blob: 551fe3d7e176e31265c29e73e43fa3a8a3d146c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:package_resolver/package_resolver.dart';
import 'package:package_resolver/src/utils.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:stack_trace/stack_trace.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
void main() {
// It's important to test these, because they use PackageConfig.current and
// they're used to verify the output of the inner isolate's
// PackageConfig.current.
test('_packageResolverLibUri is correct', () async {
var libPath = p.fromUri(await _packageResolverLibUri);
expect(File(p.join(libPath, 'package_resolver.dart')).exists(),
test('_pathLibUri is correct', () async {
var libPath = p.fromUri(await _pathLibUri);
expect(File(p.join(libPath, 'path.dart')).exists(), completion(isTrue));
group('with a package config', () {
var resolver;
setUp(() async {
var map;
var currentIsolateMap = await PackageResolver.current.packageConfigMap;
if (currentIsolateMap != null) {
map = Map.of(currentIsolateMap);
} else {
// If the isolate running this test isn't using package config, create
// one from scratch with the same resolution semantics.
map = {};
var root = p.fromUri(await PackageResolver.current.packageRoot);
await for (var link in Directory(root).list(followLinks: false)) {
assert(link is Link);
map[p.basename(link.path)] =
ensureTrailingSlash(p.toUri((await link.resolveSymbolicLinks())));
// Ensure that we have at least one URI that ends with "/" and one that
// doesn't. Both of these cases need to be tested.
expect(map['package_resolver'].path, endsWith('/'));
map['path'] = Uri.parse(p.url.normalize(map['path'].toString()));
expect(map['path'].path, isNot(endsWith('/')));
resolver = PackageResolver.config(map);
test('exposes the config map', () async {
expect(await _spawn('''() async {
var serializable = {};
(await PackageResolver.current.packageConfigMap)
.forEach((package, uri) {
serializable[package] = uri.toString();
return serializable;
}()''', resolver),
containsPair('package_resolver', await _packageResolverLibUri));
test('exposes the config URI', () async {
await _spawn(
'(await PackageResolver.current.packageConfigUri).toString()',
equals((await resolver.packageConfigUri).toString()));
test('exposes a null package root', () async {
// Use "== null" because if it *is* a URI, it'll crash the isolate
// when we try to send it over the port.
await _spawn(
'(await PackageResolver.current.packageRoot) == null', resolver),
test('processArgument uses --packages', () async {
expect(await _spawn('PackageResolver.current.processArgument', resolver),
equals(await resolver.processArgument));
group('resolveUri', () {
test('with a matching package', () async {
expect(await _spawn("""() async {
var uri = await PackageResolver.current.resolveUri(
return uri.toString();
}()""", resolver),
equals(p.url.join(await _packageResolverLibUri, 'foo/bar.dart')));
expect(await _spawn("""() async {
var uri = await PackageResolver.current.resolveUri(
return uri.toString();
}()""", resolver),
equals(p.url.join(await _pathLibUri, 'foo/bar.dart')));
test('with a matching package with no path', () async {
expect(await _spawn("""() async {
var uri = await PackageResolver.current.resolveUri(
return uri == null;
}()""", resolver), isTrue);
expect(await _spawn("""() async {
var uri = await PackageResolver.current.resolveUri('package:path');
return uri == null;
}()""", resolver), isTrue);
test('with a matching package with an empty path', () async {
expect(await _spawn("""() async {
var uri = await PackageResolver.current.resolveUri(
return uri.toString();
}()""", resolver), (await _packageResolverLibUri).toString());
expect(await _spawn("""() async {
var uri = await PackageResolver.current.resolveUri('package:path/');
return uri.toString();
}()""", resolver), (await _pathLibUri).toString());
test('with a URI object', () async {
expect(await _spawn("""() async {
var uri = await PackageResolver.current.resolveUri(
return uri.toString();
}()""", resolver),
equals(p.url.join(await _packageResolverLibUri, 'foo/bar.dart')));
test('with a non-matching package', () async {
expect(await _spawn("""() async {
var uri = await PackageResolver.current.resolveUri(
return uri == null;
}()""", resolver), isTrue);
test('with an invalid argument type', () async {
expect(await _spawn('''() async {
try {
await PackageResolver.current.resolveUri(12);
return false;
} on ArgumentError catch (_) {
return true;
}()''', resolver), isTrue);
test('with a non-package URI', () async {
expect(await _spawn("""() async {
try {
await PackageResolver.current.resolveUri('file:///zip/zap');
return false;
} on FormatException catch (_) {
return true;
}()""", resolver), isTrue);
test('with an invalid package URI', () async {
expect(await _spawn('''() async {
try {
await PackageResolver.current.resolveUri("package:");
return false;
} on FormatException catch (_) {
return true;
}()''', resolver), isTrue);
Future<String> get _packageResolverLibUri => _urlForPackage('package_resolver');
Future<String> get _pathLibUri => _urlForPackage('path');
Future<String> _urlForPackage(String package) async {
var uri = await PackageResolver.current.urlFor(package);
if (await PackageResolver.current.packageConfigMap != null) {
return uri.toString();
// If we're using a package root, we resolve the symlinks in the test code so
// we need to resolve them here as well to ensure we're testing against the
// same values.
var resolved = Directory(p.fromUri(uri)).resolveSymbolicLinksSync();
return ensureTrailingSlash(p.toUri(resolved)).toString();
Future _spawn(String expression, PackageResolver packageResolver) async {
var data = UriData.fromString(
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:package_resolver/package_resolver.dart';
main(_, SendPort message) async {
message.send(await ($expression));
mimeType: 'application/dart',
parameters: {'charset': 'utf-8'});
var receivePort = ReceivePort();
var errorPort = ReceivePort();
try {
var isolate = await Isolate.spawnUri(data.uri, [], receivePort.sendPort,
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
packageRoot: await packageResolver.packageRoot,
packageConfig: await packageResolver.packageConfigUri,
paused: true);
errorPort.listen((message) {
message[0], message[1] == null ? null : Trace.parse(message[1]));
var value = await receivePort.first;
return value;
} finally {