blob: 5fa7536c1e3c3828812e7c1cef04f18c8ad7ced3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Helper functionality for invoking Git.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'exceptions.dart';
import 'io.dart';
import 'log.dart' as log;
import 'utils.dart';
/// An exception thrown because a git command failed.
class GitException implements ApplicationException {
/// The arguments to the git command.
final List<String> args;
/// The standard error emitted by git.
final String stderr;
/// The standard out emitted by git.
final String stdout;
/// The error code
final int exitCode;
String get message => 'Git error. Command: `git ${args.join(' ')}`\n'
'stdout: $stdout\n'
'stderr: $stderr\n'
'exit code: $exitCode';
GitException(Iterable<String> args, this.stdout, this.stderr, this.exitCode)
: args = args.toList();
String toString() => message;
/// Tests whether or not the git command-line app is available for use.
bool get isInstalled => command != null;
/// Run a git process with [args] from [workingDir].
/// Returns the stdout as a list of strings if it succeeded. Completes to an
/// exception if it failed.
Future<List<String>> run(List<String> args,
{String? workingDir, Map<String, String>? environment}) async {
if (!isInstalled) {
fail('Cannot find a Git executable.\n'
'Please ensure Git is correctly installed.');
try {
final result = await runProcess(command!, args,
workingDir: workingDir,
environment: {...?environment, 'LANG': 'en_GB'});
if (!result.success) {
throw GitException(args, result.stdout.join('\n'),
result.stderr.join('\n'), result.exitCode);
return result.stdout;
} finally {
/// Like [run], but synchronous.
List<String> runSync(List<String> args,
{String? workingDir, Map<String, String>? environment}) {
if (!isInstalled) {
fail('Cannot find a Git executable.\n'
'Please ensure Git is correctly installed.');
final result = runProcessSync(command!, args,
workingDir: workingDir, environment: environment);
if (!result.success) {
throw GitException(args, result.stdout.join('\n'), result.stderr.join('\n'),
return result.stdout;
/// Returns the name of the git command-line app, or `null` if Git could not be
/// found on the user's PATH.
String? get command {
if (_commandCache != null) return _commandCache;
if (_tryGitCommand('git')) {
_commandCache = 'git';
} else if (_tryGitCommand('git.cmd')) {
_commandCache = 'git.cmd';
} else {
return null;
log.fine('Determined git command $_commandCache.');
return _commandCache;
String? _commandCache;
/// Returns the root of the git repo [dir] belongs to. Returns `null` if not
/// in a git repo or git is not installed.
String? repoRoot(String dir) {
if (isInstalled) {
try {
return p.normalize(
runSync(['rev-parse', '--show-toplevel'], workingDir: dir).first,
} on GitException {
// Not in a git folder.
return null;
return null;
/// Checks whether [command] is the Git command for this computer.
bool _tryGitCommand(String command) {
// If "git --version" prints something familiar, git is working.
try {
var result = runProcessSync(command, ['--version']);
var regexp = RegExp('^git version');
return result.stdout.length == 1 && regexp.hasMatch(result.stdout.single);
} on RunProcessException catch (err) {
// If the process failed, they probably don't have it.
log.error('Git command is not "$command": $err');
return false;