blob: d28d0591ed66d92650bb9591d6311ba87df54440 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import '../interface/platform.dart';
/// Provides a mutable implementation of the [Platform] interface.
class FakePlatform extends Platform {
/// Creates a new [FakePlatform] with the specified properties.
/// Unspecified properties will *not* be assigned default values (they will
/// remain `null`). If an unset non-null value is read, a [StateError] will
/// be thrown instead of returnin `null`.
int? numberOfProcessors,
String? pathSeparator,
String? operatingSystem,
String? operatingSystemVersion,
String? localHostname,
Map<String, String>? environment,
String? executable,
String? resolvedExecutable,
Uri? script,
List<String>? executableArguments,
String? version,
bool? stdinSupportsAnsi,
bool? stdoutSupportsAnsi,
String? localeName,
}) : _numberOfProcessors = numberOfProcessors,
_pathSeparator = pathSeparator,
_operatingSystem = operatingSystem,
_operatingSystemVersion = operatingSystemVersion,
_localHostname = localHostname,
_environment = environment,
_executable = executable,
_resolvedExecutable = resolvedExecutable,
_script = script,
_executableArguments = executableArguments,
_version = version,
_stdinSupportsAnsi = stdinSupportsAnsi,
_stdoutSupportsAnsi = stdoutSupportsAnsi,
_localeName = localeName;
/// Creates a new [FakePlatform] with properties whose initial values mirror
/// the specified [platform].
FakePlatform.fromPlatform(Platform platform)
: _numberOfProcessors = platform.numberOfProcessors,
_pathSeparator = platform.pathSeparator,
_operatingSystem = platform.operatingSystem,
_operatingSystemVersion = platform.operatingSystemVersion,
_localHostname = platform.localHostname,
_environment = Map<String, String>.from(platform.environment),
_executable = platform.executable,
_resolvedExecutable = platform.resolvedExecutable,
_script = platform.script,
_executableArguments = List<String>.from(platform.executableArguments),
packageRoot = platform
.packageRoot, // ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
packageConfig = platform.packageConfig,
_version = platform.version,
_stdinSupportsAnsi = platform.stdinSupportsAnsi,
_stdoutSupportsAnsi = platform.stdoutSupportsAnsi,
_localeName = platform.localeName;
/// Creates a new [FakePlatform] with properties extracted from the encoded
/// JSON string.
/// [json] must be a JSON string that matches the encoding produced by
/// [toJson].
factory FakePlatform.fromJson(String json) {
Map<String, dynamic> map = new JsonDecoder().convert(json);
return new FakePlatform(
numberOfProcessors: map['numberOfProcessors'],
pathSeparator: map['pathSeparator'],
operatingSystem: map['operatingSystem'],
operatingSystemVersion: map['operatingSystemVersion'],
localHostname: map['localHostname'],
environment: map['environment'].cast<String, String>(),
executable: map['executable'],
resolvedExecutable: map['resolvedExecutable'],
script: Uri.parse(map['script']),
executableArguments: map['executableArguments'].cast<String>(),
packageRoot: map['packageRoot'],
packageConfig: map['packageConfig'],
version: map['version'],
stdinSupportsAnsi: map['stdinSupportsAnsi'],
stdoutSupportsAnsi: map['stdoutSupportsAnsi'],
localeName: map['localeName'],
int get numberOfProcessors => _throwIfNull(_numberOfProcessors);
int? _numberOfProcessors;
String get pathSeparator => _throwIfNull(_pathSeparator);
String? _pathSeparator;
String get operatingSystem => _throwIfNull(_operatingSystem);
String? _operatingSystem;
String get operatingSystemVersion => _throwIfNull(_operatingSystemVersion);
String? _operatingSystemVersion;
String get localHostname => _throwIfNull(_localHostname);
String? _localHostname;
Map<String, String> get environment => _throwIfNull(_environment);
Map<String, String>? _environment;
String get executable => _throwIfNull(_executable);
String? _executable;
String get resolvedExecutable => _throwIfNull(_resolvedExecutable);
String? _resolvedExecutable;
Uri get script => _throwIfNull(_script);
Uri? _script;
List<String> get executableArguments => _throwIfNull(_executableArguments);
List<String>? _executableArguments;
String? packageRoot;
String? packageConfig;
String get version => _throwIfNull(_version);
String? _version;
bool get stdinSupportsAnsi => _throwIfNull(_stdinSupportsAnsi);
bool? _stdinSupportsAnsi;
bool get stdoutSupportsAnsi => _throwIfNull(_stdoutSupportsAnsi);
bool? _stdoutSupportsAnsi;
String get localeName => _throwIfNull(_localeName);
String? _localeName;
T _throwIfNull<T>(T? value) {
if (value == null) {
throw StateError(
'Tried to read property of FakePlatform but it was unset.');
return value;