blob: 1113ac872b5df725cc0679c7a4b5f041c570ede7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A package configuration is a way to assign file paths to package URIs,
/// and vice-versa,
library package_config.package_config_discovery;
import "dart:io" show File, Directory;
import "dart:typed_data" show Uint8List;
import "src/discovery.dart" as discover;
import "src/errors.dart" show throwError;
import "src/package_config.dart";
import "src/package_config_io.dart";
export "package_config_types.dart";
/// Reads a specific package configuration file.
/// The file must exist and be readable.
/// It must be either a valid `package_config.json` file
/// or a valid `.packages` file.
/// It is considered a `package_config.json` file if its first character
/// is a `{`.
/// If the file is a `.packages` file (the file name is `.packages`)
/// and [preferNewest] is true, the default, also checks if there is
/// a `.dart_tool/package_config.json` file next
/// to the original file, and if so, loads that instead.
/// If [preferNewest] is set to false, a directly specified `.packages` file
/// is loaded even if there is an available `package_config.json` file.
/// The caller can determine this from the [PackageConfig.version]
/// being 1 and look for a `package_config.json` file themselves.
/// If [onError] is provided, the configuration file parsing will report errors
/// by calling that function, and then try to recover.
/// The returned package configuration is a *best effort* attempt to create
/// a valid configuration from the invalid configuration file.
/// If no [onError] is provided, errors are thrown immediately.
Future<PackageConfig> loadPackageConfig(File file,
{bool preferNewest = true, void onError(Object error)}) =>
readAnyConfigFile(file, preferNewest, onError ?? throwError);
/// Reads a specific package configuration URI.
/// The file of the URI must exist and be readable.
/// It must be either a valid `package_config.json` file
/// or a valid `.packages` file.
/// It is considered a `package_config.json` file if its first
/// non-whitespace character is a `{`.
/// If [preferNewest] is true, the default, and the file is a `.packages` file,
/// as determined by its file name being `.packages`,
/// first checks if there is a `.dart_tool/package_config.json` file
/// next to the original file, and if so, loads that instead.
/// The [file] *must not* be a `package:` URI.
/// If [preferNewest] is set to false, a directly specified `.packages` file
/// is loaded even if there is an available `package_config.json` file.
/// The caller can determine this from the [PackageConfig.version]
/// being 1 and look for a `package_config.json` file themselves.
/// If [loader] is provided, URIs are loaded using that function.
/// The future returned by the loader must complete with a [Uint8List]
/// containing the entire file content encoded as UTF-8,
/// or with `null` if the file does not exist.
/// The loader may throw at its own discretion, for situations where
/// it determines that an error might be need user attention,
/// but it is always allowed to return `null`.
/// This function makes no attempt to catch such errors.
/// As such, it may throw any error that [loader] throws.
/// If no [loader] is supplied, a default loader is used which
/// only accepts `file:`, `http:` and `https:` URIs,
/// and which uses the platform file system and HTTP requests to
/// fetch file content. The default loader never throws because
/// of an I/O issue, as long as the location URIs are valid.
/// As such, it does not distinguish between a file not existing,
/// and it being temporarily locked or unreachable.
/// If [onError] is provided, the configuration file parsing will report errors
/// by calling that function, and then try to recover.
/// The returned package configuration is a *best effort* attempt to create
/// a valid configuration from the invalid configuration file.
/// If no [onError] is provided, errors are thrown immediately.
Future<PackageConfig> loadPackageConfigUri(Uri file,
{Future<Uint8List /*?*/ > loader(Uri uri) /*?*/,
bool preferNewest = true,
void onError(Object error)}) =>
readAnyConfigFileUri(file, loader, onError ?? throwError, preferNewest);
/// Finds a package configuration relative to [directory].
/// If [directory] contains a package configuration,
/// either a `.dart_tool/package_config.json` file or,
/// if not, a `.packages`, then that file is loaded.
/// If no file is found in the current directory,
/// then the parent directories are checked recursively,
/// all the way to the root directory, to check if those contains
/// a package configuration.
/// If [recurse] is set to [false], this parent directory check is not
/// performed.
/// If [onError] is provided, the configuration file parsing will report errors
/// by calling that function, and then try to recover.
/// The returned package configuration is a *best effort* attempt to create
/// a valid configuration from the invalid configuration file.
/// If no [onError] is provided, errors are thrown immediately.
/// Returns `null` if no configuration file is found.
Future<PackageConfig> findPackageConfig(Directory directory,
{bool recurse = true, void onError(Object error)}) =>
discover.findPackageConfig(directory, recurse, onError ?? throwError);
/// Finds a package configuration relative to [location].
/// If [location] contains a package configuration,
/// either a `.dart_tool/package_config.json` file or,
/// if not, a `.packages`, then that file is loaded.
/// The [location] URI *must not* be a `package:` URI.
/// It should be a hierarchical URI which is supported
/// by [loader].
/// If no file is found in the current directory,
/// then the parent directories are checked recursively,
/// all the way to the root directory, to check if those contains
/// a package configuration.
/// If [recurse] is set to [false], this parent directory check is not
/// performed.
/// If [loader] is provided, URIs are loaded using that function.
/// The future returned by the loader must complete with a [Uint8List]
/// containing the entire file content,
/// or with `null` if the file does not exist.
/// The loader may throw at its own discretion, for situations where
/// it determines that an error might be need user attention,
/// but it is always allowed to return `null`.
/// This function makes no attempt to catch such errors.
/// If no [loader] is supplied, a default loader is used which
/// only accepts `file:`, `http:` and `https:` URIs,
/// and which uses the platform file system and HTTP requests to
/// fetch file content. The default loader never throws because
/// of an I/O issue, as long as the location URIs are valid.
/// As such, it does not distinguish between a file not existing,
/// and it being temporarily locked or unreachable.
/// If [onError] is provided, the configuration file parsing will report errors
/// by calling that function, and then try to recover.
/// The returned package configuration is a *best effort* attempt to create
/// a valid configuration from the invalid configuration file.
/// If no [onError] is provided, errors are thrown immediately.
/// Returns `null` if no configuration file is found.
Future<PackageConfig> findPackageConfigUri(Uri location,
{bool recurse = true,
Future<Uint8List /*?*/ > loader(Uri uri),
void onError(Object error)}) =>
location, loader, onError ?? throwError, recurse);
/// Writes a package configuration to the provided directory.
/// Writes `.dart_tool/package_config.json` relative to [directory].
/// If the `.dart_tool/` directory does not exist, it is created.
/// If it cannot be created, this operation fails.
/// Also writes a `.packages` file in [directory].
/// This will stop happening eventually as the `.packages` file becomes
/// discontinued.
/// A comment is generated if `[PackageConfig.extraData]` contains a
/// `"generator"` entry.
Future<void> savePackageConfig(
PackageConfig configuration, Directory directory) =>
writePackageConfigJsonFile(configuration, directory);