blob: 11c4a3e0433079bb13be9a7aa9ba169338009959 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
group('considers equal', () {
test('two identical paths', () {
final map = PathMap<int>();
map[join('foo', 'bar')] = 1;
map[join('foo', 'bar')] = 2;
expect(map, hasLength(1));
expect(map, containsPair(join('foo', 'bar'), 2));
test('two logically equivalent paths', () {
final map = PathMap<int>();
map['foo'] = 1;
map[absolute('foo')] = 2;
expect(map, hasLength(1));
expect(map, containsPair('foo', 2));
expect(map, containsPair(absolute('foo'), 2));
test('two nulls', () {
final map = PathMap<int>();
map[null] = 1;
map[null] = 2;
expect(map, hasLength(1));
expect(map, containsPair(null, 2));
group('considers unequal', () {
test('two distinct paths', () {
final map = PathMap<int>();
map['foo'] = 1;
map['bar'] = 2;
expect(map, hasLength(2));
expect(map, containsPair('foo', 1));
expect(map, containsPair('bar', 2));
test('a path and null', () {
final map = PathMap<int>();
map['foo'] = 1;
map[null] = 2;
expect(map, hasLength(2));
expect(map, containsPair('foo', 1));
expect(map, containsPair(null, 2));
test('uses the custom context', () {
final map = PathMap<int>(context: windows);
map['FOO'] = 1;
map['foo'] = 2;
expect(map, hasLength(1));
expect(map, containsPair('fOo', 2));
group('.of()', () {
test("copies the existing map's keys", () {
final map = PathMap.of({'foo': 1, 'bar': 2});
expect(map, hasLength(2));
expect(map, containsPair('foo', 1));
expect(map, containsPair('bar', 2));
test('uses the second value in the case of duplicates', () {
final map = PathMap.of({'foo': 1, absolute('foo'): 2});
expect(map, hasLength(1));
expect(map, containsPair('foo', 2));
expect(map, containsPair(absolute('foo'), 2));