blob: 3092ac8108dffb176cd460b516834bf82aadb3c2 [file] [log] [blame]
library when.example.read_json_file;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:when/when.dart';
/// Reads and decodes JSON from [path] asynchronously.
/// If [path] does not exist, returns the result of calling [onAbsent].
Future readJsonFile(String path, {onAbsent()}) => _readJsonFile(
path, onAbsent, (file) => file.exists(), (file) => file.readAsString());
/// Reads and decodes JSON from [path] synchronously.
/// If [path] does not exist, returns the result of calling [onAbsent].
readJsonFileSync(String path, {onAbsent()}) => _readJsonFile(
path, onAbsent, (file) => file.existsSync(),
(file) => file.readAsStringSync());
_readJsonFile(String path, onAbsent(), exists(File file), read(File file)) {
var file = new File(path);
return when(
() => exists(file),
onSuccess: (doesExist) => doesExist ?
when(() => read(file), onSuccess: JSON.decode) :
main() {
var syncJson = readJsonFileSync('foo.json', onAbsent: () => {'foo': 'bar'});
print('Sync json: $syncJson');
readJsonFile('foo.json', onAbsent: () => {'foo': 'bar'}).then((asyncJson) {
print('Async json: $asyncJson');