blob: 851475aed1655bb0582a795d5229eaaf65c50395 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
import 'package:http_parser/http_parser.dart';
import 'credentials.dart';
import 'authorization_exception.dart';
import 'parameters.dart';
/// The amount of time to add as a "grace period" for credential expiration.
/// This allows credential expiration checks to remain valid for a reasonable
/// amount of time.
const _expirationGrace = const Duration(seconds: 10);
/// Handles a response from the authorization server that contains an access
/// token.
/// This response format is common across several different components of the
/// OAuth2 flow.
/// By default, this follows the OAuth2 spec and requires the server's responses
/// to be in JSON format. However, some servers return non-standard response
/// formats, which can be parsed using the [getParameters] function.
/// This function is passed the `Content-Type` header of the response as well as
/// its body as a UTF-8-decoded string. It should return a map in the same
/// format as the [standard JSON response][].
/// [standard JSON response]:
Credentials handleAccessTokenResponse(http.Response response, Uri tokenEndpoint,
DateTime startTime, List<String> scopes, String delimiter,
{Map<String, dynamic> getParameters(MediaType contentType, String body)}) {
getParameters ??= parseJsonParameters;
try {
if (response.statusCode != 200) {
_handleErrorResponse(response, tokenEndpoint, getParameters);
var contentTypeString = response.headers['content-type'];
if (contentTypeString == null) {
throw new FormatException('Missing Content-Type string.');
var parameters =
getParameters(new MediaType.parse(contentTypeString), response.body);
for (var requiredParameter in ['access_token', 'token_type']) {
if (!parameters.containsKey(requiredParameter)) {
throw new FormatException(
'did not contain required parameter "$requiredParameter"');
} else if (parameters[requiredParameter] is! String) {
throw new FormatException(
'required parameter "$requiredParameter" was not a string, was '
// TODO(nweiz): support the "mac" token type
// (
if (parameters['token_type'].toLowerCase() != 'bearer') {
throw new FormatException(
'"$tokenEndpoint": unknown token type "${parameters['token_type']}"');
var expiresIn = parameters['expires_in'];
if (expiresIn != null && expiresIn is! int) {
throw new FormatException(
'parameter "expires_in" was not an int, was "$expiresIn"');
for (var name in ['refresh_token', 'id_token', 'scope']) {
var value = parameters[name];
if (value != null && value is! String)
throw new FormatException(
'parameter "$name" was not a string, was "$value"');
var scope = parameters['scope'] as String;
if (scope != null) scopes = scope.split(delimiter);
var expiration = expiresIn == null
? null
: startTime.add(new Duration(seconds: expiresIn) - _expirationGrace);
return new Credentials(parameters['access_token'],
refreshToken: parameters['refresh_token'],
idToken: parameters['id_token'],
tokenEndpoint: tokenEndpoint,
scopes: scopes,
expiration: expiration);
} on FormatException catch (e) {
throw new FormatException('Invalid OAuth response for "$tokenEndpoint": '
/// Throws the appropriate exception for an error response from the
/// authorization server.
void _handleErrorResponse(
http.Response response, Uri tokenEndpoint, GetParameters getParameters) {
// OAuth2 mandates a 400 or 401 response code for access token error
// responses. If it's not a 400 reponse, the server is either broken or
// off-spec.
if (response.statusCode != 400 && response.statusCode != 401) {
var reason = '';
if (response.reasonPhrase != null && response.reasonPhrase.isNotEmpty) {
' ${response.reasonPhrase}';
throw new FormatException('OAuth request for "$tokenEndpoint" failed '
'with status ${response.statusCode}$reason.\n\n${response.body}');
var contentTypeString = response.headers['content-type'];
var contentType =
contentTypeString == null ? null : new MediaType.parse(contentTypeString);
var parameters = getParameters(contentType, response.body);
if (!parameters.containsKey('error')) {
throw new FormatException('did not contain required parameter "error"');
} else if (parameters['error'] is! String) {
throw new FormatException(
'required parameter "error" was not a string, was '
for (var name in ['error_description', 'error_uri']) {
var value = parameters[name];
if (value != null && value is! String)
throw new FormatException(
'parameter "$name" was not a string, was "$value"');
var description = parameters['error_description'];
var uriString = parameters['error_uri'];
var uri = uriString == null ? null : Uri.parse(uriString);
throw new AuthorizationException(parameters['error'], description, uri);