Improve the performance of isWithin().

This adds a single-pass fast path function that only bails when it
encounters "." or ".." components in one path but not the other.

This brings isWithin() from about 0.008 iterations/us to about 0.0180 by
the repo's benchmark. It makes it about 11.5x faster on data provided by
@scheglov (see below), which consists of absolute paths that mostly do
not contain one another.


Closes #7

Review URL: .
diff --git a/ b/
index 1dfc09a..aee2424 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+## 1.3.8
+* Improve the performance of `isWithin()` when the paths don't contain
+  asymmetrical `.` or `..` components.
+* Improve the performance of `relative()` when `from` is `null` and the path is
+  already relative.
+* Improve the performance of `current` when the current directory hasn't
+  changed.
 ## 1.3.7
 * Improve the performance of `absolute()` and `normalize()`.
diff --git a/benchmark/benchmark.dart b/benchmark/benchmark.dart
index 8dc2690..4285e65 100644
--- a/benchmark/benchmark.dart
+++ b/benchmark/benchmark.dart
@@ -21,18 +21,47 @@
   print("$name: ${count / sw.elapsedMicroseconds} iter/us (${sw.elapsed})");
+void runBenchmarkTwoArgs(String name, Function func, List files) {
+  // Warmup.
+  for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
+    for (var file1 in files) {
+      for (var file2 in files) {
+        func(file1, file2);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  var count = 10000;
+  var sw = new Stopwatch()..start();
+  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+    for (var file1 in files) {
+      for (var file2 in files) {
+        func(file1, file2);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  print("$name: ${count / sw.elapsedMicroseconds} iter/us (${sw.elapsed})");
 main(args) {
   for (var style in [path.Style.posix, path.Style.url,]) {
     var context = new path.Context(style: style);
     var files = COMMON_PATHS.toList()..addAll(STYLE_PATHS[style]);
-    void benchmark(name, func) {
+    benchmark(name, func) {
       name = + '-' + name;
       if (args.isEmpty || args.any((arg) => name.contains(arg))) {
         runBenchmark(name, func, files);
+    benchmarkTwoArgs(name, func) {
+      name = + '-' + name + '-two';
+      if (args.isEmpty || args.any((arg) => name.contains(arg))) {
+        runBenchmarkTwoArgs(name, func, files);
+      }
+    }
     benchmark('absolute', context.absolute);
     benchmark('basename', context.basename);
     benchmark('basenameWithoutExtension', context.basenameWithoutExtension);
@@ -44,8 +73,10 @@
     benchmark('isRootRelative', context.isRootRelative);
     benchmark('normalize', context.normalize);
     benchmark('relative', context.relative);
+    benchmarkTwoArgs('relative', context.relative);
     benchmark('toUri', context.toUri);
     benchmark('prettyUri', context.prettyUri);
+    benchmarkTwoArgs('isWithin', context.isWithin);
   if (args.isEmpty || args.any((arg) => arg == 'current')) {
diff --git a/lib/src/context.dart b/lib/src/context.dart
index 5331e37..b19aa71 100644
--- a/lib/src/context.dart
+++ b/lib/src/context.dart
@@ -414,13 +414,7 @@
     // Avoid expensive computation if the path is already relative.
     if (from == null && this.isRelative(path)) return this.normalize(path);
-    // Avoid calling [current] since it is slow and calling join() when
-    // [from] is absolute does nothing.
-    if (from == null) {
-      from = current;
-    } else if (this.isRelative(from) || this.isRootRelative(from)) {
-      from = this.join(current, from);
-    }
+    from = from == null ? current : absolute(from);
     // We can't determine the path from a relative path to an absolute path.
     if (this.isRelative(from) && this.isAbsolute(path)) {
@@ -506,6 +500,31 @@
   ///     path.isWithin('/root/path', '/root/other'); // -> false
   ///     path.isWithin('/root/path', '/root/path'); // -> false
   bool isWithin(String parent, String child) {
+    // Make both paths the same level of relative. We're only able to do the
+    // quick comparison if both paths are in the same format, and making a path
+    // absolute is faster than making it relative.
+    var parentIsAbsolute = isAbsolute(parent);
+    var childIsAbsolute = isAbsolute(child);
+    if (parentIsAbsolute && !childIsAbsolute) {
+      child = absolute(child);
+      if (style.isRootRelative(parent)) parent = absolute(parent);
+    } else if (childIsAbsolute && !parentIsAbsolute) {
+      parent = absolute(parent);
+      if (style.isRootRelative(child)) child = absolute(child);
+    } else if (childIsAbsolute && parentIsAbsolute) {
+      var childIsRootRelative = style.isRootRelative(child);
+      var parentIsRootRelative = style.isRootRelative(parent);
+      if (childIsRootRelative && !parentIsRootRelative) {
+        child = absolute(child);
+      } else if (parentIsRootRelative && !childIsRootRelative) {
+        parent = absolute(parent);
+      }
+    }
+    var fastResult = _isWithinFast(parent, child);
+    if (fastResult != null) return fastResult;
     var relative;
     try {
       relative = this.relative(child, from: parent);
@@ -521,6 +540,214 @@
         parts.first != '.';
+  /// An optimized implementation of [isWithin] that doesn't handle a few
+  /// complex cases.
+  bool _isWithinFast(String parent, String child) {
+    // Normally we just bail when we see "." path components, but we can handle
+    // a single dot easily enough.
+    if (parent == '.') parent = '';
+    var parentRootLength = style.rootLength(parent);
+    var childRootLength = style.rootLength(child);
+    // If the roots aren't the same length, we know both paths are absolute or
+    // both are root-relative, and thus that the roots are meaningfully
+    // different.
+    //
+    //     isWithin("C:/bar", "//foo/bar/baz") //=> false
+    //     isWithin("", "") //=> false
+    if (parentRootLength != childRootLength) return false;
+    var parentCodeUnits = parent.codeUnits;
+    var childCodeUnits = child.codeUnits;
+    // Make sure that the roots are textually the same as well.
+    //
+    //     isWithin("C:/bar", "D:/bar/baz") //=> false
+    //     isWithin("", "") //=> false
+    for (var i = 0; i < parentRootLength; i++) {
+      var parentCodeUnit = parentCodeUnits[i];
+      var childCodeUnit = childCodeUnits[i];
+      if (parentCodeUnit == childCodeUnit) continue;
+      // If both code units are separators, that's fine too.
+      //
+      //     isWithin("C:/", r"C:\foo") //=> true
+      if (!style.isSeparator(parentCodeUnit) ||
+          !style.isSeparator(childCodeUnit)) {
+        return false;
+      }
+    }
+    // Start by considering the last code unit as a separator, since
+    // semantically we're starting at a new path component even if we're
+    // comparing relative paths.
+    var lastCodeUnit = chars.SLASH;
+    // Iterate through both paths as long as they're semantically identical.
+    var parentIndex = parentRootLength;
+    var childIndex = childRootLength;
+    while (parentIndex < parent.length && childIndex < child.length) {
+      var parentCodeUnit = parentCodeUnits[parentIndex];
+      var childCodeUnit = childCodeUnits[childIndex];
+      if (parentCodeUnit == childCodeUnit) {
+        lastCodeUnit = parentCodeUnit;
+        parentIndex++;
+        childIndex++;
+        continue;
+      }
+      // Different separators are considered identical.
+      var parentIsSeparator = style.isSeparator(parentCodeUnit);
+      var childIsSeparator = style.isSeparator(childCodeUnit);
+      if (parentIsSeparator && childIsSeparator) {
+        lastCodeUnit = parentCodeUnit;
+        parentIndex++;
+        childIndex++;
+        continue;
+      }
+      // Ignore multiple separators in a row.
+      if (parentIsSeparator && style.isSeparator(lastCodeUnit)) {
+        parentIndex++;
+        continue;
+      } else if (childIsSeparator && style.isSeparator(lastCodeUnit)) {
+        childIndex++;
+        continue;
+      }
+      // If a dot comes after a separator or another dot, it may be a
+      // directory traversal operator. Otherwise, it's just a normal
+      // non-matching character.
+      //
+      //     isWithin("foo/./bar", "foo/bar/baz") //=> true
+      //     isWithin("foo/bar/../baz", "foo/bar/.foo") //=> false
+      //
+      // We could stay on the fast path for "/./", but that adds a lot of
+      // complexity and isn't likely to come up much in practice.
+      if ((parentCodeUnit == chars.PERIOD || childCodeUnit == chars.PERIOD) &&
+          (style.isSeparator(lastCodeUnit) || lastCodeUnit == chars.PERIOD)) {
+        return null;
+      }
+      // If we're here, we've hit two non-matching, non-significant characters.
+      // As long as the remainders of the two paths don't have any unresolved
+      // ".." components, we can be confident that [child] is not within
+      // [parent].
+      var childDirection = _pathDirection(childCodeUnits, childIndex);
+      if (childDirection != _PathDirection.belowRoot) return null;
+      var parentDirection = _pathDirection(parentCodeUnits, parentIndex);
+      if (parentDirection != _PathDirection.belowRoot) return null;
+      return false;
+    }
+    // If the child is shorter than the parent, it's probably not within the
+    // parent. The only exception is if the parent has some weird ".." stuff
+    // going on, in which case we do the slow check.
+    //
+    //     isWithin("foo/bar/baz", "foo/bar") //=> false
+    //     isWithin("foo/bar/baz/../..", "foo/bar") //=> true
+    if (childIndex == child.length) {
+      var direction = _pathDirection(parentCodeUnits, parentIndex);
+      return direction == _PathDirection.aboveRoot ? null : false;
+    }
+    // We've reached the end of the parent path, which means it's time to make a
+    // decision. Before we do, though, we'll check the rest of the child to see
+    // what that tells us.
+    var direction = _pathDirection(childCodeUnits, childIndex);
+    // If there are no more components in the child, then it's the same as
+    // the parent, not within it.
+    //
+    //     isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/bar") //=> false
+    //     isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/bar//") //=> false
+    if (direction == _PathDirection.atRoot) return false;
+    // If there are unresolved ".." components in the child, no decision we make
+    // will be valid. We'll abort and do the slow check instead.
+    //
+    //     isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/bar/..") //=> false
+    //     isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/bar/baz/bang/../../..") //=> false
+    //     isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/bar/baz/bang/../../../bar/baz") //=> true
+    if (direction == _PathDirection.aboveRoot) return null;
+    // The child is within the parent if and only if we're on a separator
+    // boundary.
+    //
+    //     isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/bar/baz") //=> true
+    //     isWithin("foo/bar/", "foo/bar/baz") //=> true
+    //     isWithin("foo/bar", "foo/barbaz") //=> false
+    return style.isSeparator(childCodeUnits[childIndex]) ||
+        style.isSeparator(lastCodeUnit);
+  }
+  // Returns a [_PathDirection] describing the path represented by [codeUnits]
+  // after [index].
+  //
+  // This ignores leading separators.
+  //
+  //     pathDirection("foo") //=> below root
+  //     pathDirection("foo/bar/../baz") //=> below root
+  //     pathDirection("//foo/bar/baz") //=> below root
+  //     pathDirection("/") //=> at root
+  //     pathDirection("foo/..") //=> at root
+  //     pathDirection("foo/../baz") //=> reaches root
+  //     pathDirection("foo/../..") //=> above root
+  //     pathDirection("foo/../../foo/bar/baz") //=> above root
+  _PathDirection _pathDirection(List<int> codeUnits, int index) {
+    var depth = 0;
+    var reachedRoot = false;
+    var i = index;
+    while (i < codeUnits.length) {
+      // Ignore initial separators or doubled separators.
+      while (i < codeUnits.length && style.isSeparator(codeUnits[i])) {
+        i++;
+      }
+      // If we're at the end, stop.
+      if (i == codeUnits.length) break;
+      // Move through the path component to the next separator.
+      var start = i;
+      while (i < codeUnits.length && !style.isSeparator(codeUnits[i])) {
+        i++;
+      }
+      // See if the path component is ".", "..", or a name.
+      if (i - start == 1 && codeUnits[start] == chars.PERIOD) {
+        // Don't change the depth.
+      } else if (i - start == 2 &&
+          codeUnits[start] == chars.PERIOD &&
+          codeUnits[start + 1] == chars.PERIOD) {
+        // ".." backs out a directory.
+        depth--;
+        // If we work back beyond the root, stop.
+        if (depth < 0) break;
+        // Record that we reached the root so we don't return
+        // [_PathDirection.belowRoot].
+        if (depth == 0) reachedRoot = true;
+      } else {
+        // Step inside a directory.
+        depth++;
+      }
+      // If we're at the end, stop.
+      if (i == codeUnits.length) break;
+      // Move past the separator.
+      i++;
+    }
+    if (depth < 0) return _PathDirection.aboveRoot;
+    if (depth == 0) return _PathDirection.atRoot;
+    if (reachedRoot) return _PathDirection.reachesRoot;
+    return _PathDirection.belowRoot;
+  }
   /// Removes a trailing extension from the last part of [path].
   ///     context.withoutExtension('path/to/foo.dart'); // -> 'path/to/foo'
@@ -653,3 +880,30 @@
     throw new ArgumentError(message.toString());
+/// An enum of possible return values for [Context._pathDirection].
+class _PathDirection {
+  /// The path contains enough ".." components that at some point it reaches
+  /// above its original root.
+  ///
+  /// Note that this applies even if the path ends beneath its original root. It
+  /// takes precendence over any other return values that may apple.
+  static const aboveRoot = const _PathDirection("above root");
+  /// The path contains enough ".." components that it ends at its original
+  /// root.
+  static const atRoot = const _PathDirection("at root");
+  /// The path contains enough ".." components that at some point it reaches its
+  /// original root, but it ends beneath that root.
+  static const reachesRoot = const _PathDirection("reaches root");
+  /// The path never reaches to or above its original root.
+  static const belowRoot = const _PathDirection("below root");
+  final String name;
+  const _PathDirection(;
+  String toString() => name;
diff --git a/pubspec.yaml b/pubspec.yaml
index bc7ab98..69359bb 100644
--- a/pubspec.yaml
+++ b/pubspec.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 name: path
-version: 1.3.7
+version: 1.3.8
 author: Dart Team <>
 description: >
  A string-based path manipulation library. All of the path operations you know
diff --git a/test/posix_test.dart b/test/posix_test.dart
index d6d7a90..afd6b94 100644
--- a/test/posix_test.dart
+++ b/test/posix_test.dart
@@ -419,6 +419,19 @@
       expect(context.isWithin('baz', '/root/path/bang/baz'), isFalse);
+    test('complex cases', () {
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo/./bar', 'foo/bar/baz'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo//bar', 'foo/bar/baz'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo/qux/../bar', 'foo/bar/baz'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo/bar', 'foo/bar/baz/../..'), isFalse);
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo/bar', 'foo/bar///'), isFalse);
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo/.bar', 'foo/.bar/baz'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo/./bar', 'foo/.bar/baz'), isFalse);
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo/', 'foo/'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo/bar', 'foo/bar/baz/..'), isFalse);
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo/bar', 'foo/bar/baz/../qux'), isTrue);
+    });
     test('from a relative root', () {
       var r = new path.Context(style: path.Style.posix, current: 'foo/bar');
       expect(r.isWithin('.', 'a/b/c'), isTrue);
diff --git a/test/url_test.dart b/test/url_test.dart
index 1188129..c81893a 100644
--- a/test/url_test.dart
+++ b/test/url_test.dart
@@ -629,6 +629,31 @@
+    test('complex cases', () {
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo/./bar', 'foo/bar/baz'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo//bar', 'foo/bar/baz'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo/qux/../bar', 'foo/bar/baz'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo/bar', 'foo/bar/baz/../..'), isFalse);
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo/bar', 'foo/bar///'), isFalse);
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo/.bar', 'foo/.bar/baz'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo/./bar', 'foo/.bar/baz'), isFalse);
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo/', 'foo/'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo/bar', 'foo/bar/baz/..'), isFalse);
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo/bar', 'foo/bar/baz/../qux'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin('', ''),
+          isFalse);
+      expect(context.isWithin('', ''),
+          isFalse);
+    });
+    test('with root-relative paths', () {
+      expect(context.isWithin('/foo', ''), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin('', '/foo/bar'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin('/root', 'foo/bar'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin('foo', '/root/path/foo/bar'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin('/foo', '/foo/bar'), isTrue);
+    });
     test('from a relative root', () {
       var r = new path.Context(style: path.Style.url, current: 'foo/bar');
       expect(r.isWithin('.', 'a/b/c'), isTrue);
diff --git a/test/windows_test.dart b/test/windows_test.dart
index a32f1fe..717043d 100644
--- a/test/windows_test.dart
+++ b/test/windows_test.dart
@@ -537,6 +537,30 @@
       expect(context.isWithin(r'baz', r'C:\root\path\bang\baz'), isFalse);
+    test('complex cases', () {
+      expect(context.isWithin(r'foo\.\bar', r'foo\bar\baz'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin(r'foo\\bar', r'foo\bar\baz'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin(r'foo\qux\..\bar', r'foo\bar\baz'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin(r'foo\bar', r'foo\bar\baz\..\..'), isFalse);
+      expect(context.isWithin(r'foo\bar', r'foo\bar\\\'), isFalse);
+      expect(context.isWithin(r'foo\.bar', r'foo\.bar\baz'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin(r'foo\.\bar', r'foo\.bar\baz'), isFalse);
+      expect(context.isWithin(r'foo\', r'foo\\baz'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin(r'foo\bar', r'foo\bar\baz\..'), isFalse);
+      expect(context.isWithin(r'foo\bar', r'foo\bar\baz\..\qux'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin(r'C:\', 'C:/foo'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin(r'C:\', r'D:\foo'), isFalse);
+      expect(context.isWithin(r'C:\', r'\\foo\bar'), isFalse);
+    });
+    test('with root-relative paths', () {
+      expect(context.isWithin(r'\foo', r'C:\foo\bar'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin(r'C:\foo', r'\foo\bar'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin(r'\root', r'foo\bar'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin(r'foo', r'\root\path\foo\bar'), isTrue);
+      expect(context.isWithin(r'\foo', r'\foo\bar'), isTrue);
+    });
     test('from a relative root', () {
       var r = new path.Context(style:, current: r'foo\bar');
       expect(r.isWithin('.', r'a\b\c'), isTrue);