blob: 8cd1a4b6e78964e482bb549d32312be88ba5453a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:observable/observable.dart';
import 'package:observable/src/change_notifier.dart';
import 'package:observable/src/differs.dart';
/// A [List] that broadcasts [changes] to subscribers for efficient mutations.
/// When client code expects a read heavy/write light workload, it is often more
/// efficient to notify _when_ something has changed, instead of constantly
/// diffing lists to find a single change (like an inserted record). You may
/// accept an observable list to be notified of mutations:
/// ```
/// set names(List<String> names) {
/// clearAndWrite(names);
/// if (names is ObservableList<String>) {
/// names.listChanges.listen(smallIncrementalUpdate);
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// *See [ListDiffer] to manually diff two lists instead*
abstract class ObservableList<E> implements List<E>, Observable {
/// An empty observable list that never has changes.
static const ObservableList EMPTY = const _ObservableUnmodifiableList(
const [],
/// Applies [changes] to [previous] based on the [current] values.
/// ## Deprecated
/// If you need this functionality, copy it into your own library. The only
/// known usage is in `package:template_binding` - it will be upgraded before
/// removing this method.
@Deprecated('Use ListChangeRecord#apply instead')
static void applyChangeRecords/*<T>*/(
List/*<T>*/ previous,
List/*<T>*/ current,
List<ListChangeRecord/*<T>*/ > changes,
) {
if (identical(previous, current)) {
throw new ArgumentError("Can't use same list for previous and current");
for (final change in changes) {
/// Calculates change records between [previous] and [current].
/// ## Deprecated
/// This was moved into `ListDiffer.diff`.
@Deprecated('Use `ListDiffer.diff` instead')
static List<ListChangeRecord/*<T>*/ > calculateChangeRecords/*<T>*/(
List/*<T>*/ previous,
List/*<T>*/ current,
) {
return const ListDiffer/*<T>*/().diff(previous, current);
/// Creates an observable list of the given [length].
factory ObservableList([int length]) {
final list = length != null ? new List<E>(length) : <E>[];
return new _ObservableDelegatingList(list);
/// Create a new observable list.
/// Optionally define a [list] to use as a backing store.
factory ObservableList.delegate([List<E> list]) {
return new _ObservableDelegatingList(list ?? <E>[]);
/// Create a new observable list from [elements].
factory ObservableList.from(Iterable<E> elements) {
return new _ObservableDelegatingList(elements.toList());
/// Creates a new observable list of the given [length].
@Deprecated('Use the default constructor')
factory ObservableList.withLength(int length) {
return new ObservableList<E>(length);
/// Create new unmodifiable list from [list].
/// [ObservableList.changes] and [ObservableList.listChanges] both always
/// return an empty stream, and mutating or adding change records throws an
/// [UnsupportedError].
factory ObservableList.unmodifiable(
List<E> list,
) {
if (list is! UnmodifiableListView<E>) {
list = new List<E>.unmodifiable(list);
return new _ObservableUnmodifiableList<E>(list);
@Deprecated('No longer supported. Just use deliverChanges')
bool deliverListChanges();
@Deprecated('No longer supported')
void discardListChanges();
@Deprecated('The `changes` stream emits ListChangeRecord now')
bool get hasListObservers;
/// A stream of summarized list changes, delivered asynchronously.
'The `changes` stream will soon only emit ListChangeRecord; '
'either continue to use this getter until removed, or use the changes '
'stream with a `Stream.where` guard')
Stream<List<ListChangeRecord<E>>> get listChanges;
@Deprecated('Should no longer be used external from ObservableList')
void notifyListChange(
int index, {
List<E> removed: const [],
int addedCount: 0,
class _ObservableDelegatingList<E> extends DelegatingList<E>
implements ObservableList<E> {
final _listChanges = new ChangeNotifier<ListChangeRecord<E>>();
final _propChanges = new ChangeNotifier<PropertyChangeRecord>();
StreamController<List<ChangeRecord>> _allChanges;
_ObservableDelegatingList(List<E> store) : super(store);
// Observable
Stream<List<ChangeRecord>> get changes {
if (_allChanges == null) {
StreamSubscription listSub;
StreamSubscription propSub;
_allChanges = new StreamController<List<ChangeRecord>>.broadcast(
sync: true,
onListen: () {
listSub = listChanges.listen(_allChanges.add);
propSub = _propChanges.changes.listen(_allChanges.add);
onCancel: () {
// ChangeNotifier (deprecated for ObservableList)
bool deliverChanges() {
final deliveredListChanges = _listChanges.deliverChanges();
final deliveredPropChanges = _propChanges.deliverChanges();
return deliveredListChanges || deliveredPropChanges;
void discardListChanges() {
bool get hasObservers {
return _listChanges.hasObservers || _propChanges.hasObservers;
void notifyChange([ChangeRecord change]) {
if (change is ListChangeRecord<E>) {
} else if (change is PropertyChangeRecord) {
/*=T*/ notifyPropertyChange/*<T>*/(
Symbol field,
) {
if (oldValue != newValue) {
new PropertyChangeRecord/*<T>*/(this, field, oldValue, newValue),
return newValue;
void observed() {}
void unobserved() {}
// ObservableList (deprecated)
bool deliverListChanges() => _listChanges.deliverChanges();
bool get hasListObservers => _listChanges.hasObservers;
Stream<List<ListChangeRecord<E>>> get listChanges {
return => projectListSplices(this, r));
void notifyListChange(
int index, {
List<E> removed: const [],
int addedCount: 0,
}) {
_listChanges.notifyChange(new ListChangeRecord<E>(
removed: removed,
addedCount: addedCount,
void _notifyChangeLength(int oldLength, int newLength) {
notifyPropertyChange(#length, oldLength, newLength);
notifyPropertyChange(#isEmpty, oldLength == 0, newLength == 0);
notifyPropertyChange(#isNotEmpty, oldLength != 0, newLength != 0);
// List
operator []=(int index, E newValue) {
final oldValue = this[index];
if (hasObservers && oldValue != newValue) {
notifyListChange(index, removed: [oldValue], addedCount: 1);
super[index] = newValue;
void add(E value) {
if (hasObservers) {
_notifyChangeLength(length, length + 1);
notifyListChange(length, addedCount: 1);
void addAll(Iterable<E> values) {
final oldLength = this.length;
final newLength = this.length;
final addedCount = newLength - oldLength;
if (hasObservers && addedCount > 0) {
notifyListChange(oldLength, addedCount: addedCount);
_notifyChangeLength(oldLength, newLength);
void clear() {
if (hasObservers) {
notifyListChange(0, removed: toList());
_notifyChangeLength(length, 0);
void fillRange(int start, int end, [E value]) {
if (hasObservers) {
addedCount: end - start,
removed: getRange(start, end).toList(),
super.fillRange(start, end, value);
void insert(int index, E element) {
super.insert(index, element);
if (hasObservers) {
notifyListChange(index, addedCount: 1);
_notifyChangeLength(length - 1, length);
void insertAll(int index, Iterable<E> values) {
final oldLength = this.length;
super.insertAll(index, values);
final newLength = this.length;
final addedCount = newLength - oldLength;
if (hasObservers && addedCount > 0) {
notifyListChange(index, addedCount: addedCount);
_notifyChangeLength(oldLength, newLength);
set length(int newLength) {
final currentLength = this.length;
if (currentLength == newLength) {
if (hasObservers) {
if (newLength < currentLength) {
removed: getRange(newLength, currentLength).toList(),
} else {
notifyListChange(currentLength, addedCount: newLength - currentLength);
super.length = newLength;
if (hasObservers) {
_notifyChangeLength(currentLength, newLength);
bool remove(Object element) {
if (!hasObservers) {
return super.remove(element);
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
if (this[i] == element) {
return true;
return false;
E removeAt(int index) {
if (hasObservers) {
final element = this[index];
notifyListChange(index, removed: [element]);
_notifyChangeLength(length, length - 1);
return super.removeAt(index);
E removeLast() {
final element = super.removeLast();
if (hasObservers) {
notifyListChange(length, removed: [element]);
_notifyChangeLength(length + 1, length);
return element;
void removeRange(int start, int end) {
final rangeLength = end - start;
if (hasObservers && rangeLength > 0) {
final removed = getRange(start, end).toList();
notifyListChange(start, removed: removed);
_notifyChangeLength(length, length - removed.length);
super.removeRange(start, end);
void removeWhere(bool test(E element)) {
// We have to re-implement this if we have observers.
if (!hasObservers) return super.removeWhere(test);
// Produce as few change records as possible - if we have multiple removals
// in a sequence we want to produce a single record instead of a record for
// every element removed.
int firstRemovalIndex;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var element = this[i];
if (test(element)) {
if (firstRemovalIndex == null) {
// This is the first item we've removed for this sequence.
firstRemovalIndex = i;
} else if (firstRemovalIndex != null) {
// We have a previous sequence of removals, but are not removing more.
removeRange(firstRemovalIndex, i--);
firstRemovalIndex = null;
// We have have a pending removal that was never finished.
if (firstRemovalIndex != null) {
removeRange(firstRemovalIndex, length);
void replaceRange(int start, int end, Iterable<E> newContents) {
// This could be optimized not to emit two change records but would require
// code duplication with these methods. Since this is not used extremely
// often in my experience OK to just defer to these methods.
removeRange(start, end);
insertAll(start, newContents);
void retainWhere(bool test(E element)) {
// This should be functionally the opposite of removeWhere.
removeWhere((E element) => !test(element));
void setAll(int index, Iterable<E> elements) {
if (!hasObservers) {
super.setAll(index, elements);
// Manual invocation of this method is required to get nicer change events.
var i = index;
final removed = <E>[];
for (var e in elements) {
super[i++] = e;
if (removed.isNotEmpty) {
notifyListChange(index, removed: removed, addedCount: removed.length);
void setRange(int start, int end, Iterable<E> elements, [int skipCount = 0]) {
if (!hasObservers) {
super.setRange(start, end, elements, skipCount);
final iterator = elements.skip(skipCount).iterator..moveNext();
final removed = <E>[];
for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
super[i] = iterator.current;
if (removed.isNotEmpty) {
notifyListChange(start, removed: removed, addedCount: removed.length);
class _ObservableUnmodifiableList<E> extends DelegatingList<E>
implements ObservableList<E> {
const _ObservableUnmodifiableList(List<E> list) : super(list);
Stream<List<ChangeRecord>> get changes => const Stream.empty();
bool deliverChanges() => false;
bool deliverListChanges() => false;
void discardListChanges() {}
final bool hasListObservers = false;
final bool hasObservers = false;
Stream<List<ListChangeRecord<E>>> get listChanges => const Stream.empty();
void notifyChange([ChangeRecord change]) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Not modifiable');
void notifyListChange(
int index, {
List<E> removed: const [],
int addedCount: 0,
}) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Not modifiable');
/*=T*/ notifyPropertyChange/*<T>*/(
Symbol field,
) {
throw new UnsupportedError('Not modifiable');
void observed() {}
void unobserved() {}