blob: a1abf22e4b5a4b2472d2fb8be461aa8b3b668900 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Script to create boilerplate for a Polymer element.
/// Produces new .html entry point for a polymer app and updates the
/// pubspec.yaml to reflect it.
/// Run this script with pub run:
/// pub run polymer:new_entry <html_file>
library polymer.bin.new_entry;
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
import 'package:source_span/source_span.dart';
void printUsage() {
print('pub run polymer:new_entry entry_point_file.html');
void main(List<String> args) {
var parser = new ArgParser(allowTrailingOptions: true);
parser.addFlag('help', abbr: 'h');
var entryPoint;
try {
var options = parser.parse(args);
if (options['help']) {
entryPoint =[0];
} catch (e) {
exitCode = 1;
// If the entrypoint file has no extension, add .html to it.
if (path.extension(entryPoint) == '') {
entryPoint = '${entryPoint}.html';
var outputDir = path.dirname(entryPoint);
var outputDirLocation = new Directory(outputDir);
if (!outputDirLocation.existsSync()) {
outputDirLocation.createSync(recursive: true);
outputDir = outputDirLocation.resolveSymbolicLinksSync();
var pubspecDir = _findDirWithFile(outputDir, 'pubspec.yaml');
if (pubspecDir == null) {
print('Could not find pubspec.yaml when walking up from $outputDir');
exitCode = 1;
var relativeEntryPoint = path.relative(
path.join(outputDir, path.basename(entryPoint)), from: pubspecDir);
try {
if (_createBoilerPlate(relativeEntryPoint, pubspecDir)) {
print('Added $entryPoint to ${path.join(pubspecDir, "pubspec.yaml")}');
print('Successfully created:');
print(' ' + path.join(pubspecDir, entryPoint));
} catch (e, t) {
print('Exception: $e\n$t');
print('Error creating files in $outputDir');
exitCode = 1;
String _findDirWithFile(String dir, String filename) {
while (!new File(path.join(dir, filename)).existsSync()) {
var parentDir = path.dirname(dir);
// If we reached root and failed to find it, bail.
if (parentDir == dir) return null;
dir = parentDir;
return dir;
// Returns true if the pubspec file was modified. It might not be modified if
// there was a monolithic polymer transformer in the pubspec, or if the entry
// point for some reason already existed in the pubspec.
bool _createBoilerPlate(String entryPoint, String pubspecDir) {
String html = '''
<!doctype html>
<!-- link rel="import" href="path_to_html_import.html" -->
<!-- HTML for body here -->
<script type="application/dart">export 'package:polymer/init.dart';</script>
new File(path.join(pubspecDir, entryPoint)).writeAsStringSync(html);
var pubspecPath = path.join(pubspecDir, 'pubspec.yaml');
var pubspecText = new File(pubspecPath).readAsStringSync();
var transformers = loadYaml(pubspecText)['transformers'];
var entryPoints;
var insertionPoint;
var textToInsert = '';
if (transformers != null) {
// If there are transformers in the pubspec, look for the polymer
// transformers, get the entry points, and delete the old entry points.
SourceSpan transformersSourceSpan = transformers.span;
SourceSpan polymerTransformerSourceSpan;
SourceSpan entryPointsSourceSpan;
for (var e in transformers) {
if (e == 'polymer') {
// If they had an empty polymer transformer, just get rid of it (we will
// replace it with our own map style one).
var polymerRegex = new RegExp(r'\n\s*-\spolymer\s*');
// Insert right after the newline.
insertionPoint = pubspecText.indexOf(polymerRegex) + 1;
pubspecText = pubspecText.replaceFirst(polymerRegex, '\n');
} else if (e is YamlMap && e['polymer'] != null) {
polymerTransformerSourceSpan = e['polymer'].span;
var existing = e['polymer']['entry_points'];
if (existing == null && e['polymer'].containsKey('entry_points')) {
if (path.split(entryPoint)[0] != 'web') {
print('WARNING: Did not add entry_point $entryPoint to pubspec.yaml'
' because of existing empty `entry_points` field in polymer'
' transformer. This defaults to treating all files under `web/`'
' as entry points, but you tried to add an entry point outside'
' of the `web/` folder. You will need to explicitly list all'
' entrypoints that you care about into your pubspec in order to'
' include any outside of `web/`.');
return false;
entryPoints = (existing == null
? []
: (existing is String ? [existing] : existing.toList()));
if (entryPoints.contains(entryPoint)) return false;
if (existing != null) {
entryPointsSourceSpan = existing.span;
if (polymerTransformerSourceSpan == null) {
if (insertionPoint == null) {
insertionPoint = transformersSourceSpan.start.offset;
textToInsert = '- polymer:\n entry_points:\n';
} else if (entryPointsSourceSpan == null) {
insertionPoint = polymerTransformerSourceSpan.start.offset;
textToInsert = ' entry_points:\n';
} else {
insertionPoint = entryPointsSourceSpan.start.offset;
pubspecText = '${pubspecText.substring(0, insertionPoint)}'
} else {
// There were no transformers at all.
insertionPoint = pubspecText.length;
var optionalNewline = pubspecText.endsWith('\n') ? '' : '\n';
textToInsert = '''
- polymer:
entryPoints = [entryPoint];
if (entryPoints == null) entryPoints = [entryPoint];
// TODO(dgrove): Once is addressed, use that here.
var entryPointsText = => ' - $e').join('\n');
textToInsert += entryPointsText;
if (insertionPoint == pubspecText.length) {
pubspecText = '${pubspecText}${textToInsert}';
} else {
pubspecText = '${pubspecText.substring(0, insertionPoint)}'
_writePubspec(pubspecPath, pubspecText);
return true;
_writePubspec(String pubspecPath, String text) {
new File(pubspecPath).writeAsStringSync(text);