blob: fcfe2feca813fd808ed99efc44a8cf1be5084efc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'exceptions.dart';
import 'package_name.dart';
import 'pubspec.dart';
import 'system_cache.dart';
/// A source from which to get packages.
/// Each source has many packages that it looks up using [PackageId]s. Sources
/// that inherit this directly (currently just [PathSource]) are *uncached*
/// sources. They deliver a package directly to the package that depends on it.
/// Other sources are *cached* sources. These extend [CachedSource]. When a
/// package needs a dependency from a cached source, it is first installed in
/// the [SystemCache] and then acquired from there.
/// Each user-visible source has two classes: a [Source] that knows how to do
/// filesystem-independent operations like parsing and comparing descriptions,
/// and a [BoundSource] that knows how to actually install (and potentially
/// download) those packages. Only the [BoundSource] has access to the
/// [SystemCache].
/// ## Subclassing
/// All [Source]s should extend this class and all [BoundSource]s should extend
/// [BoundSource]. In addition to defining the behavior of various methods,
/// sources define the structure of package descriptions used in [PackageRef]s,
/// [PackageRange]s, and [PackageId]s. There are three distinct types of
/// description, although in practice most sources use the same format for one
/// or more of these:
/// * User descriptions. These are included in pubspecs and usually written by
/// hand. They're typically more flexible in the formats they allow to
/// optimize for ease of authoring.
/// * Reference descriptions. These are the descriptions in [PackageRef]s and
/// [PackageRange]. They're parsed directly from user descriptions using
/// [parseRef], and so add no additional information.
/// * ID descriptions. These are the descriptions in [PackageId]s, which
/// uniquely identify and provide the means to locate the concrete code of a
/// package. They may contain additional expensive-to-compute information
/// relative to the corresponding reference descriptions. These are the
/// descriptions stored in lock files.
abstract class Source {
/// The name of the source.
/// Should be lower-case, suitable for use in a filename, and unique across
/// all sources.
String get name;
/// Whether this source can choose between multiple versions of the same
/// package during version solving.
/// Defaults to `false`.
bool get hasMultipleVersions => false;
/// Records the system cache to which this source belongs.
/// This should only be called once for each source, by
/// [SystemCache.register]. It should not be overridden by base classes.
BoundSource bind(SystemCache systemCache);
/// Parses a [PackageRef] from a name and a user-provided [description].
/// When a [Pubspec] is parsed, it reads in the description for each
/// dependency. It is up to the dependency's [Source] to determine how that
/// should be interpreted. This will be called during parsing to validate that
/// the given [description] is well-formed according to this source, and to
/// give the source a chance to canonicalize the description.
/// [containingPath] is the path to the pubspec where this description
/// appears. It may be `null` if the description is coming from some in-memory
/// source (such as pulling down a pubspec from
/// The description in the returned [PackageRef] need bear no resemblance to
/// the original user-provided description.
/// Throws a [FormatException] if the description is not valid.
PackageRef parseRef(String name, description, {String containingPath});
/// Parses a [PackageId] from a name and a serialized description.
/// This only accepts descriptions serialized using [serializeDescription]. It
/// should not be used with user-authored descriptions.
/// [containingPath] is the path to the lockfile where this description
/// appears. It may be `null` if the description is coming from some in-memory
/// source.
/// Throws a [FormatException] if the description is not valid.
PackageId parseId(String name, Version version, description,
{String containingPath});
/// When a [LockFile] is serialized, it uses this method to get the
/// [description] in the right format.
/// [containingPath] is the containing directory of the root package.
dynamic serializeDescription(String containingPath, description) {
return description;
/// When a package [description] is shown to the user, this is called to
/// convert it into a human-friendly form.
/// By default, it just converts the description to a string, but sources
/// may customize this.
String formatDescription(description) {
return description.toString();
/// Returns whether or not [description1] describes the same package as
/// [description2] for this source.
/// This method should be light-weight. It doesn't need to validate that
/// either package exists.
/// Note that either description may be a reference description or an ID
/// description; they need not be the same type. ID descriptions should be
/// considered equal to the reference descriptions that produced them.
bool descriptionsEqual(description1, description2);
/// Returns a hash code for [description].
/// Descriptions that compare equal using [descriptionsEqual] should return
/// the same hash code.
int hashDescription(description);
/// Returns the source's name.
String toString() => name;
/// A source bound to a [SystemCache].
abstract class BoundSource {
/// The unbound source that produced [this].
Source get source;
/// The system cache to which [this] is bound.
SystemCache get systemCache;
/// Get the IDs of all versions that match [ref].
/// Note that this does *not* require the packages to be downloaded locally,
/// which is the point. This is used during version resolution to determine
/// which package versions are available to be downloaded (or already
/// downloaded).
/// By default, this assumes that each description has a single version and
/// uses [describe] to get that version.
/// Sources should not override this. Instead, they implement [doGetVersions].
/// If [maxAge] is given answers can be taken from cache - up to that age old.
Future<List<PackageId>> getVersions(PackageRef ref, {Duration maxAge}) {
if (ref.isRoot) {
throw ArgumentError('Cannot get versions for the root package.');
if (ref.source != source) {
throw ArgumentError('Package $ref does not use source ${}.');
return doGetVersions(ref, maxAge);
/// Get the IDs of all versions that match [ref].
/// Note that this does *not* require the packages to be downloaded locally,
/// which is the point. This is used during version resolution to determine
/// which package versions are available to be downloaded (or already
/// downloaded).
/// By default, this assumes that each description has a single version and
/// uses [describe] to get that version.
/// This method is effectively protected: subclasses must implement it, but
/// external code should not call this. Instead, call [getVersions].
Future<List<PackageId>> doGetVersions(PackageRef ref, Duration maxAge);
/// A cache of pubspecs described by [describe].
final _pubspecs = <PackageId, Pubspec>{};
/// Loads the (possibly remote) pubspec for the package version identified by
/// [id].
/// This may be called for packages that have not yet been downloaded during
/// the version resolution process. Its results are automatically memoized.
/// Throws a [DataException] if the pubspec's version doesn't match [id]'s
/// version.
/// Sources should not override this. Instead, they implement [doDescribe].
Future<Pubspec> describe(PackageId id) async {
if (id.isRoot) throw ArgumentError('Cannot describe the root package.');
if (id.source != source) {
throw ArgumentError('Package $id does not use source ${}.');
var pubspec = _pubspecs[id];
if (pubspec != null) return pubspec;
// Delegate to the overridden one.
pubspec = await doDescribe(id);
if (pubspec.version != id.version) {
throw PackageNotFoundException(
'the pubspec for $id has version ${pubspec.version}');
_pubspecs[id] = pubspec;
return pubspec;
/// Loads the (possibly remote) pubspec for the package version identified by
/// [id].
/// For sources that have only one version for a given [PackageRef], this may
/// return a pubspec with a different version than that specified by [id]. If
/// they do, [describe] will throw a [PackageNotFoundException].
/// This may be called for packages that have not yet been downloaded during
/// the version resolution process.
/// This method is effectively protected: subclasses must implement it, but
/// external code should not call this. Instead, call [describe].
Future<Pubspec> doDescribe(PackageId id);
/// Returns the directory where this package can (or could) be found locally.
/// If the source is cached, this will be a path in the system cache.
String getDirectory(PackageId id);
/// Returns metadata about a given package. Information about remotely hosted
/// packages can be cached for up to [maxAge].
Future<PackageStatus> status(PackageId id, Duration maxAge) async =>
// Default implementation has no metadata.
/// Stores [pubspec] so it's returned when [describe] is called with [id].
/// This is notionally protected; it should only be called by subclasses.
void memoizePubspec(PackageId id, Pubspec pubspec) {
_pubspecs[id] = pubspec;
/// Metadata about a [PackageId].
class PackageStatus {
/// `null` if not [isDiscontinued]. Otherwise contains the
/// replacement string provided by the host or `null` if there is no
/// replacement.
final String discontinuedReplacedBy;
final bool isDiscontinued;
PackageStatus({isDiscontinued, this.discontinuedReplacedBy})
: isDiscontinued = isDiscontinued ?? false;