blob: 8ee449f4654da9dbfa2df9d8fe9cd489e290410f [file] [log] [blame]
part of petitparser.reflection;
/// A function transforming one parser to another one.
typedef Parser TransformationHandler(Parser parser);
/// Transforms all parsers reachable from [parser] with the given [handler].
/// The identity function returns a copy of the the incoming parser.
/// The implementation first creates a copy of each parser reachable in the
/// input grammar; then the resulting grammar is traversed until all references
/// to old parsers are replaced with the transformed ones.
Parser transformParser(Parser parser, TransformationHandler handler) {
var mapping = new Map.identity();
for (var each in allParser(parser)) {
mapping[each] = handler(each.copy());
var seen = new Set.from(mapping.values);
var todo = new List.from(mapping.values);
while (todo.isNotEmpty) {
var parent = todo.removeLast();
for (var child in parent.children) {
if (mapping.containsKey(child)) {
parent.replace(child, mapping[child]);
} else if (!seen.contains(child)) {
return mapping[parser];