blob: 7057f9b94c2b4de000de81655f115d30b7da9fe6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:pub/src/io.dart';
import 'package:shelf/shelf.dart' as shelf;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import '../../descriptor.dart' as d;
import '../../test_pub.dart';
void main() {
test('Warns about discontinued dependencies', () async {
final server = await servePackages();
server.serve('foo', '1.2.3', deps: {'transitive': 'any'});
server.serve('transitive', '1.0.0');
await d.appDir({'foo': '1.2.3'}).create();
await pubGet();
// A pub get straight away will not trigger the warning, as we cache
// responses for a while.
await pubGet();
final fooVersionsCache =
p.join(globalServer.cachingPath, '.cache', 'foo-versions.json');
final transitiveVersionsCache =
p.join(globalServer.cachingPath, '.cache', 'transitive-versions.json');
expect(fileExists(fooVersionsCache), isTrue);
expect(fileExists(transitiveVersionsCache), isTrue);
// We warn only about the direct dependency here:
await pubGet(output: '''
Resolving dependencies...
foo 1.2.3 (discontinued)
Got dependencies!
expect(fileExists(fooVersionsCache), isTrue);
final c = json.decode(readTextFile(fooVersionsCache));
// Make the cache artificially old.
c['_fetchedAt'] = 5)).toIso8601String();
writeTextFile(fooVersionsCache, json.encode(c));
server.discontinue('foo', replacementText: 'bar');
await pubGet(output: '''
Resolving dependencies...
foo 1.2.3 (discontinued replaced by bar)
Got dependencies!''');
final c2 = json.decode(readTextFile(fooVersionsCache));
// Make a bad cached value to test that responses are actually from cache.
c2['isDiscontinued'] = false;
writeTextFile(fooVersionsCache, json.encode(c2));
await pubGet(output: '''
Resolving dependencies...
Got dependencies!''');
// Repairing the cache should reset the package listing caches.
await runPub(args: ['cache', 'repair']);
await pubGet(output: '''
Resolving dependencies...
foo 1.2.3 (discontinued replaced by bar)
Got dependencies!''');
// Test that --offline won't try to access the server for retrieving the
// status.
await pubGet(args: ['--offline'], output: '''
Resolving dependencies...
foo 1.2.3 (discontinued replaced by bar)
Got dependencies!''');
await pubGet(args: ['--offline'], output: '''
Resolving dependencies...
Got dependencies!
test('Warns about discontinued dev dependencies', () async {
final builder = await servePackages();
..serve('foo', '1.2.3', deps: {'transitive': 'any'})
..serve('transitive', '1.0.0');
await d.dir(appPath, [
d.file('pubspec.yaml', '''
name: myapp
foo: 1.2.3
sdk: '>=0.1.2 <1.0.0'
await pubGet();
// A pub get straight away will not trigger the warning, as we cache
// responses for a while.
await pubGet();
final fooVersionsCache =
p.join(globalServer.cachingPath, '.cache', 'foo-versions.json');
expect(fileExists(fooVersionsCache), isTrue);
// We warn only about the direct dependency here:
await pubGet(output: '''
Resolving dependencies...
foo 1.2.3 (discontinued)
Got dependencies!
expect(fileExists(fooVersionsCache), isTrue);
final c = json.decode(readTextFile(fooVersionsCache));
// Make the cache artificially old.
c['_fetchedAt'] = 5)).toIso8601String();
writeTextFile(fooVersionsCache, json.encode(c));
builder.discontinue('foo', replacementText: 'bar');
await pubGet(output: '''
Resolving dependencies...
foo 1.2.3 (discontinued replaced by bar)
Got dependencies!''');
final c2 = json.decode(readTextFile(fooVersionsCache));
// Make a bad cached value to test that responses are actually from cache.
c2['isDiscontinued'] = false;
writeTextFile(fooVersionsCache, json.encode(c2));
await pubGet(output: '''
Resolving dependencies...
Got dependencies!''');
// Repairing the cache should reset the package listing caches.
await runPub(args: ['cache', 'repair']);
await pubGet(output: '''
Resolving dependencies...
foo 1.2.3 (discontinued replaced by bar)
Got dependencies!''');
// Test that --offline won't try to access the server for retrieving the
// status.
await pubGet(args: ['--offline'], output: '''
Resolving dependencies...
foo 1.2.3 (discontinued replaced by bar)
Got dependencies!''');
await pubGet(args: ['--offline'], output: '''
Resolving dependencies...
Got dependencies!
test('get does not fail when status listing fails', () async {
final server = await servePackages();
server.serve('foo', '1.2.3');
await d.appDir({'foo': '1.2.3'}).create();
await pubGet();
final fooVersionsCache =
p.join(globalServer.cachingPath, '.cache', 'foo-versions.json');
expect(fileExists(fooVersionsCache), isTrue);
// Serve 400 on all requests.
(shelf.Request request) => shelf.Response.notFound('Not found'));
/// Even if we fail to get status we still report success if versions don't unlock.
await pubGet();