blob: 2f9e879c459f1ede26e921fd90eaab02981cd56a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
library charted.svg.axis;
import 'dart:html' show Element;
import 'dart:math' as math;
import 'package:charted/core/scales.dart';
import 'package:charted/core/utils.dart';
import 'package:charted/selection/selection.dart';
/// [SvgAxis] helps draw chart axes based on a given scale.
class SvgAxis {
/// Store of axis roots mapped to currently used scales
static final _scales = new Expando<Scale>();
/// Orientation of the axis. Defaults to [ORIENTATION_BOTTOM].
final String orientation;
/// Scale used on this axis
final Scale scale;
/// Size of all inner ticks
final num innerTickSize;
/// Size of the outer two ticks
final num outerTickSize;
/// Padding on the ticks
final num tickPadding;
/// List of values to be used on the ticks
List _tickValues;
/// Formatter for the tick labels
FormatFunction _tickFormat;
{this.orientation: ORIENTATION_BOTTOM,
this.innerTickSize: 6,
this.outerTickSize: 6,
this.tickPadding: 3,
List tickValues,
FormatFunction tickFormat,
Scale scale})
: scale = scale == null ? new LinearScale() : scale {
_tickFormat =
tickFormat == null ? this.scale.createTickFormatter() : tickFormat;
_tickValues =
isNullOrEmpty(tickValues) ? this.scale.ticks.toList() : tickValues;
Iterable get tickValues => _tickValues;
FormatFunction get tickFormat => _tickFormat;
/// Draw an axis on each non-null element in selection
void draw(Selection g, {SvgAxisTicks axisTicksBuilder, bool isRTL: false}) =>
g.each((d, i, e) =>
create(e, g.scope, axisTicksBuilder: axisTicksBuilder, isRTL: isRTL));
/// Create an axis on [element].
void create(Element element, SelectionScope scope,
{SvgAxisTicks axisTicksBuilder, bool isRTL: false}) {
var group = scope.selectElements([element]),
older = _scales[element],
current = _scales[element] = scale.clone(),
isInitialRender = older == null;
var isLeft = orientation == ORIENTATION_LEFT,
isRight = !isLeft && orientation == ORIENTATION_RIGHT,
isVertical = isLeft || isRight,
isBottom = !isVertical && orientation == ORIENTATION_BOTTOM,
isTop = !(isVertical || isBottom) && orientation == ORIENTATION_TOP,
isHorizontal = !isVertical;
older ??= current;
axisTicksBuilder ??= new SvgAxisTicks();
var values = axisTicksBuilder.ticks,
formatted = axisTicksBuilder.formattedTicks,
ellipsized = axisTicksBuilder.shortenedTicks;
// Need to wrap the function `current.scale` to avoid fuzzy arrow.
dynamic Function(dynamic) fn = (value) => current.scale(value);
var ticks = group.selectAll('.tick').data(values, fn);
var exit = ticks.exit;
var transform = isVertical ? _yAxisTransform : _xAxisTransform;
var sign = isTop || isLeft ? -1 : 1;
var isEllipsized = ellipsized != formatted;
var enter = ticks.enter.appendWithCallback((d, i, e) {
var group = Namespace.createChildElement('g', e)
..append(Namespace.createChildElement('line', e))
..append(Namespace.createChildElement('text', e)
..attributes['dy'] =
isVertical ? '0.32em' : (isBottom ? '0.71em' : '0'));
if (!isInitialRender) {'opacity', EPSILON.toString());
return group;
// All attributes/styles/classes that may change due to theme and scale.
// TODO(prsd): Order elements before updating ticks.
ticks.each((d, i, e) {
e.attributes['class'] = 'tick tick-$i';
Element line = e.firstChild;
Element text = e.lastChild;
bool isRTLText = false; // FIXME(prsd)
if (isHorizontal) {
line.attributes['y2'] = '${sign * innerTickSize}';
text.attributes['y'] =
'${sign * (math.max(innerTickSize, 0) + tickPadding)}';
if (axisTicksBuilder.rotation != 0) {
..['transform'] =
'rotate(${(isRTL ? -1 : 1) * axisTicksBuilder.rotation})'
..['text-anchor'] = isRTL ? 'end' : 'start';
} else {
..['text-anchor'] = 'middle';
} else {
line.attributes['x2'] = '${sign * innerTickSize}';
..['x'] = '${sign * (math.max(innerTickSize, 0) + tickPadding)}'
..['text-anchor'] = isLeft
? (isRTLText ? 'start' : 'end')
: (isRTLText ? 'end' : 'start');
text.text = fixSimpleTextDirection(ellipsized.elementAt(i) as String);
if (isEllipsized) {
text.attributes['data-detail'] = formatted.elementAt(i) as String;
} else {
if (isInitialRender) {
var dx = current is OrdinalScale ? current.rangeBand / 2 : 0;
e.attributes['transform'] = isHorizontal
? 'translate(${current.scale(d) + dx},0)'
: 'translate(0,${current.scale(d) + dx})';
} else {'opacity', '1.0');
// Transition existing ticks to right positions
if (!isInitialRender) {
var transformFn;
if (current is OrdinalScale && current.rangeBand != 0) {
var dx = current.rangeBand / 2;
transformFn = (d) => current.scale(d) + dx;
} else if (older is OrdinalScale && older.rangeBand != 0) {
older = current;
} else {
transform(ticks, current.scale);
transform(enter, transformFn != null ? transformFn : older.scale);
transform(ticks, transformFn != null ? transformFn : current.scale);
// Append the outer domain.
var path = element.querySelector('.domain'),
tickSize = sign * outerTickSize,
range = current.rangeExtent;
if (path == null) {
path = Namespace.createChildElement('path', element)
..setAttribute('class', 'domain');
path.attributes['d'] = isLeft || isRight
? 'M${tickSize},${range.min}H0V${range.max}H${tickSize}'
: 'M${range.min},${tickSize}V0H${range.max}V${tickSize}';
_xAxisTransform(Selection selection, transformFn) {
'transform', (d, i, e) => 'translate(${transformFn(d)},0)');
_yAxisTransform(Selection selection, transformFn) {
'transform', (d, i, e) => 'translate(0,${transformFn(d)})');
/// Interface and the default implementation of [SvgAxisTicks].
/// SvgAxisTicks provides strategy to handle overlapping ticks on an
/// axis. Default implementation assumes that the ticks don't overlap.
class SvgAxisTicks {
int _rotation = 0;
Iterable _ticks;
Iterable _formattedTicks;
void init(SvgAxis axis) {
_ticks = axis.tickValues;
_formattedTicks = => axis.tickFormat(x));
/// When non-zero, indicates the angle by which each tick value must be
/// rotated to avoid the overlap.
int get rotation => _rotation;
/// List of ticks that will be displayed on the axis.
Iterable get ticks => _ticks;
/// List of formatted ticks values.
Iterable get formattedTicks => _formattedTicks;
/// List of clipped tick values, if they had to be clipped. Must be same
/// as the [formattedTicks] if none of the ticks were ellipsized.
Iterable get shortenedTicks => _formattedTicks;