Revert "Explain how to use "pub run protoc_plugin" (#316)" (#344)

This reverts commit 999d4591fb102fb68d68a4faae8ddeafe70a8d2a.

The updated explanation did not work as I thought.
1 file changed
tree: 533ca9b28d3e82a0942301d4dfb80ae3da8a3997
  1. api_benchmark/
  2. protobuf/
  3. protoc_plugin/
  4. query_benchmark/
  5. tool/
  6. .gitignore
  7. .travis.yml
  8. analysis_options.yaml
  9. mono_repo.yaml

Protobuf support for dart

Build Status

This repository is home to packages related to support for the protobuf format for dart. It contains: