blob: 7583baae48cbc32287b36f6cdf0ef99fd996daf9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
package a10.a29;
import "f5.proto";
extend a10.A57 {
optional bool a30 = 147618788;
optional bool a32 = 149418587 [default = true];
optional string a33 = 190288050;
extend a10.A70 {
optional bool a34 = 149419467 [default = true];
optional bool a35 = 163526403;
optional string a36 = 190295313;
enum A71 {
A72 = 0;
A73 = 1;
A74 = 2;
A75 = 3;
extend a10.A56 {
optional A71 a37 = 179701954 [default = A73];
extend a10.A76 {
optional bool a38 = 162702653 [default = false];
optional bool a39 = 163486533 [default = false];
optional bool a40 = 170261731 [default = false];
repeated string a41 = 179096040;
enum A77 {
A67 = 0;
A78 = 1;
A79 = 2;
A80 = 3;
A81 = 4;
A82 = 5;
A83 = 6;
A84 = 7;
A85 = 8;
A86 = 9;
A87 = 10;
A88 = 11;
A89 = 12;
A90 = 13;
A91 = 14;
A92 = 15;
A93 = 16;
A94 = 17;
A95 = 18;
A96 = 100;
A97 = 101;
extend a10.A60 {
optional A77 a42 = 155465253 [default = A67];
optional bytes a43 = 157245250;
optional bool a44 = 180648220 [default = true];
extend a10.A98 {
optional bool a45 = 211030419;