blob: 74dbfa8df6fed890499a156226528ebbfff4516d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'lock_file.dart';
import 'package.dart';
import 'solver/failure.dart';
import 'solver/result.dart';
import 'solver/type.dart';
import 'solver/version_solver.dart';
import 'system_cache.dart';
export 'solver/failure.dart';
export 'solver/result.dart';
export 'solver/type.dart';
/// Attempts to select the best concrete versions for all of the transitive
/// dependencies of [root] taking into account all of the [VersionConstraint]s
/// that those dependencies place on each other and the requirements imposed by
/// [lockFile].
/// If [unlock] is given, then only packages listed in [unlock] will be unlocked
/// from [lockFile]. This is useful for a upgrading specific packages only.
/// If [unlock] is empty [SolveType.get] interprets this as lock everything,
/// while [SolveType.upgrade] and [SolveType.downgrade] interprets an empty
/// [unlock] as unlock everything.
Future<SolveResult> resolveVersions(
SolveType type,
SystemCache cache,
Package root, {
LockFile? lockFile,
Iterable<String> unlock = const [],
}) {
lockFile ??= LockFile.empty();
return VersionSolver(
/// Attempts to select the best concrete versions for all of the transitive
/// dependencies of [root] taking into account all of the [VersionConstraint]s
/// that those dependencies place on each other and the requirements imposed by
/// [lockFile].
/// Like [resolveVersions] except that this function returns `null` where a
/// similar call to [resolveVersions] would throw a [SolveFailure].
/// If [unlock] is given, only packages listed in [unlock] will be unlocked
/// from [lockFile]. This is useful for a upgrading specific packages only.
/// If [unlock] is empty [SolveType.get] interprets this as lock everything,
/// while [SolveType.upgrade] and [SolveType.downgrade] interprets an empty
/// [unlock] as unlock everything.
Future<SolveResult?> tryResolveVersions(
SolveType type,
SystemCache cache,
Package root, {
LockFile? lockFile,
Iterable<String>? unlock,
}) async {
try {
return await resolveVersions(
lockFile: lockFile,
unlock: unlock ?? [],
} on SolveFailure {
return null;