blob: 7770b57673f93abbe1a83e0a67bdf6ac710613aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import '../entrypoint.dart';
import '../git.dart' as git;
import '../ignore.dart';
import '../io.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import '../validator.dart';
/// A validator that validates that no checked in files are ignored by a
/// .gitignore. These would be considered part of the package by previous
/// versions of pub.
class GitignoreValidator extends Validator {
GitignoreValidator(Entrypoint entrypoint) : super(entrypoint);
Future<void> validate() async {
if (entrypoint.root.inGitRepo) {
final checkedIntoGit = git.runSync([
], workingDir: entrypoint.root.dir);
final root = git.repoRoot(entrypoint.root.dir) ?? entrypoint.root.dir;
var beneath = p.posix.joinAll(
p.split(p.normalize(p.relative(entrypoint.root.dir, from: root))));
if (beneath == './') {
beneath = '';
String resolve(String path) {
if (Platform.isWindows) {
return p.joinAll([root, ...p.posix.split(path)]);
return p.join(root, path);
final unignoredByGitignore = Ignore.listFiles(
beneath: beneath,
listDir: (dir) {
var contents = Directory(resolve(dir)).listSync();
return =>
p.posix.joinAll(p.split(p.relative(entity.path, from: root))));
ignoreForDir: (dir) {
final gitIgnore = resolve('$dir/.gitignore');
final rules = [
if (fileExists(gitIgnore)) readTextFile(gitIgnore),
return rules.isEmpty ? null : Ignore(rules);
isDir: (dir) => dirExists(resolve(dir)),
).map((file) {
final relative = p.relative(resolve(file), from: entrypoint.root.dir);
return Platform.isWindows
? p.posix.joinAll(p.split(relative))
: relative;
final ignoredFilesCheckedIn = checkedIntoGit
.where((file) => !unignoredByGitignore.contains(file))
if (ignoredFilesCheckedIn.isNotEmpty) {
${ignoredFilesCheckedIn.length} checked in ${pluralize('file', ignoredFilesCheckedIn.length)} ${ignoredFilesCheckedIn.length == 1 ? 'is' : 'are'} ignored by a `.gitignore`.
Previous versions of Pub would include those in the published package.
Consider adjusting your `.gitignore` files to not ignore those files, and if you do not wish to
publish these files use `.pubignore`. See also
Files that are checked in while gitignored:
${ignoredFilesCheckedIn.length > 10 ? '...' : ''}