blob: 9b042921397e2a813228fb3a2c6350fa5453af69 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../entrypoint.dart';
import '../levenshtein.dart';
import '../validator.dart';
/// Validates that a package's pubspec does not contain any typos in its keys.
class PubspecTypoValidator extends Validator {
PubspecTypoValidator(Entrypoint entrypoint) : super(entrypoint);
Future validate() async {
final fields = entrypoint.root.pubspec.fields;
/// Limit the number of typo warnings so as not to drown out the other
/// warnings
var warningCount = 0;
for (final key in fields.keys) {
if (_validPubspecKeys.contains(key)) {
var bestLevenshteinRatio = 100.0;
var closestKey = '';
for (final validKey in _validPubspecKeys) {
/// Use a ratio to account allow more more typos in strings with
/// longer lengths.
final ratio =
levenshteinDistance(key, validKey) / (validKey.length + key.length);
if (ratio < bestLevenshteinRatio) {
bestLevenshteinRatio = ratio;
closestKey = validKey;
/// 0.21 is a magic value determined by looking at the most common typos
/// in all the pubspecs on
if (bestLevenshteinRatio > 0 && bestLevenshteinRatio < 0.21) {
warnings.add('"$key" is not a key recognized by pub - '
'did you mean "$closestKey"?');
if (warningCount == 3) break;
/// List of keys in `pubspec.yaml` that will be recognized by pub.
/// Retrieved from
const _validPubspecKeys = [