
PackageRef ref;
setUp(() {
cache = new PubCache();
app = cache.getGlobalApplications().first;
ref = app.getPackageRefs().first;
test('name', () {
expect(, isNotEmpty);
test('==', () {
PackageRef ref0 = app.getPackageRefs()[0];
PackageRef ref1 = app.getPackageRefs()[1];
expect(ref0, equals(ref0));
expect(ref0, isNot(equals(ref1)));
test('resolve', () {
expect(ref.resolve(), isNotNull);
test('toString', () {
expect(ref.toString(), isNotEmpty);
group('Package', () {
test('toString', () {
PubCache cache = new PubCache();
Package p = cache.getPackageRefs().first.resolve();
expect(p, isNotNull);
expect(p.toString(), isNotEmpty);
group('integration', () {
test('list apps', () {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
PubCache cache = new PubCache();
var apps = cache.getGlobalApplications();
apps.forEach((app) => buf.writeln(' ${app}'));
expect(buf.toString(), isNotEmpty);
test('everything parses', () {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
PubCache cache = new PubCache();
var packageRefs = cache.getPackageRefs();
packageRefs.forEach((ref) {
expect(ref.version, isNotNull);
expect(buf.toString(), isNotEmpty);
test('list packages', () {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
PubCache cache = new PubCache();
var packages = cache.getCachedPackages();
packages.forEach((pkg) {
List<PackageRef> versions = cache.getAllPackageVersions(pkg);
'${pkg} [${ => p.version.toString()).join(', ')}]');
expect(buf.toString(), isNotEmpty);
test('everything resolves', () {
PubCache cache = new PubCache();
for (Application app in cache.getGlobalApplications()) {
for (PackageRef ref in app.getPackageRefs()) {
expect(ref.resolve(), isNotNull);
for (PackageRef ref in cache.getPackageRefs()) {
expect(ref.resolve(), isNotNull);