Copied files
diff --git a/lib/plugin.dart b/lib/plugin.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..019acd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/plugin.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+library plugin;
+ * A function used to register the given [extension] to the extension point with
+ * the given unique [identifier].
+ *
+ * An [ExtensionError] will be thrown if the [extension] is not appropriate
+ * for the extension point, such as an [extension] that does not implement the
+ * required interface.
+ */
+typedef void RegisterExtension(String identifier, Object extension);
+ * A function used to register an extension point with the given simple
+ * [identifier]. If given, the [validator] will be used to validate extensions
+ * to the extension point.
+ *
+ * An [ExtensionError] will be thrown if the extension point cannot be
+ * registered, such as when a plugin attempts to define two extension points
+ * with the same simple identifier.
+ */
+typedef ExtensionPoint RegisterExtensionPoint(String identifier,
+    [ValidateExtension validateExtension]);
+ * A function used by a plugin to validate an [extension] to a extension point.
+ *
+ * An [ExtensionError] should be thrown if the [extension] is not valid for the
+ * extension point, such as an [extension] that does not implement the required
+ * interface.
+ */
+typedef void ValidateExtension(Object extension);
+ * An exception indicating that an error occurred while attempting to register
+ * either an extension or an extension point.
+ *
+ * Clients are not expected to subtype this class.
+ */
+class ExtensionError implements Exception {
+  /**
+   * The message describing the error that occurred.
+   */
+  final String message;
+  /**
+   * Initialize a newly created error to have the given message.
+   */
+  ExtensionError(this.message);
+ * A representation of an extension point.
+ *
+ * Clients are not expected to subtype this class.
+ */
+abstract class ExtensionPoint {
+  /**
+   * Return an immutable list containing all of the extensions that were
+   * registered for this extension point.
+   */
+  List<Object> get extensions;
+  /**
+   * Return the plugin that defined this extension point.
+   */
+  Plugin get plugin;
+  /**
+   * Return the identifier used to uniquely identify this extension point within
+   * the defining plugin.
+   */
+  String get simpleIdentifier;
+  /**
+   * Return the identifier used to uniquely identify this extension point. The
+   * unique identifier is the identifier for the plugin, followed by a period
+   * (`.`), followed by the [simpleIdentifier] for the extension point.
+   */
+  String get uniqueIdentifier;
+ * A contribution to the analysis server that can extend the behavior of the
+ * server while also allowing other plugins to extend it's behavior.
+ *
+ * Clients are expected to subtype this class when implementing plugins.
+ */
+abstract class Plugin {
+  /**
+   * Return the identifier used to uniquely identify this plugin.
+   */
+  String get uniqueIdentifier;
+  /**
+   * Use the [register] function to register all of the extension points
+   * contributed by this plugin.
+   *
+   * Clients should not invoke the [register] function after this method has
+   * returned.
+   */
+  void registerExtensionPoints(RegisterExtensionPoint register);
+  /**
+   * Use the [register] function to register all of the extensions contributed
+   * by this plugin.
+   *
+   * Clients should not invoke the [register] function after this method has
+   * returned.
+   */
+  void registerExtensions(RegisterExtension register);
+  /**
+   * Return a unique identifier created from the unique identifier from the
+   * [plugin] and the [simpleIdentifier].
+   */
+  static String buildUniqueIdentifier(Plugin plugin, String simpleIdentifier) =>
+      join(plugin.uniqueIdentifier, simpleIdentifier);
+  /**
+   * Return an identifier created by joining the [pluginIdentifier] and the
+   * [simpleIdentifier].
+   */
+  static String join(String pluginIdentifier, String simpleIdentifier) =>
+      '$pluginIdentifier.$simpleIdentifier';
diff --git a/lib/src/plugin_impl.dart b/lib/src/plugin_impl.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70a76e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/src/plugin_impl.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+library plugin.src.plugin_impl;
+import 'dart:collection';
+import 'package:plugin/plugin.dart';
+ * An object that manages the extension points for a single instance of the
+ * analysis server.
+ */
+class ExtensionManager {
+  /**
+   * A table mapping the id's of extension points to the corresponding
+   * extension points.
+   */
+  Map<String, ExtensionPointImpl> extensionPoints =
+      new HashMap<String, ExtensionPointImpl>();
+  /**
+   * Process each of the given [plugins] by allowing them to register extension
+   * points and extensions.
+   *
+   * An [ExtensionError] will be thrown if any of the plugins throws such an
+   * exception while registering with this manager.
+   */
+  void processPlugins(List<Plugin> plugins) {
+    for (Plugin plugin in plugins) {
+      plugin.registerExtensionPoints((String identifier,
+              [ValidateExtension validateExtension]) =>
+          registerExtensionPoint(plugin, identifier, validateExtension));
+    }
+    for (Plugin plugin in plugins) {
+      plugin.registerExtensions(registerExtension);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Register an [extension] to the extension point with the given unique
+   * [identifier].
+   */
+  void registerExtension(String identifier, Object extension) {
+    ExtensionPointImpl extensionPoint = extensionPoints[identifier];
+    if (extensionPoint == null) {
+      throw new ExtensionError(
+          'There is no extension point with the id "$identifier"');
+    }
+    extensionPoint.add(extension);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Register an extension point being defined by the given [plugin] with the
+   * given simple [identifier] and [validateExtension].
+   */
+  ExtensionPoint registerExtensionPoint(
+      Plugin plugin, String identifier, ValidateExtension validateExtension) {
+    String uniqueIdentifier = Plugin.buildUniqueIdentifier(plugin, identifier);
+    if (extensionPoints.containsKey(uniqueIdentifier)) {
+      throw new ExtensionError(
+          'There is already an extension point with the id "$identifier"');
+    }
+    ExtensionPointImpl extensionPoint =
+        new ExtensionPointImpl(plugin, identifier, validateExtension);
+    extensionPoints[uniqueIdentifier] = extensionPoint;
+    return extensionPoint;
+  }
+ * A concrete representation of an extension point.
+ */
+class ExtensionPointImpl implements ExtensionPoint {
+  @override
+  final Plugin plugin;
+  @override
+  final String simpleIdentifier;
+  /**
+   * The function used to validate extensions to this extension point.
+   */
+  final ValidateExtension validateExtension;
+  /**
+   * The list of extensions to this extension point.
+   */
+  final List<Object> _extensions = <Object>[];
+  /**
+   * Initialize a newly create extension point to belong to the given [plugin]
+   * and have the given [simpleIdentifier]. If [validateExtension] is non-`null`
+   * it will be used to validate extensions associated with this extension
+   * point.
+   */
+  ExtensionPointImpl(
+      this.plugin, this.simpleIdentifier, this.validateExtension);
+  /**
+   * Return a list containing all of the extensions that have been registered
+   * for this extension point.
+   */
+  List<Object> get extensions => new UnmodifiableListView(_extensions);
+  /**
+   * Return the identifier used to uniquely identify this extension point. The
+   * unique identifier is the identifier for the plugin, followed by a period
+   * (`.`), followed by the [simpleIdentifier] for the extension point.
+   */
+  String get uniqueIdentifier =>
+      Plugin.buildUniqueIdentifier(plugin, simpleIdentifier);
+  /**
+   * Validate that the given [extension] is appropriate for this extension
+   * point, and if it is then add it to the list of registered exceptions.
+   */
+  void add(Object extension) {
+    if (validateExtension != null) {
+      validateExtension(extension);
+    }
+    _extensions.add(extension);
+  }
diff --git a/test/plugin_impl_test.dart b/test/plugin_impl_test.dart
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d28ebb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/plugin_impl_test.dart
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors.  Please see the AUTHORS file
+// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
+// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+library test.operation;
+import 'package:plugin/plugin.dart';
+import 'package:plugin/src/plugin_impl.dart';
+import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
+main() {
+  groupSep = ' | ';
+  group('ExtensionManager', () {
+    test('processPlugins', () {
+      TestPlugin plugin1 = new TestPlugin('plugin1');
+      TestPlugin plugin2 = new TestPlugin('plugin1');
+      ExtensionManager manager = new ExtensionManager();
+      manager.processPlugins([plugin1, plugin2]);
+      expect(plugin1.extensionPointsRegistered, true);
+      expect(plugin1.extensionsRegistered, true);
+      expect(plugin2.extensionPointsRegistered, true);
+      expect(plugin2.extensionsRegistered, true);
+    });
+    test('registerExtension - valid', () {
+      Plugin plugin = new TestPlugin('plugin');
+      ExtensionManager manager = new ExtensionManager();
+      ExtensionPoint point =
+          manager.registerExtensionPoint(plugin, 'point', null);
+      expect(point, isNotNull);
+      Object extension = 'extension';
+      manager.registerExtension('plugin.point', extension);
+      List<Object> extensions = point.extensions;
+      expect(extensions, isNotNull);
+      expect(extensions, hasLength(1));
+      expect(extensions[0], extension);
+    });
+    test('registerExtension - non existent', () {
+      ExtensionManager manager = new ExtensionManager();
+      expect(() => manager.registerExtension('does not exist', 'extension'),
+          throwsA(new isInstanceOf<ExtensionError>()));
+      ;
+    });
+    test('registerExtensionPoint - non-conflicting', () {
+      Plugin plugin1 = new TestPlugin('plugin1');
+      Plugin plugin2 = new TestPlugin('plugin2');
+      ExtensionManager manager = new ExtensionManager();
+      expect(
+          manager.registerExtensionPoint(plugin1, 'point1', null), isNotNull);
+      expect(
+          manager.registerExtensionPoint(plugin1, 'point2', null), isNotNull);
+      expect(
+          manager.registerExtensionPoint(plugin2, 'point1', null), isNotNull);
+      expect(
+          manager.registerExtensionPoint(plugin2, 'point2', null), isNotNull);
+    });
+    test('registerExtensionPoint - conflicting - same plugin', () {
+      Plugin plugin1 = new TestPlugin('plugin1');
+      ExtensionManager manager = new ExtensionManager();
+      expect(
+          manager.registerExtensionPoint(plugin1, 'point1', null), isNotNull);
+      expect(() => manager.registerExtensionPoint(plugin1, 'point1', null),
+          throwsA(new isInstanceOf<ExtensionError>()));
+    });
+    test('registerExtensionPoint - conflicting - different plugins', () {
+      Plugin plugin1 = new TestPlugin('plugin1');
+      Plugin plugin2 = new TestPlugin('plugin1');
+      ExtensionManager manager = new ExtensionManager();
+      expect(
+          manager.registerExtensionPoint(plugin1, 'point1', null), isNotNull);
+      expect(() => manager.registerExtensionPoint(plugin2, 'point1', null),
+          throwsA(new isInstanceOf<ExtensionError>()));
+    });
+  });
+  group('ExtensionPointImpl', () {
+    test('extensions - empty', () {
+      Plugin plugin = new TestPlugin('plugin');
+      ExtensionPointImpl point = new ExtensionPointImpl(plugin, 'point', null);
+      List<Object> extensions = point.extensions;
+      expect(extensions, isNotNull);
+      expect(extensions, isEmpty);
+    });
+    test('uniqueIdentifier', () {
+      Plugin plugin = new TestPlugin('plugin');
+      ExtensionPointImpl point = new ExtensionPointImpl(plugin, 'point', null);
+      expect(point.uniqueIdentifier, 'plugin.point');
+    });
+    test('add - single', () {
+      Plugin plugin = new TestPlugin('plugin');
+      ExtensionPointImpl point = new ExtensionPointImpl(plugin, 'point', null);
+      Object extension = 'extension';
+      point.add(extension);
+      List<Object> extensions = point.extensions;
+      expect(extensions, isNotNull);
+      expect(extensions, hasLength(1));
+      expect(extensions[0], extension);
+    });
+    test('add - multiple', () {
+      Plugin plugin = new TestPlugin('plugin');
+      ExtensionPointImpl point = new ExtensionPointImpl(plugin, 'point', null);
+      point.add('extension 1');
+      point.add('extension 2');
+      point.add('extension 3');
+      List<Object> extensions = point.extensions;
+      expect(extensions, isNotNull);
+      expect(extensions, hasLength(3));
+    });
+    test('add - with validator - valid', () {
+      Plugin plugin = new TestPlugin('plugin');
+      ExtensionPointImpl point = new ExtensionPointImpl(plugin, 'point',
+          (Object extension) {
+        if (extension is! String) {
+          throw new ExtensionError('');
+        }
+      });
+      point.add('extension');
+    });
+    test('add - with validator - invalid', () {
+      Plugin plugin = new TestPlugin('plugin');
+      ExtensionPointImpl point = new ExtensionPointImpl(plugin, 'point',
+          (Object extension) {
+        if (extension is! String) {
+          throw new ExtensionError('');
+        }
+      });
+      expect(() => point.add(1), throwsA(new isInstanceOf<ExtensionError>()));
+    });
+  });
+ * A simple plugin that can be used by tests.
+ */
+class TestPlugin extends Plugin {
+  /**
+   * A flag indicating whether the method [registerExtensionPoints] has been
+   * invoked.
+   */
+  bool extensionPointsRegistered = false;
+  /**
+   * A flag indicating whether the method [registerExtensions] has been invoked.
+   */
+  bool extensionsRegistered = false;
+  @override
+  String uniqueIdentifier;
+  /**
+   * Initialize a newly created plugin to have the given identifier.
+   */
+  TestPlugin(this.uniqueIdentifier);
+  @override
+  void registerExtensionPoints(RegisterExtensionPoint register) {
+    extensionPointsRegistered = true;
+  }
+  @override
+  void registerExtensions(RegisterExtension register) {
+    extensionsRegistered = true;
+  }