blob: 4ec9c43aca09beaeaba54f2a22ceedb307ef1084 [file] [log] [blame]
// @dart = 2.12
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'charcodes.dart';
import 'constants.dart';
import 'entry.dart';
import 'format.dart';
import 'header.dart';
class _WritingTransformer extends StreamTransformerBase<TarEntry, List<int>> {
const _WritingTransformer();
Stream<List<int>> bind(Stream<TarEntry> stream) {
// sync because the controller proxies another stream
final controller = StreamController<List<int>>(sync: true);
controller.onListen = () {
/// A stream transformer writing tar entries as byte streams.
/// Regardless of the input stream, the stream returned by this
/// [StreamTransformer.bind] is a single-subscription stream.
/// Apart from that, subscriptions, cancellations, pauses and resumes are
/// propagated as one would expect from a [StreamTransformer].
/// When piping the resulting stream into a [StreamConsumer], consider using
/// [tarWritingSink] directly.
const StreamTransformer<TarEntry, List<int>> tarWriter = _WritingTransformer();
/// Create a sink emitting encoded tar files to the [output] sink.
/// For instance, you can use this to write a tar file:
/// ```dart
/// import 'dart:convert';
/// import 'dart:io';
/// import 'package:tar/tar.dart';
/// Future<void> main() async {
/// Stream<TarEntry> entries = Stream.value(
/// TarHeader(
/// name: 'example.txt',
/// mode: int.parse('644', radix: 8),
/// ),
/// utf8.encode('This is the content of the tar file'),
/// ),
/// );
/// final output = File('/tmp/test.tar').openWrite();
/// await entries.pipe(tarWritingSink(output));
/// }
/// ```
/// Note that, if you don't set the [TarHeader.size], outgoing tar entries need
/// to be buffered once, which decreases performance.
/// See also:
/// - [tarWriter], a stream transformer using this sink
/// - [StreamSink]
StreamSink<TarEntry> tarWritingSink(StreamSink<List<int>> output) {
return _WritingSink(output);
class _WritingSink extends StreamSink<TarEntry> {
final StreamSink<List<int>> _output;
int _paxHeaderCount = 0;
bool _closed = false;
final Completer<Object?> _done = Completer();
int _pendingOperations = 0;
Future<void> _ready = Future.value();
Future<void> get done => _done.future;
Future<void> add(TarEntry event) {
if (_closed) {
throw StateError('Cannot add event after close was called');
return _doWork(() => _safeAdd(event));
Future<void> _doWork(FutureOr<void> Function() work) {
// Chain futures to make sure we only write one entry at a time.
return _ready = _ready
.then((_) => work())
.whenComplete(() {
if (_closed && _pendingOperations == 0) {
Future<void> _safeAdd(TarEntry event) async {
final header = event.header;
var size = header.size;
Uint8List? bufferedData;
if (size < 0) {
final builder = BytesBuilder();
await event.contents.forEach(builder.add);
bufferedData = builder.takeBytes();
size = bufferedData.length;
var nameBytes = utf8.encode(;
var linkBytes = utf8.encode(header.linkName ?? '');
var gnameBytes = utf8.encode(header.groupName ?? '');
var unameBytes = utf8.encode(header.userName ?? '');
// We only get 100 chars for the name and link name. If they are longer, we
// have to insert an entry just to store the names. Some tar implementations
// expect them to be zero-terminated, so use 99 chars to be safe.
final paxHeader = <String, List<int>>{};
if (nameBytes.length > 99) {
paxHeader[paxPath] = nameBytes;
nameBytes = nameBytes.sublist(0, 99);
if (linkBytes.length > 99) {
paxHeader[paxLinkpath] = linkBytes;
linkBytes = linkBytes.sublist(0, 99);
// It's even worse for users and groups, where we only get 31 usable chars.
if (gnameBytes.length > 31) {
paxHeader[paxGname] = gnameBytes;
gnameBytes = gnameBytes.sublist(0, 31);
if (unameBytes.length > 31) {
paxHeader[paxUname] = unameBytes;
unameBytes = unameBytes.sublist(0, 31);
if (size > maxIntFor12CharOct) {
paxHeader[paxSize] = ascii.encode(size.toString());
if (paxHeader.isNotEmpty) {
await _writePaxHeader(paxHeader);
final headerBlock = Uint8List(blockSize)
..setAll(0, nameBytes)
..setUint(header.mode, 100, 8)
..setUint(header.userId, 108, 8)
..setUint(header.groupId, 116, 8)
..setUint(size, 124, 12)
..setUint(header.modified.millisecondsSinceEpoch ~/ 1000, 136, 12)
..[156] = typeflagToByte(header.typeFlag)
..setAll(157, linkBytes)
..setAll(257, magicUstar)
..setUint(0, 263, 2) // version
..setAll(265, unameBytes)
..setAll(297, gnameBytes)
// To calculate the checksum, we first fill the checksum range with spaces
..setAll(148, List.filled(8, $space));
// Then, we take the sum of the header
var checksum = 0;
for (final byte in headerBlock) {
checksum += byte;
headerBlock.setUint(checksum, 148, 8);
// Write content.
if (bufferedData != null) {
} else {
await event.contents.forEach(_output.add);
final padding = -size % blockSize;
/// Writes an extended pax header.
Future<void> _writePaxHeader(Map<String, List<int>> values) {
final buffer = BytesBuilder();
// format of each entry: "%d %s=%s\n", <length>, <keyword>, <value>
// note that the length includes the trailing \n and the length description
// itself.
values.forEach((key, value) {
final encodedKey = utf8.encode(key);
// +3 for the whitespace, the equals and the \n
final payloadLength = encodedKey.length + value.length + 3;
var indicatedLength = payloadLength;
// The indicated length contains the length (in decimals) itself. So if
// we had payloadLength=9, then we'd prefix a 9 at which point the whole
// string would have a length of 10. If that happens, increment length.
var actualLength = payloadLength + indicatedLength.toString().length;
while (actualLength != indicatedLength) {
actualLength = payloadLength + indicatedLength.toString().length;
// With that sorted out, let's add the line
..addByte($lf); // \n
final paxData = buffer.takeBytes();
final file =
format: TarFormat.pax,
modified: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0),
name: 'PaxHeader/${_paxHeaderCount++}',
mode: 0,
size: paxData.length,
typeFlag: TypeFlag.xHeader,
return _safeAdd(file);
void addError(Object error, [StackTrace? stackTrace]) {
_output.addError(error, stackTrace);
Future<void> addStream(Stream<TarEntry> stream) async {
await for (final entry in stream) {
await add(entry);
Future<void> close() async {
if (!_closed) {
_closed = true;
// Add two empty blocks at the end.
await _doWork(() {
return done;
extension on Uint8List {
void setUint(int value, int position, int length) {
// Values are encoded as octal string, terminated and left-padded with
// space chars.
// Set terminating space char.
this[position + length - 1] = $space;
// Write as octal value, we write from right to left
var number = value;
var needsExplicitZero = number == 0;
for (var pos = position + length - 2; pos >= position; pos--) {
if (number != 0) {
// Write the last octal digit of the number (e.g. the last 4 bits)
this[pos] = (number & 7) + $0;
// then drop the last digit (divide by 8 = 2³)
number >>= 3;
} else if (needsExplicitZero) {
this[pos] = $0;
needsExplicitZero = false;
} else {
// done, left-pad with spaces
this[pos] = $space;