blob: f133172a9afcee2b00ea77355a00d79044621a79 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' hide mapMap;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'io.dart';
import 'language_version.dart';
import 'package_config.dart';
import 'package_name.dart';
import 'sdk.dart' show sdk;
import 'system_cache.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
/// A parsed and validated `pubspec.lock` file.
class LockFile {
/// The packages this lockfile pins.
final Map<String, PackageId> packages;
/// The intersections of all SDK constraints for all locked packages, indexed
/// by SDK identifier.
Map<String, VersionConstraint> sdkConstraints;
/// Dependency names that appeared in the root package's `dependencies`
/// section.
final Set<String> _mainDependencies;
/// Dependency names that appeared in the root package's `dev_dependencies`
/// section.
final Set<String> _devDependencies;
/// Dependency names that appeared in the root package's
/// `dependency_overrides` section.
final Set<String> _overriddenDependencies;
/// Creates a new lockfile containing [ids].
/// If passed, [mainDependencies], [devDependencies], and
/// [overriddenDependencies] indicate which dependencies should be marked as
/// being listed in the main package's `dependencies`, `dev_dependencies`, and
/// `dependency_overrides` sections, respectively. These are consumed by the
/// analysis server to provide better auto-completion.
LockFile(Iterable<PackageId> ids,
{Map<String, VersionConstraint>? sdkConstraints,
Set<String>? mainDependencies,
Set<String>? devDependencies,
Set<String>? overriddenDependencies})
: this._(
Map.fromIterable(ids.where((id) => !id.isRoot),
key: (id) =>,
sdkConstraints ?? {'dart': VersionConstraint.any},
mainDependencies ?? const UnmodifiableSetView.empty(),
devDependencies ?? const UnmodifiableSetView.empty(),
overriddenDependencies ?? const UnmodifiableSetView.empty());
Map<String, PackageId> packages,
: packages = UnmodifiableMapView(packages);
: packages = const {},
sdkConstraints = {'dart': VersionConstraint.any},
_mainDependencies = const UnmodifiableSetView.empty(),
_devDependencies = const UnmodifiableSetView.empty(),
_overriddenDependencies = const UnmodifiableSetView.empty();
/// Loads a lockfile from [filePath].
factory LockFile.load(String filePath, SourceRegistry sources) {
return LockFile._parse(filePath, readTextFile(filePath), sources);
/// Parses a lockfile whose text is [contents].
/// If [filePath] is given, path-dependencies will be interpreted relative to
/// that.
factory LockFile.parse(String contents, SourceRegistry sources,
{String? filePath}) {
return LockFile._parse(filePath, contents, sources);
/// Parses the lockfile whose text is [contents].
/// [filePath] is the system-native path to the lockfile on disc. It may be
/// `null`.
static LockFile _parse(
String? filePath, String contents, SourceRegistry sources) {
if (contents.trim() == '') return LockFile.empty();
Uri? sourceUrl;
if (filePath != null) sourceUrl = p.toUri(filePath);
final parsed = _parseNode<YamlMap>(
loadYamlNode(contents, sourceUrl: sourceUrl),
'YAML mapping',
final sdkConstraints = <String, VersionConstraint>{};
final sdkNode =
_getEntry<YamlScalar?>(parsed, 'sdk', 'string', required: false);
if (sdkNode != null) {
// Lockfiles produced by pub versions from 1.14.0 through 1.18.0 included
// a top-level "sdk" field which encoded the unified constraint on the
// Dart SDK. They had no way of specifying constraints on other SDKs.
sdkConstraints['dart'] = _parseVersionConstraint(sdkNode);
final sdksField =
_getEntry<YamlMap?>(parsed, 'sdks', 'map', required: false);
if (sdksField != null) {
_parseEachEntry<String, YamlScalar>(sdksField, (name, constraint) {
sdkConstraints[name] = _parseVersionConstraint(constraint);
}, 'string', 'string');
final packages = <String, PackageId>{};
final mainDependencies = <String>{};
final devDependencies = <String>{};
final overriddenDependencies = <String>{};
final packageEntries =
_getEntry<YamlMap?>(parsed, 'packages', 'map', required: false);
if (packageEntries != null) {
_parseEachEntry<String, YamlMap>(packageEntries, (name, spec) {
// Parse the version.
final versionEntry = _getStringEntry(spec, 'version');
final version = Version.parse(versionEntry);
// Parse the source.
final sourceName = _getStringEntry(spec, 'source');
var descriptionNode =
_getEntry<YamlNode>(spec, 'description', 'description');
dynamic description = descriptionNode is YamlScalar
? descriptionNode.value
: descriptionNode;
// Let the source parse the description.
var source = sources(sourceName);
PackageId id;
try {
id = source.parseId(name, version, description,
containingDir: filePath == null ? null : p.dirname(filePath));
} on FormatException catch (ex) {
_failAt(ex.message, spec.nodes['description']!);
// Validate the name.
if (name != {
_failAt("Package name $name doesn't match ${}.", spec);
packages[name] = id;
if (spec.containsKey('dependency')) {
final dependencyKind = _getStringEntry(spec, 'dependency');
switch (dependencyKind) {
case _directMain:
case _directDev:
case _directOverridden:
}, 'string', 'map');
return LockFile._(
const UnmodifiableSetView.empty(),
const UnmodifiableSetView.empty(),
const UnmodifiableSetView.empty());
/// Runs [fn] and wraps any [FormatException] it throws in a
/// [SourceSpanFormatException].
/// [description] should be a noun phrase that describes whatever's being
/// parsed or processed by [fn]. [span] should be the location of whatever's
/// being processed within the pubspec.
static T _wrapFormatException<T>(
String description, SourceSpan span, T Function() fn) {
try {
return fn();
} on FormatException catch (e) {
throw SourceSpanFormatException(
'Invalid $description: ${e.message}', span);
static VersionConstraint _parseVersionConstraint(YamlNode node) {
return _parseNode(node, 'version constraint',
parse: VersionConstraint.parse);
static String _getStringEntry(YamlMap map, String key) {
return _parseNode<String>(
_getEntry<YamlScalar>(map, key, 'string'), 'string');
static T _parseNode<T>(YamlNode node, String typeDescription,
{T Function(String)? parse}) {
if (node is T) {
return node as T;
} else if (node is YamlScalar) {
final value = node.value;
if (parse != null) {
if (value is! String) {
_failAt('Expected a $typeDescription.', node);
return _wrapFormatException(
'Expected a $typeDescription.', node.span, () => parse(node.value));
} else if (value is T) {
return value;
_failAt('Expected a $typeDescription.', node);
_failAt('Expected a $typeDescription.', node);
static void _parseEachEntry<K, V>(
YamlMap map,
void Function(K key, V value) f,
String keyTypeDescription,
String valueTypeDescription) {
map.nodes.forEach((key, value) {
f(_parseNode(key, keyTypeDescription),
_parseNode(value, valueTypeDescription));
static T _getEntry<T>(
YamlMap map,
String key,
String type, {
bool required = true,
}) {
final entry = map.nodes[key];
// `null` here always means not present. A value explicitly mapped to `null`
// would be a `YamlScalar(null)`.
if (entry == null) {
if (required) {
_failAt('Expected a `$key` entry.', map);
} else {
return null as T;
return _parseNode(entry, type);
static Never _failAt(String message, YamlNode node) {
throw SourceSpanFormatException(message, node.span);
/// Returns a copy of this LockFile with a package named [name] removed.
/// Returns an identical [LockFile] if there's no package named [name].
LockFile removePackage(String name) {
if (!this.packages.containsKey(name)) return this;
var packages = Map<String, PackageId>.from(this.packages);
return LockFile._(packages, sdkConstraints, _mainDependencies,
_devDependencies, _overriddenDependencies);
/// Returns the contents of the `.dart_tool/package_config` file generated
/// from this lockfile.
/// This file will replace the `.packages` file.
/// If [entrypoint] is passed, an accompanying [entrypointSdkConstraint]
/// should be given, these identify the current package in which this file is
/// written. Passing `null` as [entrypointSdkConstraint] is correct if the
/// current package has no SDK constraint.
Future<String> packageConfigFile(
SystemCache cache, {
String? entrypoint,
VersionConstraint? entrypointSdkConstraint,
String? relativeFrom,
}) async {
final entries = <PackageConfigEntry>[];
for (final name in ordered(packages.keys)) {
final id = packages[name]!;
final rootPath = cache.getDirectory(id, relativeFrom: relativeFrom);
Uri rootUri;
if (p.isRelative(rootPath)) {
// Relative paths are relative to the root project, we want them
// relative to the `.dart_tool/package_config.json` file.
rootUri = p.toUri(p.join('..', rootPath));
} else {
rootUri = p.toUri(rootPath);
final pubspec = await cache.describe(id);
final sdkConstraint = pubspec.sdkConstraints[sdk.identifier];
name: name,
rootUri: rootUri,
packageUri: p.toUri('lib/'),
languageVersion: LanguageVersion.fromSdkConstraint(sdkConstraint),
if (entrypoint != null) {
name: entrypoint,
rootUri: p.toUri('../'),
packageUri: p.toUri('lib/'),
languageVersion: LanguageVersion.fromSdkConstraint(
final packageConfig = PackageConfig(
configVersion: 2,
packages: entries,
generator: 'pub',
generatorVersion: sdk.version,
return '${JsonEncoder.withIndent(' ').convert(packageConfig.toJson())}\n';
/// Returns the serialized YAML text of the lock file.
/// [packageDir] is the containing directory of the root package, used to
/// serialize relative path package descriptions. If it is null, they will be
/// serialized as absolute.
String serialize(String? packageDir) {
// Convert the dependencies to a simple object.
var packageMap = {};
packages.forEach((name, package) {
var description =
package.description.serializeForLockfile(containingDir: packageDir);
packageMap[name] = {
'version': package.version.toString(),
'description': description,
'dependency': _dependencyType(
var data = {
'sdks': mapMap(sdkConstraints,
value: (_, constraint) => constraint.toString()),
'packages': packageMap
return '''
# Generated by pub
# See
static const _directMain = 'direct main';
static const _directDev = 'direct dev';
static const _directOverridden = 'direct overridden';
static const _transitive = 'transitive';
/// Returns the dependency classification for [package].
String _dependencyType(String package) {
if (_mainDependencies.contains(package)) return _directMain;
if (_devDependencies.contains(package)) return _directDev;
// If a package appears in `dependency_overrides` and another dependency
// section, the main section it appears in takes precedence.
if (_overriddenDependencies.contains(package)) {
return _directOverridden;
return _transitive;
/// `true` if [other] has the same packages as `this` in the same versions
/// from the same sources.
bool samePackageIds(LockFile other) {
if (packages.length != other.packages.length) {
return false;
for (final id in packages.values) {
final otherId = other.packages[];
if (id != otherId) return false;
return true;