blob: 71d2a93f978bd9a72e1491160be4e53c3687d39b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
part of charted.core.scales;
/// Log scale is similar to linear scale, except there's a logarithmic
/// transform that is applied to the input domain value before the output
/// range value is computed.
/// The mapping to the output range value y can be expressed as a function
/// of the input domain value x: y = m log(x) + b.
/// As log(0) is negative infinity, a log scale must have either an
/// exclusively-positive or exclusively-negative domain; the domain must not
/// include or cross zero.
class LogScale implements Scale<num, num> {
static const defaultBase = 10;
static const defaultDomain = const [1, 10];
static final negativeNumbersRoundFunctionsPair =
new RoundingFunctions((x) => -((-x).floor()), (x) => -((-x).ceil()));
final LinearScale _linear;
bool _nice = false;
int _base = defaultBase;
int _ticksCount = 10;
bool _positive = true;
List<num> _domain = defaultDomain;
LogScale() : _linear = new LinearScale();
LogScale._clone(LogScale source)
: _linear = source._linear.clone(),
_domain = source._domain.toList(),
_positive = source._positive,
_base = source._base,
_nice = source._nice,
_ticksCount = source._ticksCount;
num _log(num x) =>
(_positive ? math.log(x < 0 ? 0 : x) : -math.log(x > 0 ? 0 : -x)) /
num _pow(num x) => _positive ? math.pow(base, x) : -math.pow(base, -x);
set base(int value) {
if (_base != value) {
_base = value;
int get base => _base;
num scale(num x) => _linear.scale(_log(x));
num invert(num x) => _pow(_linear.invert(x));
set domain(covariant List<num> values) {
_positive = values.first >= 0;
_domain = values;
Iterable<num> get domain => _domain;
set range(Iterable<num> newRange) {
_linear.range = newRange;
Iterable<num> get range => _linear.range;
set rounded(bool value) {
_linear.rounded = value;
bool get rounded => _linear.rounded;
set nice(bool value) {
if (_nice != value) {
_nice = value;
bool get nice => _nice;
set ticksCount(int value) {
if (_ticksCount != value) {
_ticksCount = value;
int get ticksCount => _ticksCount;
set clamp(bool value) {
_linear.clamp = value;
bool get clamp => _linear.clamp;
Extent get rangeExtent => _linear.rangeExtent;
void _reset() {
if (_nice) {
var niced = e) => _log(e)).toList();
var roundFunctions = _positive
? new RoundingFunctions.defaults()
: negativeNumbersRoundFunctionsPair;
_linear.domain = ScaleUtils.nice(niced, roundFunctions);
_domain = => _pow(e)).toList();
} else {
_linear.domain = e) => _log(e)).toList();
Iterable<num> get ticks {
var extent = ScaleUtils.extent(_domain);
var ticks = <num>[];
num u = extent.min, v = extent.max;
int i = (_log(u)).floor(),
j = (_log(v)).ceil(),
n = (_base % 1 > 0) ? 2 : _base;
if ((j - i).isFinite) {
if (_positive) {
for (; i < j; i++) for (var k = 1; k < n; k++) ticks.add(_pow(i) * k);
} else {
for (; i++ < j;) for (var k = n - 1; k > 0; k--) ticks.add(_pow(i) * k);
for (i = 0; ticks[i] < u; i++) {} // strip small values
for (j = ticks.length; ticks[j - 1] > v; j--) {} // strip big values
ticks = ticks.sublist(i, j);
return ticks;
FormatFunction createTickFormatter([String formatStr]) {
FormatFunction logFormatFunction =
Scale.numberFormatter.format(formatStr != null ? formatStr : ".0E");
var k = math.max(.1, ticksCount / this.ticks.length),
e = _positive ? 1e-12 : -1e-12;
return (dynamic _d) {
var d = _d as num;
if (_positive) {
return d / _pow((_log(d) + e).ceil()) <= k ? logFormatFunction(d) : '';
} else {
return d / _pow((_log(d) + e).floor()) <= k ? logFormatFunction(d) : '';
LogScale clone() => new LogScale._clone(this);
// TODO(midoringo): Implement this for the log scale.
int forcedTicksCount;