blob: 3e8375428c5266593c000eddad373a6dce82b72b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// @dart = 2.12
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart' show sealed;
import 'read_chunked_stream.dart';
/// Auxiliary class for iterating over the items in a chunked stream.
/// A _chunked stream_ is a stream in which items arrives in chunks with each
/// event from the stream. A common example is a byte stream with the type
/// `Stream<List<int>>`. In such a byte stream bytes arrives in chunks
/// `List<int>` for each event.
/// Note. methods on this class may not be called concurrently.
abstract class ChunkedStreamIterator<T> {
factory ChunkedStreamIterator(Stream<List<T>> stream) {
return _ChunkedStreamIterator<T>(stream);
/// Returns a list of the next [size] elements.
/// Returns a list with less than [size] elements if the end of stream is
/// encountered before [size] elements are read.
/// If an error is encountered before reading [size] elements, the error
/// will be thrown.
Future<List<T>> read(int size);
/// Cancels the stream iterator (and the underlying stream subscription)
/// early.
/// Users should call [cancel] to ensure that the stream is properly closed
/// if they need to stop listening earlier than the end of the stream.
Future<void> cancel();
/// Returns a sub-[Stream] with the next [size] elements.
/// A sub-[Stream] is a [Stream] consisting of the next [size] elements
/// in the same order they occur in the stream used to create this iterator.
/// If [read] is called before the sub-[Stream] is fully read, a [StateError]
/// will be thrown.
/// ```dart
/// final s = ChunkedStreamIterator(_chunkedStream([
/// ['a', 'b', 'c'],
/// ['1', '2'],
/// ]));
/// expect(await, equals(['a']));
/// // creates a substream from the chunks holding the
/// // next three elements (['b', 'c'], ['1'])
/// final i = StreamIterator(s.substream(3));
/// expect(await i.moveNext(), isTrue);
/// expect(await i.current, equals(['b', 'c']));
/// expect(await i.moveNext(), isTrue);
/// expect(await i.current, equals(['1']));
/// // Since the substream has been read till the end, we can continue reading
/// // from the initial stream.
/// expect(await, equals(['2']));
/// ```
/// The resulting stream may contain less than [size] elements if the
/// underlying stream has less than [size] elements before the end of stream.
/// When the substream is cancelled, the remaining elements in the substream
/// are drained.
Stream<List<T>> substream(int size);
/// General purpose _chunked stream iterator_.
class _ChunkedStreamIterator<T> implements ChunkedStreamIterator<T> {
/// Underlying iterator that iterates through the original stream.
final StreamIterator<List<T>> _iterator;
/// Keeps track of the number of elements left in the current substream.
int _toRead = 0;
/// Buffered items from a previous chunk. Items in this list should not have
/// been read by the user.
late List<T> _buffered;
/// Instance variable representing an empty list object, used as the empty
/// default state for [_buffered]. Take caution not to write code that
/// directly modify the [_buffered] list by adding elements to it.
final List<T> _emptyList = [];
_ChunkedStreamIterator(Stream<List<T>> stream)
: _iterator = StreamIterator(stream) {
_buffered = _emptyList;
/// Returns a list of the next [size] elements.
/// Returns a list with less than [size] elements if the end of stream is
/// encounted before [size] elements are read.
/// If an error is encountered before reading [size] elements, the error
/// will be thrown.
Future<List<T>> read(int size) async =>
await readChunkedStream(substream(size));
/// Cancels the stream iterator (and the underlying stream subscription)
/// early.
/// Users should call [cancel] to ensure that the stream is properly closed
/// if they need to stop listening earlier than the end of the stream.
Future<void> cancel() async => await _iterator.cancel();
/// Returns a sub-[Stream] with the next [size] elements.
/// A sub-[Stream] is a [Stream] consisting of the next [size] elements
/// in the same order they occur in the stream used to create this iterator.
/// If [read] is called before the sub-[Stream] is fully read, a [StateError]
/// will be thrown.
/// ```dart
/// final s = ChunkedStreamIterator(_chunkedStream([
/// ['a', 'b', 'c'],
/// ['1', '2'],
/// ]));
/// expect(await, equals(['a']));
/// // creates a substream from the chunks holding the
/// // next three elements (['b', 'c'], ['1'])
/// final i = StreamIterator(s.substream(3));
/// expect(await i.moveNext(), isTrue);
/// expect(await i.current, equals(['b', 'c']));
/// expect(await i.moveNext(), isTrue);
/// expect(await i.current, equals(['1']));
/// // Since the substream has been read till the end, we can continue reading
/// // from the initial stream.
/// expect(await, equals(['2']));
/// ```
/// The resulting stream may contain less than [size] elements if the
/// underlying stream has less than [size] elements before the end of stream.
/// When the substream is cancelled, the remaining elements in the substream
/// are drained.
Stream<List<T>> substream(int size) {
if (size < 0) {
throw ArgumentError.value(size, 'size', 'must be non-negative');
if (_toRead > 0) {
throw StateError('Concurrent invocations are not supported!');
_toRead = size;
// Creates a new [StreamController] made out of the elements from
// [_iterator].
final substream = _substream();
final newController = StreamController<List<T>>();
// When [newController]'s stream is cancelled, drain all the remaining
// elements.
newController.onCancel = () async {
await _substream().drain();
// Since the controller should only have [size] elements, we close
// [newController]'s stream once all the elements in [substream] have
// been added. This is necessary so that await-for loops on
// [] will complete.
final future = newController.addStream(substream);
future.whenComplete(() {
/// Asynchronous generator implementation for [substream].
Stream<List<T>> _substream() async* {
// Only yield when there are elements to be read.
while (_toRead > 0) {
// If [_buffered] is empty, set it to the next element in the stream if
// possible.
if (_buffered.isEmpty) {
if (!(await _iterator.moveNext())) {
_buffered = _iterator.current;
List<T> toYield;
if (_toRead < _buffered.length) {
// If there are less than [_buffered.length] elements left to be read
// in the substream, sublist the chunk from [_buffered] accordingly.
toYield = _buffered.sublist(0, _toRead);
_buffered = _buffered.sublist(_toRead);
_toRead = 0;
} else {
// Otherwise prepare to yield the full [_buffered] chunk, updating
// the other variables accordingly
toYield = _buffered;
_toRead -= _buffered.length;
_buffered = _emptyList;
yield toYield;
// Set [_toRead] to be 0. This line is necessary if the size that is passed
// in is greater than the number of elements in [_iterator].
_toRead = 0;
/// Extension methods for [ChunkedStreamIterator] when working with byte-streams
/// [Stream<List<int>>].
extension ChunkedStreamIteratorByteStreamExt on ChunkedStreamIterator<int> {
/// Read bytes as [Uint8List].
/// This does the same as [read], except it uses [readByteStream] to create
/// a [Uint8List], which offers better performance.
Future<Uint8List> readBytes(int size) async =>
await readByteStream(substream(size));