blob: 3b2cc59ff52bcb1c284b613629394277cbe7a2b2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math' as math;
import '../path.dart' as p;
import 'characters.dart' as chars;
import 'internal_style.dart';
import 'parsed_path.dart';
import 'path_exception.dart';
import 'style.dart';
Context createInternal() => Context._internal();
/// An instantiable class for manipulating paths. Unlike the top-level
/// functions, this lets you explicitly select what platform the paths will use.
class Context {
/// Creates a new path context for the given style and current directory.
/// If [style] is omitted, it uses the host operating system's path style. If
/// only [current] is omitted, it defaults ".". If *both* [style] and
/// [current] are omitted, [current] defaults to the real current working
/// directory.
/// On the browser, [style] defaults to [Style.url] and [current] defaults to
/// the current URL.
factory Context({Style? style, String? current}) {
if (current == null) {
if (style == null) {
current = p.current;
} else {
current = '.';
if (style == null) {
style = Style.platform;
} else if (style is! InternalStyle) {
throw ArgumentError('Only styles defined by the path package are '
return Context._(style as InternalStyle, current);
/// Create a [Context] to be used internally within path.
: style = Style.platform as InternalStyle,
_current = null;
Context._(, this._current);
/// The style of path that this context works with.
final InternalStyle style;
/// The current directory given when Context was created. If null, current
/// directory is evaluated from 'p.current'.
final String? _current;
/// The current directory that relative paths are relative to.
String get current => _current ?? p.current;
/// Gets the path separator for the context's [style]. On Mac and Linux,
/// this is `/`. On Windows, it's `\`.
String get separator => style.separator;
/// Returns a new path with the given path parts appended to [current].
/// Equivalent to [join()] with [current] as the first argument. Example:
/// var context = Context(current: '/root');
/// context.absolute('path', 'to', 'foo'); // -> '/root/path/to/foo'
/// If [current] isn't absolute, this won't return an absolute path. Does not
/// [normalize] or [canonicalize] paths.
String absolute(String part1,
[String? part2,
String? part3,
String? part4,
String? part5,
String? part6,
String? part7,
String? part8,
String? part9,
String? part10,
String? part11,
String? part12,
String? part13,
String? part14,
String? part15]) {
_validateArgList('absolute', [
// If there's a single absolute path, just return it. This is a lot faster
// for the common case of `p.absolute(path)`.
if (part2 == null && isAbsolute(part1) && !isRootRelative(part1)) {
return part1;
return join(current, part1, part2, part3, part4, part5, part6, part7, part8,
part9, part10, part11, part12, part13, part14, part15);
/// Gets the part of [path] after the last separator on the context's
/// platform.
/// context.basename('path/to/foo.dart'); // -> 'foo.dart'
/// context.basename('path/to'); // -> 'to'
/// Trailing separators are ignored.
/// context.basename('path/to/'); // -> 'to'
String basename(String path) => _parse(path).basename;
/// Gets the part of [path] after the last separator on the context's
/// platform, and without any trailing file extension.
/// context.basenameWithoutExtension('path/to/foo.dart'); // -> 'foo'
/// Trailing separators are ignored.
/// context.basenameWithoutExtension('path/to/foo.dart/'); // -> 'foo'
String basenameWithoutExtension(String path) =>
/// Gets the part of [path] before the last separator.
/// context.dirname('path/to/foo.dart'); // -> 'path/to'
/// context.dirname('path/to'); // -> 'path'
/// Trailing separators are ignored.
/// context.dirname('path/to/'); // -> 'path'
String dirname(String path) {
final parsed = _parse(path);
if ( return parsed.root ?? '.';
if ( == 1) return parsed.root ?? '.';;
return parsed.toString();
/// Gets the file extension of [path]: the portion of [basename] from the last
/// `.` to the end (including the `.` itself).
/// context.extension('path/to/foo.dart'); // -> '.dart'
/// context.extension('path/to/foo'); // -> ''
/// context.extension(''); // -> ''
/// context.extension('path/to/foo.dart.js'); // -> '.js'
/// If the file name starts with a `.`, then it is not considered an
/// extension:
/// context.extension('~/.bashrc'); // -> ''
/// context.extension('~/.notes.txt'); // -> '.txt'
/// Takes an optional parameter `level` which makes possible to return
/// multiple extensions having `level` number of dots. If `level` exceeds the
/// number of dots, the full extension is returned. The value of `level` must
/// be greater than 0, else `RangeError` is thrown.
/// context.extension('', 2); // -> '.dart.js
/// context.extension('', 3); // -> '.bar.dart.js'
/// context.extension('', 10); // -> '.bar.dart.js'
/// context.extension('path/to/', 2); // -> '.dart.js'
String extension(String path, [int level = 1]) =>
/// Returns the root of [path] if it's absolute, or an empty string if it's
/// relative.
/// // Unix
/// context.rootPrefix('path/to/foo'); // -> ''
/// context.rootPrefix('/path/to/foo'); // -> '/'
/// // Windows
/// context.rootPrefix(r'path\to\foo'); // -> ''
/// context.rootPrefix(r'C:\path\to\foo'); // -> r'C:\'
/// context.rootPrefix(r'\\server\share\a\b'); // -> r'\\server\share'
/// // URL
/// context.rootPrefix('path/to/foo'); // -> ''
/// context.rootPrefix('');
/// // -> ''
String rootPrefix(String path) => path.substring(0, style.rootLength(path));
/// Returns `true` if [path] is an absolute path and `false` if it is a
/// relative path.
/// On POSIX systems, absolute paths start with a `/` (forward slash). On
/// Windows, an absolute path starts with `\\`, or a drive letter followed by
/// `:/` or `:\`. For URLs, absolute paths either start with a protocol and
/// optional hostname (e.g. ``, `file://`) or with a `/`.
/// URLs that start with `/` are known as "root-relative", since they're
/// relative to the root of the current URL. Since root-relative paths are
/// still absolute in every other sense, [isAbsolute] will return true for
/// them. They can be detected using [isRootRelative].
bool isAbsolute(String path) => style.rootLength(path) > 0;
/// Returns `true` if [path] is a relative path and `false` if it is absolute.
/// On POSIX systems, absolute paths start with a `/` (forward slash). On
/// Windows, an absolute path starts with `\\`, or a drive letter followed by
/// `:/` or `:\`.
bool isRelative(String path) => !isAbsolute(path);
/// Returns `true` if [path] is a root-relative path and `false` if it's not.
/// URLs that start with `/` are known as "root-relative", since they're
/// relative to the root of the current URL. Since root-relative paths are
/// still absolute in every other sense, [isAbsolute] will return true for
/// them. They can be detected using [isRootRelative].
/// No POSIX and Windows paths are root-relative.
bool isRootRelative(String path) => style.isRootRelative(path);
/// Joins the given path parts into a single path. Example:
/// context.join('path', 'to', 'foo'); // -> 'path/to/foo'
/// If any part ends in a path separator, then a redundant separator will not
/// be added:
/// context.join('path/', 'to', 'foo'); // -> 'path/to/foo'
/// If a part is an absolute path, then anything before that will be ignored:
/// context.join('path', '/to', 'foo'); // -> '/to/foo'
String join(String part1,
[String? part2,
String? part3,
String? part4,
String? part5,
String? part6,
String? part7,
String? part8,
String? part9,
String? part10,
String? part11,
String? part12,
String? part13,
String? part14,
String? part15,
String? part16]) {
final parts = <String?>[
_validateArgList('join', parts);
return joinAll(parts.whereType<String>());
/// Joins the given path parts into a single path. Example:
/// context.joinAll(['path', 'to', 'foo']); // -> 'path/to/foo'
/// If any part ends in a path separator, then a redundant separator will not
/// be added:
/// context.joinAll(['path/', 'to', 'foo']); // -> 'path/to/foo'
/// If a part is an absolute path, then anything before that will be ignored:
/// context.joinAll(['path', '/to', 'foo']); // -> '/to/foo'
/// For a fixed number of parts, [join] is usually terser.
String joinAll(Iterable<String> parts) {
final buffer = StringBuffer();
var needsSeparator = false;
var isAbsoluteAndNotRootRelative = false;
for (var part in parts.where((part) => part != '')) {
if (isRootRelative(part) && isAbsoluteAndNotRootRelative) {
// If the new part is root-relative, it preserves the previous root but
// replaces the path after it.
final parsed = _parse(part);
final path = buffer.toString();
parsed.root =
path.substring(0, style.rootLength(path, withDrive: true));
if (style.needsSeparator(parsed.root!)) {
parsed.separators[0] = style.separator;
} else if (isAbsolute(part)) {
isAbsoluteAndNotRootRelative = !isRootRelative(part);
// An absolute path discards everything before it.
} else {
if (part.isNotEmpty && style.containsSeparator(part[0])) {
// The part starts with a separator, so we don't need to add one.
} else if (needsSeparator) {
// Unless this part ends with a separator, we'll need to add one before
// the next part.
needsSeparator = style.needsSeparator(part);
return buffer.toString();
/// Splits [path] into its components using the current platform's
/// [separator]. Example:
/// context.split('path/to/foo'); // -> ['path', 'to', 'foo']
/// The path will *not* be normalized before splitting.
/// context.split('path/../foo'); // -> ['path', '..', 'foo']
/// If [path] is absolute, the root directory will be the first element in the
/// array. Example:
/// // Unix
/// context.split('/path/to/foo'); // -> ['/', 'path', 'to', 'foo']
/// // Windows
/// context.split(r'C:\path\to\foo'); // -> [r'C:\', 'path', 'to', 'foo']
/// context.split(r'\\server\share\path\to\foo');
/// // -> [r'\\server\share', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz']
/// // Browser
/// context.split('');
/// // -> ['', 'path', 'to', 'foo']
List<String> split(String path) {
final parsed = _parse(path);
// Filter out empty parts that exist due to multiple separators in a row. = => part.isNotEmpty).toList();
if (parsed.root != null), parsed.root!);
/// Canonicalizes [path].
/// This is guaranteed to return the same path for two different input paths
/// if and only if both input paths point to the same location. Unlike
/// [normalize], it returns absolute paths when possible and canonicalizes
/// ASCII case on Windows.
/// Note that this does not resolve symlinks.
/// If you want a map that uses path keys, it's probably more efficient to use
/// a Map with [equals] and [hash] specified as the callbacks to use for keys
/// than it is to canonicalize every key.
String canonicalize(String path) {
path = absolute(path);
if (style != && !_needsNormalization(path)) return path;
final parsed = _parse(path);
parsed.normalize(canonicalize: true);
return parsed.toString();
/// Normalizes [path], simplifying it by handling `..`, and `.`, and
/// removing redundant path separators whenever possible.
/// Note that this is *not* guaranteed to return the same result for two
/// equivalent input paths. For that, see [canonicalize]. Or, if you're using
/// paths as map keys use [equals] and [hash] as the key callbacks.
/// context.normalize('path/./to/..//file.text'); // -> 'path/file.txt'
String normalize(String path) {
if (!_needsNormalization(path)) return path;
final parsed = _parse(path);
return parsed.toString();
/// Returns whether [path] needs to be normalized.
bool _needsNormalization(String path) {
var start = 0;
final codeUnits = path.codeUnits;
int? previousPrevious;
int? previous;
// Skip past the root before we start looking for snippets that need
// normalization. We want to normalize "//", but not when it's part of
// "http://".
final root = style.rootLength(path);
if (root != 0) {
start = root;
previous = chars.slash;
// On Windows, the root still needs to be normalized if it contains a
// forward slash.
if (style == {
for (var i = 0; i < root; i++) {
if (codeUnits[i] == chars.slash) return true;
for (var i = start; i < codeUnits.length; i++) {
final codeUnit = codeUnits[i];
if (style.isSeparator(codeUnit)) {
// Forward slashes in Windows paths are normalized to backslashes.
if (style == && codeUnit == chars.slash) return true;
// Multiple separators are normalized to single separators.
if (previous != null && style.isSeparator(previous)) return true;
// Single dots and double dots are normalized to directory traversals.
// This can return false positives for ".../", but that's unlikely
// enough that it's probably not going to cause performance issues.
if (previous == chars.period &&
(previousPrevious == null ||
previousPrevious == chars.period ||
style.isSeparator(previousPrevious))) {
return true;
previousPrevious = previous;
previous = codeUnit;
// Empty paths are normalized to ".".
if (previous == null) return true;
// Trailing separators are removed.
if (style.isSeparator(previous)) return true;
// Single dots and double dots are normalized to directory traversals.
if (previous == chars.period &&
(previousPrevious == null ||
style.isSeparator(previousPrevious) ||
previousPrevious == chars.period)) {
return true;
return false;
/// Attempts to convert [path] to an equivalent relative path relative to
/// [current].
/// var context = Context(current: '/root/path');
/// context.relative('/root/path/a/b.dart'); // -> 'a/b.dart'
/// context.relative('/root/other.dart'); // -> '../other.dart'
/// If the [from] argument is passed, [path] is made relative to that instead.
/// context.relative('/root/path/a/b.dart',
/// from: '/root/path'); // -> 'a/b.dart'
/// context.relative('/root/other.dart',
/// from: '/root/path'); // -> '../other.dart'
/// If [path] and/or [from] are relative paths, they are assumed to be
/// relative to [current].
/// Since there is no relative path from one drive letter to another on
/// Windows, this will return an absolute path in that case.
/// context.relative(r'D:\other', from: r'C:\other'); // -> 'D:\other'
/// This will also return an absolute path if an absolute [path] is passed to
/// a context with a relative path for [current].
/// var context = Context(r'some/relative/path');
/// context.relative(r'/absolute/path'); // -> '/absolute/path'
/// If [current] is relative, it may be impossible to determine a path from
/// [from] to [path]. For example, if [current] and [path] are "." and [from]
/// is "/", no path can be determined. In this case, a [PathException] will be
/// thrown.
String relative(String path, {String? from}) {
// Avoid expensive computation if the path is already relative.
if (from == null && isRelative(path)) return normalize(path);
from = from == null ? current : absolute(from);
// We can't determine the path from a relative path to an absolute path.
if (isRelative(from) && isAbsolute(path)) {
return normalize(path);
// If the given path is relative, resolve it relative to the context's
// current directory.
if (isRelative(path) || isRootRelative(path)) {
path = absolute(path);
// If the path is still relative and `from` is absolute, we're unable to
// find a path from `from` to `path`.
if (isRelative(path) && isAbsolute(from)) {
throw PathException('Unable to find a path to "$path" from "$from".');
final fromParsed = _parse(from)..normalize();
final pathParsed = _parse(path)..normalize();
if ( &&[0] == '.') {
return pathParsed.toString();
// If the root prefixes don't match (for example, different drive letters
// on Windows), then there is no relative path, so just return the absolute
// one. In Windows, drive letters are case-insenstive and we allow
// calculation of relative paths, even if a path has not been normalized.
if (fromParsed.root != pathParsed.root &&
((fromParsed.root == null || pathParsed.root == null) ||
!style.pathsEqual(fromParsed.root!, pathParsed.root!))) {
return pathParsed.toString();
// Strip off their common prefix.
while ( && &&
style.pathsEqual([0],[0])) {;
// If there are any directories left in the from path, we need to walk up
// out of them. If a directory left in the from path is '..', it cannot
// be cancelled by adding a '..'.
if ( &&[0] == '..') {
throw PathException('Unable to find a path to "$path" from "$from".');
}, List.filled(, '..'));
pathParsed.separators[0] = '';
.insertAll(1, List.filled(, style.separator));
// Corner case: the paths completely collapsed.
if ( return '.';
// Corner case: path was '.' and some '..' directories were added in front.
// Don't add a final '/.' in that case.
if ( > 1 && == '.') {;
// Make it relative.
pathParsed.root = '';
return pathParsed.toString();
/// Returns `true` if [child] is a path beneath `parent`, and `false`
/// otherwise.
/// path.isWithin('/root/path', '/root/path/a'); // -> true
/// path.isWithin('/root/path', '/root/other'); // -> false
/// path.isWithin('/root/path', '/root/path'); // -> false
bool isWithin(String parent, String child) =>
_isWithinOrEquals(parent, child) == _PathRelation.within;
/// Returns `true` if [path1] points to the same location as [path2], and
/// `false` otherwise.
/// The [hash] function returns a hash code that matches these equality
/// semantics.
bool equals(String path1, String path2) =>
_isWithinOrEquals(path1, path2) == _PathRelation.equal;
/// Compares two paths and returns an enum value indicating their relationship
/// to one another.
/// This never returns [_PathRelation.inconclusive].
_PathRelation _isWithinOrEquals(String parent, String child) {
// Make both paths the same level of relative. We're only able to do the
// quick comparison if both paths are in the same format, and making a path
// absolute is faster than making it relative.
final parentIsAbsolute = isAbsolute(parent);
final childIsAbsolute = isAbsolute(child);
if (parentIsAbsolute && !childIsAbsolute) {
child = absolute(child);
if (style.isRootRelative(parent)) parent = absolute(parent);
} else if (childIsAbsolute && !parentIsAbsolute) {
parent = absolute(parent);
if (style.isRootRelative(child)) child = absolute(child);
} else if (childIsAbsolute && parentIsAbsolute) {
final childIsRootRelative = style.isRootRelative(child);
final parentIsRootRelative = style.isRootRelative(parent);
if (childIsRootRelative && !parentIsRootRelative) {
child = absolute(child);
} else if (parentIsRootRelative && !childIsRootRelative) {
parent = absolute(parent);
final result = _isWithinOrEqualsFast(parent, child);
if (result != _PathRelation.inconclusive) return result;
String relative;
try {
relative = this.relative(child, from: parent);
} on PathException catch (_) {
// If no relative path from [parent] to [child] is found, [child]
// definitely isn't a child of [parent].
return _PathRelation.different;
if (!isRelative(relative)) return _PathRelation.different;
if (relative == '.') return _PathRelation.equal;
if (relative == '..') return _PathRelation.different;
return (relative.length >= 3 &&
relative.startsWith('..') &&
? _PathRelation.different
: _PathRelation.within;
/// An optimized implementation of [_isWithinOrEquals] that doesn't handle a
/// few complex cases.
_PathRelation _isWithinOrEqualsFast(String parent, String child) {
// Normally we just bail when we see "." path components, but we can handle
// a single dot easily enough.
if (parent == '.') parent = '';
final parentRootLength = style.rootLength(parent);
final childRootLength = style.rootLength(child);
// If the roots aren't the same length, we know both paths are absolute or
// both are root-relative, and thus that the roots are meaningfully
// different.
// isWithin("C:/bar", "//foo/bar/baz") //=> false
// isWithin("", "") //=> false
if (parentRootLength != childRootLength) return _PathRelation.different;
// Make sure that the roots are textually the same as well.
// isWithin("C:/bar", "D:/bar/baz") //=> false
// isWithin("", "") //=> false
for (var i = 0; i < parentRootLength; i++) {
final parentCodeUnit = parent.codeUnitAt(i);
final childCodeUnit = child.codeUnitAt(i);
if (!style.codeUnitsEqual(parentCodeUnit, childCodeUnit)) {
return _PathRelation.different;
// Start by considering the last code unit as a separator, since
// semantically we're starting at a new path component even if we're
// comparing relative paths.
var lastCodeUnit = chars.slash;
/// The index of the last separator in [parent].
int? lastParentSeparator;
// Iterate through both paths as long as they're semantically identical.
var parentIndex = parentRootLength;
var childIndex = childRootLength;
while (parentIndex < parent.length && childIndex < child.length) {
var parentCodeUnit = parent.codeUnitAt(parentIndex);
var childCodeUnit = child.codeUnitAt(childIndex);
if (style.codeUnitsEqual(parentCodeUnit, childCodeUnit)) {
if (style.isSeparator(parentCodeUnit)) {
lastParentSeparator = parentIndex;
lastCodeUnit = parentCodeUnit;
// Ignore multiple separators in a row.
if (style.isSeparator(parentCodeUnit) &&
style.isSeparator(lastCodeUnit)) {
lastParentSeparator = parentIndex;
} else if (style.isSeparator(childCodeUnit) &&
style.isSeparator(lastCodeUnit)) {
// If a dot comes after a separator, it may be a directory traversal
// operator. To check that, we need to know if it's followed by either
// "/" or "./". Otherwise, it's just a normal non-matching character.
// isWithin("foo/./bar", "foo/bar/baz") //=> true
// isWithin("foo/bar/../baz", "foo/bar/.foo") //=> false
if (parentCodeUnit == chars.period && style.isSeparator(lastCodeUnit)) {
// We've hit "/." at the end of the parent path, which we can ignore,
// since the paths were equivalent up to this point.
if (parentIndex == parent.length) break;
parentCodeUnit = parent.codeUnitAt(parentIndex);
// We've hit "/./", which we can ignore.
if (style.isSeparator(parentCodeUnit)) {
lastParentSeparator = parentIndex;
// We've hit "/..", which may be a directory traversal operator that
// we can't handle on the fast track.
if (parentCodeUnit == chars.period) {
if (parentIndex == parent.length ||
style.isSeparator(parent.codeUnitAt(parentIndex))) {
return _PathRelation.inconclusive;
// If this isn't a directory traversal, fall through so we hit the
// normal handling for mismatched paths.
// This is the same logic as above, but for the child path instead of the
// parent.
if (childCodeUnit == chars.period && style.isSeparator(lastCodeUnit)) {
if (childIndex == child.length) break;
childCodeUnit = child.codeUnitAt(childIndex);
if (style.isSeparator(childCodeUnit)) {
if (childCodeUnit == chars.period) {
if (childIndex == child.length ||
style.isSeparator(child.codeUnitAt(childIndex))) {
return _PathRelation.inconclusive;
// If we're here, we've hit two non-matching, non-significant characters.
// As long as the remainders of the two paths don't have any unresolved
// ".." components, we can be confident that [child] is not within
// [parent].
final childDirection = _pathDirection(child, childIndex);
if (childDirection != _PathDirection.belowRoot) {
return _PathRelation.inconclusive;
final parentDirection = _pathDirection(parent, parentIndex);
if (parentDirection != _PathDirection.belowRoot) {
return _PathRelation.inconclusive;
return _PathRelation.different;
// If the child is shorter than the parent, it's probably not within the
// parent. The only exception is if the parent has some weird ".." stuff
// going on, in which case we do the slow check.
// isWithin("foo/bar/baz", "foo/bar") //=> false
// isWithin("foo/bar/baz/../..", "foo/bar") //=> true
if (childIndex == child.length) {
if (parentIndex == parent.length ||
style.isSeparator(parent.codeUnitAt(parentIndex))) {
lastParentSeparator = parentIndex;
} else {
lastParentSeparator ??= math.max(0, parentRootLength - 1);
final direction = _pathDirection(parent, lastParentSeparator);
if (direction == _PathDirection.atRoot) return _PathRelation.equal;
return direction == _PathDirection.aboveRoot
? _PathRelation.inconclusive
: _PathRelation.different;
// We've reached the end of the parent path, which means it's time to make a
// decision. Before we do, though, we'll check the rest of the child to see
// what that tells us.
final direction = _pathDirection(child, childIndex);
// If there are no more components in the child, then it's the same as
// the parent.
// isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/bar") //=> false
// isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/bar//") //=> false
// equals("foo/bar", "foo/bar") //=> true
// equals("foo/bar", "foo/bar//") //=> true
if (direction == _PathDirection.atRoot) return _PathRelation.equal;
// If there are unresolved ".." components in the child, no decision we make
// will be valid. We'll abort and do the slow check instead.
// isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/bar/..") //=> false
// isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/bar/baz/bang/../../..") //=> false
// isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/bar/baz/bang/../../../bar/baz") //=> true
if (direction == _PathDirection.aboveRoot) {
return _PathRelation.inconclusive;
// The child is within the parent if and only if we're on a separator
// boundary.
// isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/bar/baz") //=> true
// isWithin("foo/bar/", "foo/bar/baz") //=> true
// isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/barbaz") //=> false
return (style.isSeparator(child.codeUnitAt(childIndex)) ||
? _PathRelation.within
: _PathRelation.different;
// Returns a [_PathDirection] describing the path represented by [codeUnits]
// starting at [index].
// This ignores leading separators.
// pathDirection("foo") //=> below root
// pathDirection("foo/bar/../baz") //=> below root
// pathDirection("//foo/bar/baz") //=> below root
// pathDirection("/") //=> at root
// pathDirection("foo/..") //=> at root
// pathDirection("foo/../baz") //=> reaches root
// pathDirection("foo/../..") //=> above root
// pathDirection("foo/../../foo/bar/baz") //=> above root
_PathDirection _pathDirection(String path, int index) {
var depth = 0;
var reachedRoot = false;
var i = index;
while (i < path.length) {
// Ignore initial separators or doubled separators.
while (i < path.length && style.isSeparator(path.codeUnitAt(i))) {
// If we're at the end, stop.
if (i == path.length) break;
// Move through the path component to the next separator.
final start = i;
while (i < path.length && !style.isSeparator(path.codeUnitAt(i))) {
// See if the path component is ".", "..", or a name.
if (i - start == 1 && path.codeUnitAt(start) == chars.period) {
// Don't change the depth.
} else if (i - start == 2 &&
path.codeUnitAt(start) == chars.period &&
path.codeUnitAt(start + 1) == chars.period) {
// ".." backs out a directory.
// If we work back beyond the root, stop.
if (depth < 0) break;
// Record that we reached the root so we don't return
// [_PathDirection.belowRoot].
if (depth == 0) reachedRoot = true;
} else {
// Step inside a directory.
// If we're at the end, stop.
if (i == path.length) break;
// Move past the separator.
if (depth < 0) return _PathDirection.aboveRoot;
if (depth == 0) return _PathDirection.atRoot;
if (reachedRoot) return _PathDirection.reachesRoot;
return _PathDirection.belowRoot;
/// Returns a hash code for [path] that matches the semantics of [equals].
/// Note that the same path may have different hash codes in different
/// [Context]s.
int hash(String path) {
// Make [path] absolute to ensure that equivalent relative and absolute
// paths have the same hash code.
path = absolute(path);
final result = _hashFast(path);
if (result != null) return result;
final parsed = _parse(path);
return _hashFast(parsed.toString())!;
/// An optimized implementation of [hash] that doesn't handle internal `..`
/// components.
/// This will handle `..` components that appear at the beginning of the path.
int? _hashFast(String path) {
var hash = 4603;
var beginning = true;
var wasSeparator = true;
for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
final codeUnit = style.canonicalizeCodeUnit(path.codeUnitAt(i));
// Take advantage of the fact that collisions are allowed to ignore
// separators entirely. This lets us avoid worrying about cases like
// multiple trailing slashes.
if (style.isSeparator(codeUnit)) {
wasSeparator = true;
if (codeUnit == chars.period && wasSeparator) {
// If a dot comes after a separator, it may be a directory traversal
// operator. To check that, we need to know if it's followed by either
// "/" or "./". Otherwise, it's just a normal character.
// hash("foo/./bar") == hash("foo/bar")
// We've hit "/." at the end of the path, which we can ignore.
if (i + 1 == path.length) break;
final next = path.codeUnitAt(i + 1);
// We can just ignore "/./", since they don't affect the semantics of
// the path.
if (style.isSeparator(next)) continue;
// If the path ends with "/.." or contains "/../", we need to
// canonicalize it before we can hash it. We make an exception for ".."s
// at the beginning of the path, since those may appear even in a
// canonicalized path.
if (!beginning &&
next == chars.period &&
(i + 2 == path.length ||
style.isSeparator(path.codeUnitAt(i + 2)))) {
return null;
// Make sure [hash] stays under 32 bits even after multiplication.
hash &= 0x3FFFFFF;
hash *= 33;
hash ^= codeUnit;
wasSeparator = false;
beginning = false;
return hash;
/// Removes a trailing extension from the last part of [path].
/// context.withoutExtension('path/to/foo.dart'); // -> 'path/to/foo'
String withoutExtension(String path) {
final parsed = _parse(path);
for (var i = - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if ([i].isNotEmpty) {[i] = parsed.basenameWithoutExtension;
return parsed.toString();
/// Returns [path] with the trailing extension set to [extension].
/// If [path] doesn't have a trailing extension, this just adds [extension] to
/// the end.
/// context.setExtension('path/to/foo.dart', '.js')
/// // -> 'path/to/foo.js'
/// context.setExtension('path/to/foo.dart.js', '.map')
/// // -> 'path/to/'
/// context.setExtension('path/to/foo', '.js')
/// // -> 'path/to/foo.js'
String setExtension(String path, String extension) =>
withoutExtension(path) + extension;
/// Returns the path represented by [uri], which may be a [String] or a [Uri].
/// For POSIX and Windows styles, [uri] must be a `file:` URI. For the URL
/// style, this will just convert [uri] to a string.
/// // POSIX
/// context.fromUri('file:///path/to/foo')
/// // -> '/path/to/foo'
/// // Windows
/// context.fromUri('file:///C:/path/to/foo')
/// // -> r'C:\path\to\foo'
/// // URL
/// context.fromUri('')
/// // -> ''
/// If [uri] is relative, a relative path will be returned.
/// path.fromUri('path/to/foo'); // -> 'path/to/foo'
String fromUri(uri) => style.pathFromUri(_parseUri(uri));
/// Returns the URI that represents [path].
/// For POSIX and Windows styles, this will return a `file:` URI. For the URL
/// style, this will just convert [path] to a [Uri].
/// // POSIX
/// context.toUri('/path/to/foo')
/// // -> Uri.parse('file:///path/to/foo')
/// // Windows
/// context.toUri(r'C:\path\to\foo')
/// // -> Uri.parse('file:///C:/path/to/foo')
/// // URL
/// context.toUri('')
/// // -> Uri.parse('')
Uri toUri(String path) {
if (isRelative(path)) {
return style.relativePathToUri(path);
} else {
return style.absolutePathToUri(join(current, path));
/// Returns a terse, human-readable representation of [uri].
/// [uri] can be a [String] or a [Uri]. If it can be made relative to the
/// current working directory, that's done. Otherwise, it's returned as-is.
/// This gracefully handles non-`file:` URIs for [Style.posix] and
/// [].
/// The returned value is meant for human consumption, and may be either URI-
/// or path-formatted.
/// // POSIX
/// var context = Context(current: '/root/path');
/// context.prettyUri('file:///root/path/a/b.dart'); // -> 'a/b.dart'
/// context.prettyUri(''); // -> ''
/// // Windows
/// var context = Context(current: r'C:\root\path');
/// context.prettyUri('file:///C:/root/path/a/b.dart'); // -> r'a\b.dart'
/// context.prettyUri(''); // -> ''
/// // URL
/// var context = Context(current: '');
/// context.prettyUri('');
/// // -> r'a/b.dart'
/// context.prettyUri('file:///root/path'); // -> 'file:///root/path'
String prettyUri(uri) {
final typedUri = _parseUri(uri);
if (typedUri.scheme == 'file' && style == Style.url) {
return typedUri.toString();
} else if (typedUri.scheme != 'file' &&
typedUri.scheme != '' &&
style != Style.url) {
return typedUri.toString();
final path = normalize(fromUri(typedUri));
final rel = relative(path);
// Only return a relative path if it's actually shorter than the absolute
// path. This avoids ugly things like long "../" chains to get to the root
// and then go back down.
return split(rel).length > split(path).length ? path : rel;
ParsedPath _parse(String path) => ParsedPath.parse(path, style);
/// Parses argument if it's a [String] or returns it intact if it's a [Uri].
/// Throws an [ArgumentError] otherwise.
Uri _parseUri(uri) {
if (uri is String) return Uri.parse(uri);
if (uri is Uri) return uri;
throw ArgumentError.value(uri, 'uri', 'Value must be a String or a Uri');
/// Validates that there are no non-null arguments following a null one and
/// throws an appropriate [ArgumentError] on failure.
void _validateArgList(String method, List<String?> args) {
for (var i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
// Ignore nulls hanging off the end.
if (args[i] == null || args[i - 1] != null) continue;
int numArgs;
for (numArgs = args.length; numArgs >= 1; numArgs--) {
if (args[numArgs - 1] != null) break;
// Show the arguments.
final message = StringBuffer();
.map((arg) => arg == null ? 'null' : '"$arg"')
.join(', '));
message.write('): part ${i - 1} was null, but part $i was not.');
throw ArgumentError(message.toString());
/// An enum of possible return values for [Context._pathDirection].
class _PathDirection {
/// The path contains enough ".." components that at some point it reaches
/// above its original root.
/// Note that this applies even if the path ends beneath its original root. It
/// takes precendence over any other return values that may apple.
static const aboveRoot = _PathDirection('above root');
/// The path contains enough ".." components that it ends at its original
/// root.
static const atRoot = _PathDirection('at root');
/// The path contains enough ".." components that at some point it reaches its
/// original root, but it ends beneath that root.
static const reachesRoot = _PathDirection('reaches root');
/// The path never reaches to or above its original root.
static const belowRoot = _PathDirection('below root');
final String name;
const _PathDirection(;
String toString() => name;
/// An enum of possible return values for [Context._isWithinOrEquals].
class _PathRelation {
/// The first path is a proper parent of the second.
/// For example, `foo` is a proper parent of `foo/bar`, but not of `foo`.
static const within = _PathRelation('within');
/// The two paths are equivalent.
/// For example, `foo//bar` is equivalent to `foo/bar`.
static const equal = _PathRelation('equal');
/// The first path is neither a parent of nor equal to the second.
static const different = _PathRelation('different');
/// We couldn't quickly determine any information about the paths'
/// relationship to each other.
/// Only returned by [Context._isWithinOrEqualsFast].
static const inconclusive = _PathRelation('inconclusive');
final String name;
const _PathRelation(;
String toString() => name;