blob: 0221f222c99350ff631675365e631c7047ff011b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
part of charted.charts;
class DefaultChartAxisImpl {
static const int _AXIS_TITLE_HEIGHT = 20;
final CartesianArea _area;
ChartAxisConfig config;
ChartAxisTheme _theme;
SvgAxisTicks _axisTicksPlacement;
int _column;
bool _isDimension;
ChartColumnSpec _columnSpec;
bool _isVertical;
String _orientation;
Scale _scale;
SelectionScope _scope;
String _title;
MutableRect size;
DefaultChartAxisImpl.withAxisConfig(this._area, this.config);
void initAxisDomain(int column, bool isDimension, Iterable domain) {
_columnSpec =;
_column = column;
_isDimension = isDimension;
// If we don't have a scale yet, create one.
_scale ??= _columnSpec.createDefaultScale();
// We have the scale, get theme.
_theme = isDimension
? _area.theme.getDimensionAxisTheme(scale)
: _area.theme.getMeasureAxisTheme(scale);
// Sets the domain if not using a custom scale.
if (config == null || (config != null && config.scale == null)) {
scale.domain = domain;
scale.nice = !_isDimension &&
!(config?.forcedTicksCount != null && config.forcedTicksCount > 0);
_title = config?.title;
void initAxisScale(Iterable<num> range) {
assert(scale != null);
if (scale is OrdinalScale) {
Iterable<num> numericRange = range;
var usingBands = _area.dimensionsUsingBands.contains(_column),
innerPadding = usingBands ? _theme.axisBandInnerPadding : 1.0,
outerPadding = usingBands
? _theme.axisBandOuterPadding
: _theme.axisOuterPadding;
// This is because when left axis is primary the first data row should
// appear on top of the y-axis instead of on bottom.
if (_area.config.isLeftAxisPrimary) {
numericRange = numericRange.toList().reversed;
if (usingBands) {
(scale as OrdinalScale)
.rangeRoundBands(numericRange, innerPadding, outerPadding);
} else {
(scale as OrdinalScale).rangePoints(numericRange, outerPadding);
} else {
if (_title != null) {
var modifiedRange = range.take(range.length - 1).toList();
modifiedRange.add(range.last + _AXIS_TITLE_HEIGHT);
scale.range = modifiedRange;
} else {
scale.range = range;
scale.ticksCount = _theme.axisTickCount;
void prepareToDraw(String orientation) {
assert(_theme != null);
orientation ??= ORIENTATION_BOTTOM;
_orientation = orientation;
_isVertical =
_orientation == ORIENTATION_LEFT || _orientation == ORIENTATION_RIGHT;
var layout = _area.layout.chartArea;
size = _isVertical
? new MutableRect.size(_theme.verticalAxisWidth, layout.width)
: new MutableRect.size(layout.height, _theme.horizontalAxisHeight);
if (config?.forcedTicksCount != null && config.forcedTicksCount > 0) {
scale.forcedTicksCount = config.forcedTicksCount;
// Handle auto re-sizing of horizontal axis.
var ticks = (config != null && !isNullOrEmpty(config.tickValues))
? config.tickValues
: scale.ticks,
formatter = _columnSpec.formatter == null
? scale.createTickFormatter()
: _columnSpec.formatter,
textMetrics = new TextMetrics(fontStyle: _theme.ticksFont),
formattedTicks = => formatter(x)).toList(),
shortenedTicks = formattedTicks;
if (_isVertical) {
var width = textMetrics.getLongestTextWidth(formattedTicks).ceil();
if (width > _theme.verticalAxisWidth) {
width = _theme.verticalAxisWidth;
shortenedTicks = formattedTicks
.map((x) => textMetrics.ellipsizeText(x, width))
if (_theme.verticalAxisAutoResize) {
size.width =
width + _theme.axisTickPadding + math.max(_theme.axisTickSize, 0);
_axisTicksPlacement =
new PrecomputedAxisTicks(ticks, formattedTicks, shortenedTicks);
} else {
// Precompute if extra room is needed for rotated label.
var width = layout.width -
_area.layout.axes[ORIENTATION_LEFT].width -
var allowedWidth = width ~/ ticks.length,
maxLabelWidth = textMetrics.getLongestTextWidth(formattedTicks);
if (!RotateHorizontalAxisTicks.needsLabelRotation(
allowedWidth, maxLabelWidth)) {
size.height = textMetrics.fontSize * 2;
void draw(Element element, SelectionScope scope, {bool preRender: false}) {
assert(element != null && element is GElement);
assert(scale != null);
var rect = _area.layout.axes[_orientation],
renderAreaRect = _area.layout.renderArea,
range = _isVertical ? [rect.height, 0] : [0, rect.width],
innerTickSize = _theme.axisTickSize <= ChartAxisTheme.FILL_RENDER_AREA
? 0 - (_isVertical ? renderAreaRect.width : renderAreaRect.height)
: _theme.axisTickSize,
tickValues = config != null && !isNullOrEmpty(config.tickValues)
? config.tickValues
: null;
element.attributes['transform'] = 'translate(${rect.x}, ${rect.y})';
if (!_isVertical) {
_axisTicksPlacement = new RotateHorizontalAxisTicks(
rect, _theme.ticksFont, _theme.axisTickSize + _theme.axisTickPadding);
if (_title != null) {
var label = element.querySelector('.chart-axis-label');
if (label != null) {
label.text = _title;
} else {
var title = Namespace.createChildElement('text', element);
title.attributes['text-anchor'] = 'middle';
title.text = _title;
var axis = new SvgAxis(
orientation: _orientation,
innerTickSize: innerTickSize,
outerTickSize: 0,
tickPadding: _theme.axisTickPadding,
tickFormat: _columnSpec.formatter,
tickValues: tickValues?.toList(),
scale: scale);
axis.create(element, scope,
axisTicksBuilder: _axisTicksPlacement, isRTL: _area.config.isRTL);
void clear() {}
// Scale passed through configuration takes precedence
Scale get scale =>
(config != null && config.scale != null) ? config.scale : _scale;
set scale(Scale value) {
_scale = value;
class PrecomputedAxisTicks implements SvgAxisTicks {
final int rotation = 0;
final Iterable ticks;
final Iterable formattedTicks;
final Iterable shortenedTicks;
const PrecomputedAxisTicks(
this.ticks, this.formattedTicks, this.shortenedTicks);
void init(SvgAxis axis) {}
class RotateHorizontalAxisTicks implements SvgAxisTicks {
final Rect rect;
final String ticksFont;
final int tickLineLength;
int rotation = 0;
Iterable ticks;
Iterable<String> formattedTicks;
Iterable shortenedTicks;
RotateHorizontalAxisTicks(this.rect, this.ticksFont, this.tickLineLength);
static bool needsLabelRotation(num allowedWidth, num maxLabelWidth) =>
0.90 * allowedWidth < maxLabelWidth;
void init(SvgAxis axis) {
assert(axis.orientation == ORIENTATION_BOTTOM ||
axis.orientation == ORIENTATION_TOP);
assert(ticksFont != null);
ticks = axis.tickValues;
formattedTicks = => axis.tickFormat(x)).toList();
shortenedTicks = formattedTicks;
Extent<num> range = axis.scale.rangeExtent;
var textMetrics = new TextMetrics(fontStyle: ticksFont);
num allowedWidth = (range.max - range.min) ~/ ticks.length,
maxLabelWidth = textMetrics.getLongestTextWidth(formattedTicks);
// Check if we need rotation
if (needsLabelRotation(allowedWidth, maxLabelWidth)) {
var rectHeight =
tickLineLength > 0 ? rect.height - tickLineLength : rect.height;
rotation = 45;
// Check if we have enough space to render full chart
allowedWidth = (1.4142 * (rectHeight)) - (textMetrics.fontSize / 1.4142);
if (maxLabelWidth > allowedWidth) {
shortenedTicks = formattedTicks
.map((x) => textMetrics.ellipsizeText(x, allowedWidth))