blob: 91859789583898d9075d14e0713724f6d32d6fa7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
* license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
part of charted.charts;
class QuantumChartTheme extends ChartTheme {
static const List OTHER_COLORS = const ['#EEEEEE', '#BDBDBD', '#9E9E9E'];
static const List<List<String>> COLORS = const [
const ['#C5D9FB', '#4184F3', '#2955C5'],
const ['#F3C6C2', '#DB4437', '#A52714'],
const ['#FBE7B1', '#F4B400', '#EF9200'],
const ['#B6E0CC', '#0F9D58', '#0A7F42'],
const ['#E0BDE6', '#AA46BB', '#691A99'],
const ['#B1EAF1', '#00ABC0', '#00828E'],
const ['#FFCBBB', '#FF6F42', '#E54918'],
const ['#EFF3C2', '#9D9C23', '#817616'],
const ['#C4C9E8', '#5B6ABF', '#3848AA'],
const ['#F7BACF', '#EF6191', '#E81D62'],
const ['#B1DEDA', '#00786A', '#004C3F'],
const ['#F38EB0', '#C1175A', '#870D4E'],
static const List<List<String>> COLORS_ASSIST = const [
const ['#C5D9FB', '#4184F3', '#2955C5'],
const ['#F3C6C2', '#DB4437', '#A52714'],
const ['#FBE7B1', '#F4B400', '#EF9200'],
const ['#B6E0CC', '#0F9D58', '#0A7F42'],
const ['#E0BDE6', '#AA46BB', '#691A99'],
const ['#B1EAF1', '#00ABC0', '#00828E'],
const ['#FFCBBB', '#FF6F42', '#E54918'],
const ['#EFF3C2', '#9D9C23', '#817616']
static final _MEASURE_AXIS_THEME =
new QuantumChartAxisTheme(ChartAxisTheme.FILL_RENDER_AREA, 5);
static final _ORDINAL_DIMENSION_AXIS_THEME = new QuantumChartAxisTheme(0, 10);
static final _DEFAULT_DIMENSION_AXIS_THEME = new QuantumChartAxisTheme(4, 10);
final OrdinalScale _scale = new OrdinalScale()..range = COLORS;
String getColorForKey(key, [int state = 0]) {
var result = _scale.scale(key);
return result is Iterable ? colorForState(result, state) : result as String;
String colorForState(Iterable colors, int state) {
// Inactive color when another key is active or selected.
if (state & ChartState.COL_UNSELECTED != 0 ||
state & ChartState.VAL_UNHIGHLIGHTED != 0) {
return colors.elementAt(0) as String;
// Active color when this key is being hovered upon
if (state & ChartState.COL_PREVIEW != 0 ||
state & ChartState.VAL_HOVERED != 0) {
return colors.elementAt(2) as String;
// All others are normal.
return colors.elementAt(1) as String;
String getFilterForState(int state) => state & ChartState.COL_PREVIEW != 0 ||
state & ChartState.VAL_HOVERED != 0 ||
state & ChartState.COL_SELECTED != 0 ||
state & ChartState.VAL_HIGHLIGHTED != 0
? 'url(#drop-shadow)'
: '';
String getOtherColor([int state = 0]) => OTHER_COLORS is Iterable
? colorForState(OTHER_COLORS, state)
: OTHER_COLORS as String;
ChartAxisTheme getMeasureAxisTheme([Scale _]) => _MEASURE_AXIS_THEME;
ChartAxisTheme getDimensionAxisTheme([Scale scale]) =>
scale == null || scale is OrdinalScale
AbsoluteRect get padding => const AbsoluteRect(10, 40, 0, 0);
String get filters => '''
<filter id="drop-shadow" height="300%" width="300%" y="-100%" x="-100%">
<feGaussianBlur stdDeviation="2" in="SourceAlpha"></feGaussianBlur>
<feOffset dy="1" dx="0"></feOffset>
<feFuncA slope="0.4" type="linear"></feFuncA>
<feMergeNode in="SourceGraphic"></feMergeNode>
String get defaultFont => '14px Roboto';
class QuantumChartAxisTheme implements ChartAxisTheme {
final double axisOuterPadding;
final double axisBandInnerPadding;
final double axisBandOuterPadding;
final int axisTickPadding;
final int axisTickSize;
final int axisTickCount;
final bool verticalAxisAutoResize;
final int verticalAxisWidth;
final int horizontalAxisHeight;
final String ticksFont;
QuantumChartAxisTheme(this.axisTickSize, this.axisTickCount,
{this.axisOuterPadding: 12.0,
this.axisBandInnerPadding: 0.35,
this.axisBandOuterPadding: 12.0,
this.axisTickPadding: 6,
this.verticalAxisAutoResize: true,
this.verticalAxisWidth: 75,
this.horizontalAxisHeight: 50,
this.ticksFont: '12px Roboto'});