blob: aeb77d68f8e825f2e21c71b5059906306c79a1a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of observable.src.records;
List/*<E>*/ _freezeInDevMode/*<E>*/(List/*<E>*/ list) {
if (list == null) return const [];
assert(() {
list = new List/*<E>*/ .unmodifiable(list);
return true;
return list;
/// A [ChangeRecord] that denotes adding or removing nodes at [index].
/// It should be assumed that elements are [removed] *before* being added.
/// A [List<ListChangeRecord>] can be "played back" against the [List] using
/// the final list positions to figure out which item was added - this removes
/// the need to incur costly GC on the most common operation (adding).
class ListChangeRecord<E> implements ChangeRecord {
/// How many elements were added at [index] (after removing elements).
final int addedCount;
/// Index of where the change occurred.
final int index;
/// List that changed.
final List<E> object;
/// Elements that were removed starting at [index] (before adding elements).
final List<E> removed;
factory ListChangeRecord(
List<E> object,
int index, {
List<E> removed: const [],
int addedCount: 0,
}) {
return new ListChangeRecord._(object, index, removed, addedCount);
/// Records an `add` operation at `object[index]` of [addedCount] elements.
ListChangeRecord.add(this.object, this.index, this.addedCount)
: removed = const [] {
/// Records a `remove` operation at `object[index]` of [removed] elements.
ListChangeRecord.remove(this.object, this.index, List<E> removed)
: this.removed = _freezeInDevMode/*<E>*/(removed),
this.addedCount = 0 {
/// Records a `replace` operation at `object[index]` of [removed] elements.
/// If [addedCount] is not specified it defaults to `removed.length`.
ListChangeRecord.replace(this.object, this.index, List<E> removed,
[int addedCount])
: this.removed = _freezeInDevMode/*<E>*/(removed),
this.addedCount = addedCount ?? removed.length {
) {
/// What elements were added to [object].
Iterable<E> get added {
return addedCount == 0 ? const [] : object.getRange(index, addedCount);
/// Apply this change record to [list].
void apply(List<E> list) {
..removeRange(index, index + removed.length)
..insertAll(index, object.getRange(index, index + addedCount));
void _assertValidState() {
assert(() {
if (object == null) {
throw new ArgumentError.notNull('object');
if (index == null) {
throw new ArgumentError.notNull('index');
if (removed == null) {
throw new ArgumentError.notNull('removed');
if (addedCount == null || addedCount < 0) {
throw new ArgumentError('Invalid `addedCount`: $addedCount');
return true;
/// Returns whether [reference] index was changed in this operation.
bool indexChanged(int reference) {
// If reference was before the change then it wasn't changed.
if (reference < index) return false;
// If this was a shift operation anything after index is changed.
if (addedCount != removed.length) return true;
// Otherwise anything in the update range was changed.
return reference < index + addedCount;
bool operator ==(Object o) {
if (o is ListChangeRecord<E>) {
return identical(object, o.object) &&
index == o.index &&
addedCount == o.addedCount &&
const ListEquality().equals(removed, o.removed);
return false;
int get hashCode {
return hash4(object, index, addedCount, const ListEquality().hash(removed));
String toString() => ''
'#<$ListChangeRecord index: $index, '
'removed: $removed, '
'addedCount: $addedCount>';