Hosted Pub Repository Specification Version 2

This document specifies the REST API that a hosted pub package repository must implement.

A hosted pub package repository is a server from which packages can be downloaded, the default public pub server is ''. This can be overwritten in the dependencies of a pubspec.yaml or specified with the environment variable PUB_HOSTED_URL. In the rest of this document we shall refer to the base URL as PUB_HOSTED_URL.

Forward Compatibility

To ensure forward compatibility API requests should carry an Accept: application/ header. As future versions of the API may have different responses.

Fetching Packages

The following API end-points MUST be supported by a hosted pub package repository.

Optional headers used for popularity metrics.

  • X-Pub-OS: windows | macos | linux | ...
  • X-Pub-Command: get | upgrade | ...
  • X-Pub-Session-ID: <UUID>
  • X-Pub-Reason: direct | dev
  • X-Pub-Environment: ...
  • User-Agent: my-pub-bot/1.2.3 (+<repository)

Adding a custom User-Agent that allows pub repository operators to identify calls from a specific client, and a URL allowing operators to reach owner of the client is always good practice.

List all versions of a package



  • Accept: application/


  • Content-Type: application/
  "name": "<PACKAGE>",
  "latest": {
    "version": "<VERSION>",
    "archive_url": "https://.../archive.tar.gz",
    "pubspec": {
      /* pubspec contents as JSON object */
  "versions": [
      "version": "<VERSION>",
      "archive_url": "https://.../archive.tar.gz",
      "pubspec": {
        /* pubspec contents as JSON object */
    /* additional versions */

To fetch the package archive an HTTP GET request following retries must be made to the URL given as archive_url. The response (after following redirects) must be a gzipped TAR archive.

(Deprecated) Inspect a specific version of a package

Deprecated as of Dart 2.8, use “List all versions of a package” instead. Servers should still support this end-point for compatibility with older pub clients.

GET <PUB_HOSTED_URL>/api/packages/<PACKAGE>/versions/<VERSION>


  • Accept: application/


  • Content-Type: application/
  "version": "1.1.0",
  "archive_url": "https://.../archive.tar.gz",
  "pubspec": {
    /* pubspec contents as JSON object */

(Deprecated) Download a specific version of a package

Deprecated as of Dart 2.8, use the archive_url returned from the “List all versions of a package”. Servers should still support this end-point for compatibility with older pub clients.

GET <PUB_HOSTED_URL>/packages/<PACKAGE>/versions/<VERSION>.tar.gz


  • Accept: application/octet-stream (optional)

Response (typically through a ยด30x` redirect)

  • Content-Type: application/octet-stream

Important: The server MAY redirect the client to a different URL, clients MUST support redirects.

Publishing Packages

The API for authenticating and publishing packages is not formalized yet, see #1381.