blob: 80b526f548491206966cf3f1467a11fd83a50479 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
* license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
part of charted.layout;
/// PaddingFunction takes a node and generates the padding for the particular
/// node
typedef List<num> PaddingFunction(TreeMapNode node);
* Utility layout class which recursively subdivides area into rectangles which
* can be used to quickly visualize the size of any node in the tree.
class TreeMapLayout extends HierarchyLayout<TreeMapNode> {
/// Rectangular subdivision; squareness controlled via the target ratio.
/// Horizontal subdivision.
static const TREEMAP_LAYOUT_SLICE = 1;
/// Vertical subdivision.
static const TREEMAP_LAYOUT_DICE = 2;
/// Alternating between horizontal and vertical subdivision.
static const _DEFAULT_PADDING = const [0, 0, 0, 0];
/// A sticky treemap layout will preserve the relative arrangement of nodes
/// across transitions. (not yet implemented)
bool _sticky = false;
/// The available layout size to the specified two-element array of numbers
/// representing width and height.
List<num> size = [1, 1];
/// The mode to layout the Treemap.
/// The ration to scale the Treemap.
num ratio = .5 * (1 + math.sqrt(5));
/// The paddingFunction for each node, defaults to return [0, 0, 0, 0].
PaddingFunction paddingFunction = (node) => _DEFAULT_PADDING;
/// TODO(midoringo): Implement sticky related feature.
bool get sticky => _sticky;
set sticky(bool sticky) {
_sticky = sticky;
// TODO (midoringo): handle the sticky case.
List<TreeMapNode> layout(
List rows, int parentColumn, int labelColumn, int valueColumn) {
var nodes = super.layout(rows, parentColumn, labelColumn, valueColumn);
var root = nodes[0];
root.x = 0;
root.y = 0;
root.dx = size.first;
root.dy = size.last;
_scale([root], root.dx * root.dy / root.value);
return nodes;
TreeMapNode createNode(String label, num value, int depth) {
return new TreeMapNode()
..label = label
..value = value
..depth = depth;
void _position(List<TreeMapNode> nodes, num length, MutableRect rect,
bool flush, num area) {
var x = rect.x;
var y = rect.y;
var v = length > 0 ? (area / length).round() : 0;
if (length == rect.width) {
if (flush || (v > rect.height)) v = rect.height.toInt();
for (var node in nodes) {
node.x = x;
node.y = y;
node.dy = v;
x += node.dx = math.min(
rect.x + rect.width - x, v > 0 ? (node.area / v).round() : 0);
nodes.last.sticky = true;
nodes.last.dx += rect.x + rect.width - x;
rect.y += v;
rect.height -= v;
} else {
if (flush || (v > rect.width)) v = rect.width.toInt();
for (var node in nodes) {
node.x = x;
node.y = y;
node.dx = v;
y += node.dy = math.min(
rect.y + rect.height - y, v > 0 ? (node.area / v).round() : 0);
nodes.last.sticky = false;
nodes.last.dy += rect.y + rect.height - y;
rect.x += v;
rect.width -= v;
/// Applies padding between each nodes.
MutableRect _treeMapPad(TreeMapNode node, List<num> padding) {
var x = node.x + padding[3];
var y = node.y + padding.first;
var dx = node.dx - padding[1] - padding[3];
var dy = node.dy - padding.first - padding[2];
if (dx < 0) {
x += dx / 2;
dx = 0;
if (dy < 0) {
y += dy / 2;
dy = 0;
return new MutableRect(x, y, dx, dy);
/// Scales the node base on it's value and the layout area.
void _scale(List<TreeMapNode> children, num factor) {
num area;
for (var child in children) {
area = child.value * (factor < 0 ? 0 : factor);
child.area = area <= 0 ? 0 : area;
/// Computes the most amount of area needed to layout the list of nodes.
num _worst(List<TreeMapNode> nodes, num length, num pArea) {
num area, rmax = 0, rmin = double.infinity;
for (var node in nodes) {
area = node.area;
if (area <= 0) continue;
if (area < rmin) rmin = area;
if (area > rmax) rmax = area;
pArea *= pArea;
length *= length;
return (pArea > 0)
? math.max(
length * rmax * ratio / pArea, pArea / (length * rmin * ratio))
: double.infinity;
/// Recursively compute each nodes (and its children nodes) position and size
/// base on the node's property and layout mode.
void _squarify(TreeMapNode node) {
var children = node.children;
if (children.isNotEmpty) {
var rect = _treeMapPad(node, paddingFunction(node));
List<TreeMapNode> nodes = [];
num area = 0;
var remaining = new List<TreeMapNode>.from(children);
int n;
num score,
best = double.infinity,
length = (mode == TREEMAP_LAYOUT_SLICE)
? rect.width
? rect.height
? (node.depth & 1 == 1) ? rect.height : rect.width
: math.min(rect.width, rect.height);
_scale(remaining, rect.width * rect.height / node.value);
while ((n = remaining.length) > 0) {
var child = remaining[n - 1];
area += child.area;
score = _worst(nodes, length, area);
if (mode != TREEMAP_LAYOUT_SQUARIFY || score <= best) {
best = score;
} else {
area -= nodes.removeLast().area;
_position(nodes, length, rect, false, area);
length = math.min(rect.width, rect.height);
area = 0;
best = double.infinity;
if (nodes.isNotEmpty) {
_position(nodes, length, rect, true, area);
area = 0;
class TreeMapNode extends HierarchyNode {
final List<TreeMapNode> children = <TreeMapNode>[];
/// The minimum x-coordinate of the node position.
num x = 0;
/// The minimum y-coordinate of the node position.
num y = 0;
/// The x-extent of the node position.
num dx = 0;
/// The y-extent of the node position.
num dy = 0;
/// The area the node should take up.
num area = 0;
/// Attribute for the last node in the row, only used for sticky layout.
bool sticky = false;