blob: 3ef948ddc4fac5f77cb563d87995278128da7775 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import '../exceptions.dart';
import '../io.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import 'credential.dart';
/// Stores and manages authentication credentials.
class TokenStore {
/// Cache directory.
final String? configDir;
/// List of saved authentication tokens.
/// Modifying this field will not write changes to the disk. You have to call
/// [flush] to save changes.
Iterable<Credential> get credentials => _loadCredentials();
/// Reads "pub-tokens.json" and parses / deserializes it into list of
/// [Credential].
List<Credential> _loadCredentials() {
final result = <Credential>[];
final path = _tokensFile;
if (path == null || !fileExists(path)) {
return result;
try {
dynamic json;
try {
json = jsonDecode(readTextFile(path));
} on FormatException {
throw FormatException('$path is not valid JSON');
if (json is! Map<String, dynamic>) {
throw FormatException('JSON contents is corrupted or not supported');
if (json['version'] != 1) {
throw FormatException('Version is not supported');
if (json.containsKey('hosted')) {
final hosted = json['hosted'];
if (hosted is! List) {
throw FormatException('Invalid or not supported format');
for (final element in hosted) {
try {
if (element is! Map<String, dynamic>) {
throw FormatException('Invalid or not supported format');
final credential = Credential.fromJson(element);
if (!credential.isValid()) {
throw FormatException('Invalid or not supported credential');
} on FormatException catch (e) {
if (element['url'] is String) {
'Failed to load credentials for ${element['url']}: '
} else {
'Failed to load credentials for unknown hosted repository: '
} on FormatException catch (e) {
log.warning('Failed to load pub-tokens.json: ${e.message}');
return result;
Never missingConfigDir() {
final variable = Platform.isWindows ? '%APPDATA%' : r'$HOME';
throw DataException('No config dir found. Check that $variable is set');
/// Writes [credentials] into "pub-tokens.json".
void _saveCredentials(List<Credential> credentials) {
final tokensFile = _tokensFile;
if (tokensFile == null) {
jsonEncode(<String, dynamic>{
'version': 1,
'hosted': => it.toJson()).toList(),
/// Adds [token] into store and writes into disk.
void addCredential(Credential token) {
final _credentials = _loadCredentials();
// Remove duplicate tokens
_credentials.removeWhere((it) => it.url == token.url);
/// Removes tokens with matching [hostedUrl] from store. Returns whether or
/// not there's a stored token with matching url.
bool removeCredential(Uri hostedUrl) {
final _credentials = _loadCredentials();
var i = 0;
var found = false;
while (i < _credentials.length) {
if (_credentials[i].url == hostedUrl) {
found = true;
} else {
return found;
/// Returns [Credential] for authenticating given [hostedUrl] or `null` if no
/// matching credential is found.
Credential? findCredential(Uri hostedUrl) {
Credential? matchedCredential;
for (final credential in credentials) {
if (credential.url == hostedUrl && credential.isValid()) {
if (matchedCredential == null) {
matchedCredential = credential;
} else {
'Found multiple matching authentication tokens for "$hostedUrl". '
'First matching token will be used for authentication.',
return matchedCredential;
/// Returns whether or not store contains a token that could be used for
/// authenticating given [url].
bool hasCredential(Uri url) {
return credentials.any((it) => it.url == url && it.isValid());
/// Deletes pub-tokens.json file from the disk.
void deleteTokensFile() {
final tokensFile = _tokensFile;
if (tokensFile == null) {
} else if (!fileExists(tokensFile)) {
log.message('No credentials file found at "$tokensFile"');
} else {
log.message('pub-tokens.json is deleted.');
/// Full path to the "pub-tokens.json" file.
/// `null` if no config directory could be found.
String? get _tokensFile {
var dir = configDir;
return dir == null ? null : path.join(dir, 'pub-tokens.json');