blob: 05289add396d345a0ce2989203c1345f7a560926 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
part of charted.charts;
/// AggregationItem is created by [AggregationModel] to make access to facts
/// observable. Users must use AggregationItem.isValid before trying to access
/// the aggregations.
abstract class AggregationItem extends Observable {
/// List of dimension fields in effect
List<String> dimensions;
/// Check if this entity is valid.
/// Currently the only case where an entity becomes invalid
/// is when a groupBy is called on the model.
bool get isValid;
/// Fetch the fact from AggregationModel and return it
/// Currently takes keys in the form of "sum(spend)", where sum is
/// the aggregation type and spend is fact's field name.
/// Currently, "sum", "count", "min", "max", "avg", "valid" and "avgOfValid"
/// are supported as the operators.
operator [](String key);
/// List of lower aggregations.
List<AggregationItem> lowerAggregations();
/// Check if we support a given key.
bool containsKey(String key);
/// List of valid field names for this entity.
/// It's the combined list of accessors for individual items, items in
/// the next dimension and all possible facts defined on the view.
Iterable<String> get fieldNames;
/// Implementation of AggregationItem
/// Instances of _AggregationItemImpl are created only by AggregationModel
class _AggregationItemImpl extends Observable implements AggregationItem {
static final List<String> derivedAggregationTypes = ['count', 'avg'];
AggregationModel model;
List<String> dimensions;
String _key;
int _factsOffset;
/// Currently entities are created only when they have valid aggregations
_AggregationItemImpl(this.model, this.dimensions, this._key) {
if (model == null) {
throw new ArgumentError('Model cannot be null');
if (_key == null) {
_key = '';
// facts + list of items + list of children (drilldown)
_factsOffset = model._dimToAggrMap[_key];
/// _dimToAggrMap got updated on the model, update ourselves accordingly
void update() {
_factsOffset = model._dimToAggrMap[_key];
/// Mark this entity as invalid.
void clear() {
_factsOffset = null;
bool get isValid => _factsOffset != null;
dynamic operator [](String key) {
if (!isValid) {
throw new StateError('Entity is not valid anymore');
int argPos = key.indexOf('(');
if (argPos == -1) {
return _nonAggregationMember(key);
String aggrFunc = key.substring(0, argPos);
int aggrFuncIndex = model.computedAggregationTypes.indexOf(aggrFunc);
if (aggrFuncIndex == -1 && !derivedAggregationTypes.contains(aggrFunc)) {
throw new ArgumentError('Unknown aggregation method: ${aggrFunc}');
String factName = key.substring(argPos + 1, key.lastIndexOf(')'));
int factIndex = model._factFields.indexOf(factName);
// Try parsing int if every element in factFields is int.
if (model._factFields.every((e) => e is int)) {
factIndex = model._factFields.indexOf(int.parse(factName, onError: (e) {
throw new ArgumentError('Type of factFields are int but factName' +
'contains non int value');
if (factIndex == -1) {
throw new ArgumentError('Model not configured for ${factName}');
int offset = _factsOffset + factIndex * model._aggregationTypesCount;
// No items for the corresponding fact, so return null.
if (aggrFunc != 'count' &&
aggrFunc != 'avg' &&
model._aggregations[offset + model._offsetCnt].toInt() == 0) {
return null;
if (aggrFuncIndex != -1) {
return model._aggregations[offset + aggrFuncIndex];
} else if (aggrFunc == 'count') {
return model._aggregations[_factsOffset + model._offsetFilteredCount]
} else if (aggrFunc == 'avg') {
return model._aggregations[offset + model._offsetSum] /
model._aggregations[_factsOffset + model._offsetFilteredCount]
} else if (aggrFunc == 'avgOfValid') {
return model._aggregations[offset + model._offsetSum] /
model._aggregations[offset + model._offsetCnt].toInt();
return null;
dynamic _nonAggregationMember(String key) {
if (key == 'items') {
return new _AggregationItemsIterator(model, dimensions, _key);
return null;
List<AggregationItem> lowerAggregations() {
List<AggregationItem> aggregations = new List<AggregationItem>();
if (dimensions.length == model._dimFields.length) {
return aggregations;
var lowerDimensionField = model._dimFields[dimensions.length];
List<String> lowerVals = model.valuesForDimension(lowerDimensionField);
lowerVals.forEach((String name) {
List<String> lowerDims = new List.from(dimensions)..add(name);
AggregationItem entity = model.facts(lowerDims);
if (entity != null) {
return aggregations;
bool containsKey(String key) => fieldNames.contains(key);
Iterable<String> get fieldNames {
if (!isValid) {
throw new StateError('Entity is not valid anymore');
if (model._itemFieldNamesCache == null) {
List<String> cache = new List<String>.from(['items', 'children']);
model._factFields.forEach((var name) {
AggregationModel.supportedAggregationTypes.forEach((String aggrType) {
model._itemFieldNamesCache = cache;
return model._itemFieldNamesCache;
// TODO(prsd): Implementation of [Observable]
Stream<List<ChangeRecord>> get changes {
throw new UnimplementedError();
class _AggregationItemsIterator implements Iterator {
final AggregationModel model;
List<String> dimensions;
String key;
int _current;
int _counter = 0;
int _start;
int _count;
int _endOfRows;
this.model, List<String> this.dimensions, String this.key) {
int offset = model._dimToAggrMap[key];
if (offset != null) {
int factsEndOffset =
offset + model._factFields.length * model._aggregationTypesCount;
_start = model._aggregations[factsEndOffset].toInt();
_count = model._aggregations[factsEndOffset + 1].toInt();
_endOfRows = model._rows.length;
bool moveNext() {
if (_current == null) {
_current = _start;
} else {
if (++_counter > _count) {
return false;
// If model had a filter applied, then check if _current points to a
// filtered-in row, else skip till we find one.
// Also, make sure (even if something else went wrong) we don't go
// beyond the number of items in the model.
if (this.model._filterResults != null) {
while ((this.model._filterResults[_current ~/ AggregationModel.SMI_BITS] &
(1 << _current % AggregationModel.SMI_BITS)) ==
0 &&
_current <= _endOfRows) {
return (_current < _endOfRows);
get current {
if (_current == null || _counter > _count) {
return null;
return model._rows[model._sorted[_current]];