blob: 29803bbd08c03f7ab967483fb4b1de1721c6c50f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 Dart Mockito authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart' as ast;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/constant/value.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/nullability_suffix.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart' as analyzer;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type_provider.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/visitor.dart';
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/element.dart'
show ElementAnnotationImpl;
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/inheritance_manager3.dart'
show InheritanceManager3, Name;
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/member.dart' show ExecutableMember;
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_algebra.dart' show Substitution;
import 'package:build/build.dart';
// Do not expose [refer] in the default namespace.
// [refer] allows a reference to include or not include a URL. Omitting the URL
// of an element, like a class, has resulted in many bugs. [_MockLibraryInfo]
// provides a [refer] function and a [referBasic] function. The former requires
// a URL to be passed.
import 'package:code_builder/code_builder.dart' hide refer;
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:dart_style/dart_style.dart';
import 'package:mockito/annotations.dart';
import 'package:mockito/src/version.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:source_gen/source_gen.dart';
/// For a source Dart library, generate the mocks referenced therein.
/// Given an input library, 'foo.dart', this builder will search the top-level
/// elements for an annotation, `@GenerateMocks`, from the mockito package. For
/// example:
/// ```dart
/// @GenerateMocks([Foo])
/// void main() {}
/// ```
/// If this builder finds any classes to mock (for example, `Foo`, above), it
/// will produce a "'.mocks.dart' file with such mocks. In this example,
/// 'foo.mocks.dart' will be created.
class MockBuilder implements Builder {
Future<void> build(BuildStep buildStep) async {
if (!await buildStep.resolver.isLibrary(buildStep.inputId)) return;
final entryLib = await buildStep.inputLibrary;
final sourceLibIsNonNullable = entryLib.isNonNullableByDefault;
final mockLibraryAsset = buildStep.inputId.changeExtension('.mocks.dart');
final inheritanceManager = InheritanceManager3();
final mockTargetGatherer =
_MockTargetGatherer(entryLib, inheritanceManager);
var entryAssetId = await buildStep.resolver.assetIdForElement(entryLib);
final assetUris = await _resolveAssetUris(buildStep.resolver,
mockTargetGatherer._mockTargets, entryAssetId.path, entryLib);
final mockLibraryInfo = _MockLibraryInfo(mockTargetGatherer._mockTargets,
assetUris: assetUris,
entryLib: entryLib,
inheritanceManager: inheritanceManager);
if (mockLibraryInfo.fakeClasses.isEmpty &&
mockLibraryInfo.mockClasses.isEmpty) {
// Nothing to mock here!
final mockLibrary = Library((b) {
// These comments are added after import directives; leading newlines
// are necessary. Individual rules are still ignored to preserve backwards
// compatibility with older versions of Dart.
b.body.add(Code('\n\n// ignore_for_file: type=lint\n'));
b.body.add(Code('// ignore_for_file: avoid_redundant_argument_values\n'));
// We might generate a setter without a corresponding getter.
b.body.add(Code('// ignore_for_file: avoid_setters_without_getters\n'));
// We don't properly prefix imported class names in doc comments.
b.body.add(Code('// ignore_for_file: comment_references\n'));
// We might import a package's 'src' directory.
b.body.add(Code('// ignore_for_file: implementation_imports\n'));
// `Mock.noSuchMethod` is `@visibleForTesting`, but the generated code is
// not always in a test directory; the Mockito `example/iss` tests, for
// example.
'// ignore_for_file: invalid_use_of_visible_for_testing_member\n'));
b.body.add(Code('// ignore_for_file: prefer_const_constructors\n'));
// The code_builder `asA` API unconditionally adds defensive parentheses.
b.body.add(Code('// ignore_for_file: unnecessary_parenthesis\n'));
// The generator appends a suffix to fake classes
b.body.add(Code('// ignore_for_file: camel_case_types\n'));
// The generator has to occasionally implement sealed classes
b.body.add(Code('// ignore_for_file: subtype_of_sealed_class\n\n'));
final emitter = DartEmitter(
allocator: _AvoidConflictsAllocator(
coreConflicts: mockLibraryInfo.coreConflicts),
orderDirectives: true,
useNullSafetySyntax: sourceLibIsNonNullable);
final rawOutput = mockLibrary.accept(emitter).toString();
// The source lib may be pre-null-safety because of an explicit opt-out
// (`// @dart=2.9`), as opposed to living in a pre-null-safety package. To
// allow for this situation, we must also add an opt-out comment here.
final dartVersionComment = sourceLibIsNonNullable ? '' : '// @dart=2.9';
final mockLibraryContent = DartFormatter().format('''
// Mocks generated by Mockito $packageVersion from annotations
// in ${entryLib.definingCompilationUnit.source.uri.path}.
// Do not manually edit this file.
await buildStep.writeAsString(mockLibraryAsset, mockLibraryContent);
Future<Map<Element, String>> _resolveAssetUris(
Resolver resolver,
List<_MockTarget> mockTargets,
String entryAssetPath,
LibraryElement entryLib) async {
final typeVisitor = _TypeVisitor();
final seenTypes = <analyzer.InterfaceType>{};
final librariesWithTypes = <LibraryElement>{};
void addTypesFrom(analyzer.InterfaceType type) {
// Prevent infinite recursion.
if (seenTypes.contains(type)) {
// For a type like `Foo<Bar>`, add the `Bar`.
// For a type like `Foo extends Bar<Baz>`, add the `Baz`.
for (final supertype in type.allSupertypes) {
for (final mockTarget in mockTargets) {
for (final mixinTarget in mockTarget.mixins) {
final typeUris = <Element, String>{};
final elements = [
// Types which may be referenced.
// Fallback generator functions which may be referenced.
for (final mockTarget in mockTargets)
for (final element in elements) {
final elementLibrary = element.library!;
if (elementLibrary.isInSdk && !'dart._')) {
// For public SDK libraries, just use the source URI.
typeUris[element] = elementLibrary.source.uri.toString();
final exportingLibrary = _findExportOf(librariesWithTypes, element);
try {
final typeAssetId = await resolver.assetIdForElement(exportingLibrary);
if (typeAssetId.path.startsWith('lib/')) {
typeUris[element] = typeAssetId.uri.toString();
} else {
typeUris[element] =
p.relative(typeAssetId.path, from: p.dirname(entryAssetPath));
} on UnresolvableAssetException {
// Asset may be in a summary.
typeUris[element] = exportingLibrary.source.uri.toString();
return typeUris;
/// Returns a library which exports [element], selecting from the imports of
/// [inputLibraries] (and all exported libraries).
/// If [element] is not exported by any libraries in this set, then
/// [element]'s declaring library is returned.
static LibraryElement _findExportOf(
Iterable<LibraryElement> inputLibraries, Element element) {
final elementName =;
if (elementName == null) {
return element.library!;
final libraries = Queue.of([
for (final library in inputLibraries) ...library.importedLibraries,
for (final library in libraries) {
if (library.exportNamespace.get(elementName) == element) {
return library;
return element.library!;
final buildExtensions = const {
'.dart': ['.mocks.dart']
/// An [Element] visitor which collects the elements of all of the
/// [analyzer.InterfaceType]s which it encounters.
class _TypeVisitor extends RecursiveElementVisitor<void> {
final _elements = <Element>{};
void visitClassElement(ClassElement element) {
void visitEnumElement(EnumElement element) {
void visitFieldElement(FieldElement element) {
void visitMethodElement(MethodElement element) {
void visitMixinElement(MixinElement element) {
void visitParameterElement(ParameterElement element) {
if (element.hasDefaultValue) {
void visitTypeParameterElement(TypeParameterElement element) {
/// Adds [type] to the collected [_elements].
void _addType(analyzer.DartType? type) {
if (type == null) return;
if (type is analyzer.InterfaceType) {
final alreadyVisitedElement = _elements.contains(type.element2);
if (!alreadyVisitedElement) {
final toStringMethod =
type.element2.lookUpMethod('toString', type.element2.library);
if (toStringMethod != null && toStringMethod.parameters.isNotEmpty) {
// In a Fake class which implements a class which overrides `toString`
// with additional (optional) parameters, we must also override
// `toString` and reference the same types referenced in those
// parameters.
for (final parameter in toStringMethod.parameters) {
final parameterType = parameter.type;
if (parameterType is analyzer.InterfaceType) {
} else if (type is analyzer.FunctionType) {
// [RecursiveElementVisitor] does not "step out of" the element model,
// into types, while traversing, so we must explicitly traverse [type]
// here, in order to visit contained elements.
for (var typeParameter in type.typeFormals) {
for (var parameter in type.parameters) {
var aliasElement = type.alias?.element;
if (aliasElement != null) {
void _addTypesFromConstant(DartObject object) {
final constant = ConstantReader(object);
if (constant.isNull ||
constant.isBool ||
constant.isInt ||
constant.isDouble ||
constant.isString ||
constant.isType) {
// No types to add from a literal.
} else if (constant.isList) {
for (var element in constant.listValue) {
} else if (constant.isSet) {
for (var element in constant.setValue) {
} else if (constant.isMap) {
for (var pair in constant.mapValue.entries) {
} else if (object.toFunctionValue() != null) {
} else {
// If [constant] is not null, a literal, or a type, then it must be an
// object constructed with `const`. Revive it.
var revivable = constant.revive();
for (var argument in revivable.positionalArguments) {
for (var pair in revivable.namedArguments.entries) {
class _MockTarget {
/// The class to be mocked.
final analyzer.InterfaceType classType;
/// The desired name of the mock class.
final String mockName;
final List<analyzer.InterfaceType> mixins;
final OnMissingStub onMissingStub;
final Set<String> unsupportedMembers;
final Map<String, ExecutableElement> fallbackGenerators;
/// Instantiated mock was requested, i.e. `MockSpec<Foo<Bar>>`,
/// instead of `MockSpec<Foo>`.
final bool hasExplicitTypeArguments;
this.mockName, {
required this.mixins,
required this.onMissingStub,
required this.unsupportedMembers,
required this.fallbackGenerators,
this.hasExplicitTypeArguments = false,
InterfaceElement get interfaceElement => classType.element2;
/// This class gathers and verifies mock targets referenced in `GenerateMocks`
/// annotations.
class _MockTargetGatherer {
final LibraryElement _entryLib;
final List<_MockTarget> _mockTargets;
final InheritanceManager3 _inheritanceManager;
this._entryLib, this._mockTargets, this._inheritanceManager) {
/// Searches the top-level elements of [entryLib] for `GenerateMocks`
/// annotations and creates a [_MockTargetGatherer] with all of the classes
/// identified as mocking targets.
factory _MockTargetGatherer(
LibraryElement entryLib,
InheritanceManager3 inheritanceManager,
) {
final mockTargets = <_MockTarget>{};
final possiblyAnnotatedElements = [
for (final element in possiblyAnnotatedElements) {
// TODO(srawlins): Re-think the idea of multiple @GenerateMocks
// annotations, on one element or even on different elements in a library.
for (final annotation in element.metadata) {
if (annotation.element is! ConstructorElement) continue;
final annotationClass = annotation.element!.enclosingElement3!.name;
switch (annotationClass) {
case 'GenerateMocks':
.addAll(_mockTargetsFromGenerateMocks(annotation, entryLib));
case 'GenerateNiceMocks':
_mockTargetsFromGenerateNiceMocks(annotation, entryLib));
return _MockTargetGatherer._(
entryLib, mockTargets.toList(), inheritanceManager);
static ast.NamedType? _mockType(ast.CollectionElement mockSpec) {
if (mockSpec is! ast.InstanceCreationExpression) {
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'MockSpecs must be constructor calls inside the annotation, '
'please inline them if you are using a variable');
return mockSpec.constructorName.type.typeArguments?.arguments.firstOrNull
as ast.NamedType?;
static ast.ListLiteral? _customMocksAst(ast.Annotation annotation) =>
.firstWhereOrNull((arg) => arg is ast.NamedExpression)
as ast.NamedExpression?)
?.expression as ast.ListLiteral?;
static ast.ListLiteral _niceMocksAst(ast.Annotation annotation) =>
annotation.arguments!.arguments.first as ast.ListLiteral;
static Iterable<_MockTarget> _mockTargetsFromGenerateMocks(
ElementAnnotation annotation, LibraryElement entryLib) {
final generateMocksValue = annotation.computeConstantValue()!;
final classesField = generateMocksValue.getField('classes')!;
if (classesField.isNull) {
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'The GenerateMocks "classes" argument is missing, includes an '
'unknown type, or includes an extension');
final mockTargets = <_MockTarget>[];
for (var objectToMock in classesField.toListValue()!) {
final typeToMock = objectToMock.toTypeValue();
if (typeToMock == null) {
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'The "classes" argument includes a non-type: $objectToMock');
if (typeToMock.isDynamic) {
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'Mockito cannot mock `dynamic`');
final type = _determineDartType(typeToMock, entryLib.typeProvider);
// For a generic class like `Foo<T>` or `Foo<T extends num>`, a type
// literal (`Foo`) cannot express type arguments. The type argument(s) on
// `type` have been instantiated to bounds here. Switch to the
// declaration, which will be an uninstantiated type.
final declarationType =
(type.element2.declaration as InterfaceElement).thisType;
final mockName = 'Mock${}';
mixins: [],
onMissingStub: OnMissingStub.throwException,
unsupportedMembers: {},
fallbackGenerators: {},
final customMocksField = generateMocksValue.getField('customMocks');
if (customMocksField != null && !customMocksField.isNull) {
final customMocksAsts =
_customMocksAst(annotation.annotationAst)?.elements ??
(index, mockSpec) => _mockTargetFromMockSpec(
mockSpec, entryLib, index, customMocksAsts.toList())));
return mockTargets;
static _MockTarget _mockTargetFromMockSpec(
DartObject mockSpec,
LibraryElement entryLib,
int index,
List<ast.CollectionElement> mockSpecAsts,
{bool nice = false}) {
final mockSpecType = mockSpec.type as analyzer.InterfaceType;
assert(mockSpecType.typeArguments.length == 1);
final mockType = _mockType(mockSpecAsts[index]);
final typeToMock = mockSpecType.typeArguments.single;
if (typeToMock.isDynamic) {
final mockTypeName = mockType?;
if (mockTypeName == null) {
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'MockSpec requires a type argument to determine the class to mock. '
'Be sure to declare a type argument on the ${(index + 1).ordinal} '
'MockSpec() in @GenerateMocks.');
} else {
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'Mockito cannot mock unknown type `$mockTypeName`. Did you '
'misspell it or forget to add a dependency on it?');
var type = _determineDartType(typeToMock, entryLib.typeProvider);
final mockTypeArguments = mockType?.typeArguments;
if (mockTypeArguments == null) {
// The type was given without explicit type arguments. In
// this case the type argument(s) on `type` have been instantiated to
// bounds. Switch to the declaration, which will be an uninstantiated
// type.
type = (type.element2.declaration as InterfaceElement).thisType;
} else {
// Check explicit type arguments for unknown types that were
// turned into `dynamic` by the analyzer.
type.typeArguments.forEachIndexed((typeArgIdx, typeArgument) {
if (!typeArgument.isDynamic) return;
if (typeArgIdx >= mockTypeArguments.arguments.length) return;
final typeArgAst = mockTypeArguments.arguments[typeArgIdx];
if (typeArgAst is! ast.NamedType) {
// Is this even possible?
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'Undefined type $typeArgAst passed as the ${(typeArgIdx + 1).ordinal} type argument for mocked type $type');
if ( == 'dynamic') return;
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'Undefined type $typeArgAst passed as the ${(typeArgIdx + 1).ordinal} type argument for mocked type $type. '
'Are you trying to pass to-be-generated mock class as a type argument? Mockito does not support that (yet).',
final mockName = mockSpec.getField('mockName')!.toSymbolValue() ??
final mixins = <analyzer.InterfaceType>[];
for (final m in mockSpec.getField('mixins')!.toListValue()!) {
final typeToMixin = m.toTypeValue();
if (typeToMixin == null) {
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'The "mixingIn" argument includes a non-type: $m');
if (typeToMixin.isDynamic) {
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'Mockito cannot mix `dynamic` into a mock class');
final mixinInterfaceType =
_determineDartType(typeToMixin, entryLib.typeProvider);
if (!mixinInterfaceType.interfaces.contains(type)) {
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException('The "mixingIn" type, '
'${typeToMixin.getDisplayString(withNullability: false)}, must '
'implement the class to mock, ${typeToMock.getDisplayString(withNullability: false)}');
final returnNullOnMissingStub =
final onMissingStubValue = mockSpec.getField('onMissingStub')!;
final OnMissingStub onMissingStub;
if (nice) {
// The new @GenerateNiceMocks API. Don't allow `returnNullOnMissingStub`.
if (returnNullOnMissingStub) {
throw ArgumentError("'returnNullOnMissingStub' is not supported with "
if (onMissingStubValue.isNull) {
onMissingStub = OnMissingStub.returnDefault;
} else {
final onMissingStubIndex =
onMissingStub = OnMissingStub.values[onMissingStubIndex];
// ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
if (onMissingStub == OnMissingStub.returnNull) {
throw ArgumentError(
"'OnMissingStub.returnNull' is not supported with "
} else {
if (onMissingStubValue.isNull) {
// No value was given for `onMissingStub`. But the behavior may
// be specified by `returnNullOnMissingStub`.
onMissingStub = returnNullOnMissingStub
// ignore: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package
? OnMissingStub.returnNull
: OnMissingStub.throwException;
} else {
// A value was given for `onMissingStub`.
if (returnNullOnMissingStub) {
throw ArgumentError("Cannot specify 'returnNullOnMissingStub' and a "
"'onMissingStub' value at the same time.");
final onMissingStubIndex =
onMissingStub = OnMissingStub.values[onMissingStubIndex];
final unsupportedMembers = {
for (final m in mockSpec.getField('unsupportedMembers')!.toSetValue()!)
final fallbackGeneratorObjects =
return _MockTarget(
mixins: mixins,
onMissingStub: onMissingStub,
unsupportedMembers: unsupportedMembers,
fallbackGenerators: _extractFallbackGenerators(fallbackGeneratorObjects),
hasExplicitTypeArguments: mockTypeArguments != null,
static Iterable<_MockTarget> _mockTargetsFromGenerateNiceMocks(
ElementAnnotation annotation, LibraryElement entryLib) {
final generateNiceMocksValue = annotation.computeConstantValue()!;
final mockSpecsField = generateNiceMocksValue.getField('mocks')!;
if (mockSpecsField.isNull) {
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'The GenerateNiceMocks "mockSpecs" argument is missing');
final mockSpecAsts = _niceMocksAst(annotation.annotationAst).elements;
return mockSpecsField.toListValue()!.mapIndexed((index, mockSpec) =>
mockSpec, entryLib, index, mockSpecAsts.toList(),
nice: true));
static Map<String, ExecutableElement> _extractFallbackGenerators(
Map<DartObject?, DartObject?> objects) {
final fallbackGenerators = <String, ExecutableElement>{};
objects.forEach((methodName, generator) {
if (methodName == null) {
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'Unexpected null key in fallbackGenerators: $objects');
if (generator == null) {
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'Unexpected null value in fallbackGenerators for key '
fallbackGenerators[methodName.toSymbolValue()!] =
return fallbackGenerators;
/// Map the values passed to the GenerateMocks annotation to the classes which
/// they represent.
/// This function is responsible for ensuring that each value is an
/// appropriate target for mocking. It will throw an
/// [InvalidMockitoAnnotationException] under various conditions.
static analyzer.InterfaceType _determineDartType(
analyzer.DartType typeToMock, TypeProvider typeProvider) {
if (typeToMock is analyzer.InterfaceType) {
final elementToMock = typeToMock.element2;
if (elementToMock is EnumElement) {
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'Mockito cannot mock an enum: ${elementToMock.displayName}');
if (typeProvider.isNonSubtypableClass(elementToMock)) {
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'Mockito cannot mock a non-subtypable type: '
'${elementToMock.displayName}. It is illegal to subtype this '
if (elementToMock.isPrivate) {
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'Mockito cannot mock a private type: '
var typeParameterErrors =
_checkTypeParameters(elementToMock.typeParameters, elementToMock);
if (typeParameterErrors.isNotEmpty) {
var joinedMessages = => ' $m').join('\n');
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'Mockito cannot generate a valid mock class which implements '
"'${elementToMock.displayName}' for the following reasons:\n"
return typeToMock;
var aliasElement = typeToMock.alias?.element;
if (aliasElement != null) {
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException('Mockito cannot mock a typedef: '
} else {
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'Mockito cannot mock a non-class: $typeToMock');
void _checkClassesToMockAreValid() {
final classesInEntryLib =
final classNamesToMock = <String, _MockTarget>{};
final uniqueNameSuggestion =
"use the 'customMocks' argument in @GenerateMocks to specify a unique "
for (final mockTarget in _mockTargets) {
final name = mockTarget.mockName;
if (classNamesToMock.containsKey(name)) {
final firstClass = classNamesToMock[name]!.interfaceElement;
final firstSource = firstClass.source.fullName;
final secondSource = mockTarget.interfaceElement.source.fullName;
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'Mockito cannot generate two mocks with the same name: $name (for '
'${} declared in $firstSource, and for '
'${} declared in $secondSource); '
classNamesToMock[name] = mockTarget;
classNamesToMock.forEach((name, mockTarget) {
var conflictingClass =
classesInEntryLib.firstWhereOrNull((c) => == name);
if (conflictingClass != null) {
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'Mockito cannot generate a mock with a name which conflicts with '
'another class declared in this library: ${}; '
var preexistingMock = classesInEntryLib.firstWhereOrNull((c) =>
.map((type) => type.element2)
.contains(mockTarget.interfaceElement) &&
if (preexistingMock != null) {
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'The GenerateMocks annotation contains a class which appears to '
'already be mocked inline: ${}; '
/// Throws if any public instance methods of [mockTarget]'s class are not
/// valid stubbing candidates.
/// A method is not valid for stubbing if:
/// - It has a private type anywhere in its signature; Mockito cannot override
/// such a method.
/// - It has a non-nullable type variable return type, for example `T m<T>()`,
/// and no corresponding dummy generator. Mockito cannot generate its own
/// dummy return values for unknown types.
void _checkMethodsToStubAreValid(_MockTarget mockTarget) {
final interfaceElement = mockTarget.interfaceElement;
final className =;
final substitution = Substitution.fromInterfaceType(mockTarget.classType);
final relevantMembers = _inheritanceManager
.where((m) => !m.isPrivate && !m.isStatic)
.map((member) => ExecutableMember.from2(member, substitution));
final unstubbableErrorMessages = relevantMembers.expand((member) {
if (_entryLib.typeSystem._returnTypeIsNonNullable(member) ||
_entryLib.typeSystem._hasNonNullableParameter(member) ||
_needsOverrideForVoidStub(member)) {
return _checkFunction(
} else {
// Mockito is not going to override this method, so the types do not
// need to be checked.
return [];
if (unstubbableErrorMessages.isNotEmpty) {
final joinedMessages = => ' $m').join('\n');
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'Mockito cannot generate a valid mock class which implements '
"'$className' for the following reasons:\n$joinedMessages");
String get _tryUnsupportedMembersMessage => 'Try generating this mock with '
"a MockSpec with 'unsupportedMembers' or a dummy generator (see "
/// Checks [function] for properties that would make it un-stubbable.
/// Types are checked in the following positions:
/// - return type
/// - parameter types
/// - bounds of type parameters
/// - recursively, written types on types in the above three positions
/// (namely, type arguments, return types of function types, and parameter
/// types of function types)
/// If any type in the above positions is private, [function] is un-stubbable.
/// If the return type is potentially non-nullable, [function] is
/// un-stubbable, unless [isParameter] is true (indicating that [function] is
/// found in a parameter of a method-to-be-stubbed) or
/// [allowUnsupportedMember] is true, or [hasDummyGenerator] is true
/// (indicating that a dummy generator, which can return dummy values, has
/// been provided).
List<String> _checkFunction(
analyzer.FunctionType function,
Element enclosingElement, {
bool isParameter = false,
bool allowUnsupportedMember = false,
bool hasDummyGenerator = false,
}) {
final errorMessages = <String>[];
final returnType = function.returnType;
if (returnType is analyzer.InterfaceType) {
if (returnType.containsPrivateName) {
if (!allowUnsupportedMember && !hasDummyGenerator) {
'${enclosingElement.fullName} features a private return type, '
'and cannot be stubbed. $_tryUnsupportedMembersMessage');
isParameter: isParameter,
allowUnsupportedMember: allowUnsupportedMember,
} else if (returnType is analyzer.FunctionType) {
errorMessages.addAll(_checkFunction(returnType, enclosingElement,
allowUnsupportedMember: allowUnsupportedMember,
hasDummyGenerator: hasDummyGenerator));
} else if (returnType is analyzer.TypeParameterType) {
if (!isParameter &&
!allowUnsupportedMember &&
!hasDummyGenerator &&
_entryLib.typeSystem.isPotentiallyNonNullable(returnType)) {
.add('${enclosingElement.fullName} features a non-nullable unknown '
'return type, and cannot be stubbed. '
for (var parameter in function.parameters) {
var parameterType = parameter.type;
if (parameterType is analyzer.InterfaceType) {
var parameterTypeElement = parameterType.element2;
if (parameterTypeElement.isPrivate) {
// Technically, we can expand the type in the mock to something like
// `Object?`. However, until there is a decent use case, we will not
// generate such a mock.
if (!allowUnsupportedMember) {
'${enclosingElement.fullName} features a private parameter '
"type, '${}', and cannot be stubbed. "
isParameter: true,
allowUnsupportedMember: allowUnsupportedMember,
} else if (parameterType is analyzer.FunctionType) {
_checkFunction(parameterType, enclosingElement, isParameter: true));
.addAll(_checkTypeParameters(function.typeFormals, enclosingElement));
var aliasArguments = function.alias?.typeArguments;
if (aliasArguments != null) {
errorMessages.addAll(_checkTypeArguments(aliasArguments, enclosingElement,
isParameter: isParameter));
return errorMessages;
/// Checks the bounds of [typeParameters] for properties that would make the
/// enclosing method un-stubbable.
static List<String> _checkTypeParameters(
List<TypeParameterElement> typeParameters, Element enclosingElement) {
var errorMessages = <String>[];
for (var element in typeParameters) {
var typeParameter = element.bound;
if (typeParameter == null) continue;
if (typeParameter is analyzer.InterfaceType) {
// TODO(srawlins): Check for private names in bound; could be
// `List<_Bar>`.
if (typeParameter.element2.isPrivate) {
'${enclosingElement.fullName} features a private type parameter '
'bound, and cannot be stubbed.');
return errorMessages;
/// Checks [typeArguments] for properties that would make the enclosing
/// method un-stubbable.
/// See [_checkMethodsToStubAreValid] for what properties make a function
/// un-stubbable.
List<String> _checkTypeArguments(
List<analyzer.DartType> typeArguments,
Element enclosingElement, {
bool isParameter = false,
bool allowUnsupportedMember = false,
}) {
var errorMessages = <String>[];
for (var typeArgument in typeArguments) {
if (typeArgument is analyzer.InterfaceType) {
if (typeArgument.element2.isPrivate && !allowUnsupportedMember) {
'${enclosingElement.fullName} features a private type argument, '
'and cannot be stubbed. $_tryUnsupportedMembersMessage');
} else if (typeArgument is analyzer.FunctionType) {
isParameter: isParameter,
allowUnsupportedMember: allowUnsupportedMember,
return errorMessages;
/// Return whether [type] is the Mock class declared by mockito.
bool _isMockClass(analyzer.InterfaceType type) => == 'Mock' &&
class _MockLibraryInfo {
/// Mock classes to be added to the generated library.
final mockClasses = <Class>[];
/// Fake classes to be added to the library.
/// A fake class is only generated when it is needed for non-nullable return
/// values.
final fakeClasses = <Class>[];
/// [InterfaceElement]s which are used in non-nullable return types, for which
/// fake classes are added to the generated library.
final fakedInterfaceElements = <InterfaceElement>[];
/// A mapping of each necessary [Element] to a URI from which it can be
/// imported.
/// This mapping is generated eagerly so as to avoid any asynchronous
/// Asset-resolving while building the mock library.
final Map<Element, String> assetUris;
final LibraryElement? dartCoreLibrary;
/// Names of overridden members which conflict with elements exported from
/// 'dart:core'.
/// Each of these must be imported with a prefix to avoid the conflict.
final coreConflicts = <String>{};
/// Build mock classes for [mockTargets].
Iterable<_MockTarget> mockTargets, {
required this.assetUris,
required LibraryElement entryLib,
required InheritanceManager3 inheritanceManager,
}) : dartCoreLibrary = entryLib.importedLibraries
.firstWhereOrNull((library) => library.isDartCore) {
for (final mockTarget in mockTargets) {
final fallbackGenerators = mockTarget.fallbackGenerators;
mockTarget: mockTarget,
sourceLibIsNonNullable: entryLib.isNonNullableByDefault,
typeProvider: entryLib.typeProvider,
typeSystem: entryLib.typeSystem,
mockLibraryInfo: this,
fallbackGenerators: fallbackGenerators,
inheritanceManager: inheritanceManager,
var _fakeNameCounter = 0;
final _fakeNames = <Element, String>{};
/// Generates a unique name for a fake class representing [element].
String _fakeNameFor(Element element) => _fakeNames.putIfAbsent(
element, () => '_Fake${}_${_fakeNameCounter++}');
class _MockClassInfo {
final _MockTarget mockTarget;
final bool sourceLibIsNonNullable;
/// The type provider which applies to the source library.
final TypeProvider typeProvider;
/// The type system which applies to the source library.
final TypeSystem typeSystem;
final _MockLibraryInfo mockLibraryInfo;
/// A mapping of any fallback generators specified for the classes-to-mock.
/// Each value is another mapping from method names to the generator
/// function elements.
final Map<String, ExecutableElement> fallbackGenerators;
final InheritanceManager3 inheritanceManager;
required this.mockTarget,
required this.sourceLibIsNonNullable,
required this.typeProvider,
required this.typeSystem,
required this.mockLibraryInfo,
required this.fallbackGenerators,
required this.inheritanceManager,
Class _buildMockClass() {
final typeToMock = mockTarget.classType;
final classToMock = mockTarget.interfaceElement;
final classIsImmutable = classToMock.metadata.any((it) => it.isImmutable);
final className =;
return Class((cBuilder) {
cBuilder = mockTarget.mockName
..extend = referImported('Mock', 'package:mockito/mockito.dart')
// TODO(srawlins): Refer to [classToMock] properly, which will yield the
// appropriate import prefix.'/// A class which mocks [$className].')'///')'/// See the documentation for Mockito\'s code generation '
'for more information.');
if (classIsImmutable) {'// ignore: must_be_immutable');
// For each type parameter on [classToMock], the Mock class needs a type
// parameter with same type variables, and a mirrored type argument for
// the "implements" clause.
var typeArguments = <Reference>[];
if (mockTarget.hasExplicitTypeArguments) {
// [typeToMock] is a reference to a type with type arguments (for
// example: `Foo<int>`). Generate a non-generic mock class which
// implements the mock target with said type arguments. For example:
// `class MockFoo extends Mock implements Foo<int> {}`
for (var typeArgument in typeToMock.typeArguments) {
} else {
// [typeToMock] is a simple reference to a generic type (for example:
// `Foo`, a reference to `class Foo<T> {}`). Generate a generic mock
// class which perfectly mirrors the type parameters on [typeToMock],
// forwarding them to the "implements" clause.
for (var typeParameter in classToMock.typeParameters) {
for (final mixin in mockTarget.mixins) {
cBuilder.mixins.add(TypeReference((b) {
..symbol =
..url = _typeImport(mixin.element2)
cBuilder.implements.add(TypeReference((b) {
..symbol =
..url = _typeImport(mockTarget.interfaceElement)
if (mockTarget.onMissingStub == OnMissingStub.throwException) {
final substitution = Substitution.fromInterfaceType(typeToMock);
final members =
inheritanceManager.getInterface(classToMock) {
return ExecutableMember.from2(member, substitution);
// The test can be pre-null-safety but if the class
// we want to mock is defined in a null safe library,
// we still need to override methods to get nice mocks.
final isNiceMockOfNullSafeClass = mockTarget.onMissingStub ==
OnMissingStub.returnDefault &&
if (sourceLibIsNonNullable || isNiceMockOfNullSafeClass) {
} else {
// For a pre-null safe library, we do not need to re-implement any
// members for the purpose of expanding their parameter types. However,
// we may need to include an implementation of `toString()`, if the
// class-to-mock has added optional parameters.
var toStringMethod = members
.firstWhereOrNull((m) => == 'toString');
if (toStringMethod != null) {
/// Yields all of the field overrides required for [accessors].
/// This includes fields of supertypes and mixed in types.
/// Only public instance fields which have either a potentially non-nullable
/// return type (for getters) or a parameter with a potentially non-nullable
/// type (for setters) are yielded.
Iterable<Method> fieldOverrides(
Iterable<PropertyAccessorElement> accessors) sync* {
for (final accessor in accessors) {
if (accessor.isPrivate) {
if ( == 'hashCode') {
// Never override this getter; user code cannot narrow the return type.
if ( == 'runtimeType') {
// Never override this getter; user code cannot narrow the return type.
if (accessor.isGetter && typeSystem._returnTypeIsNonNullable(accessor)) {
yield Method((mBuilder) => _buildOverridingGetter(mBuilder, accessor));
if (accessor.isSetter && sourceLibIsNonNullable) {
yield Method((mBuilder) => _buildOverridingSetter(mBuilder, accessor));
bool _methodNeedsOverride(MethodElement method) {
if (!sourceLibIsNonNullable) {
// If we get here, we are adding overrides only to make
// nice mocks work. We only care about return types then.
return typeSystem._returnTypeIsNonNullable(method);
return typeSystem._returnTypeIsNonNullable(method) ||
typeSystem._hasNonNullableParameter(method) ||
/// Yields all of the method overrides required for [methods].
/// This includes methods of supertypes and mixed in types.
/// Only public instance methods which have either a potentially non-nullable
/// return type or a parameter with a potentially non-nullable type are
/// yielded.
Iterable<Method> methodOverrides(Iterable<MethodElement> methods) sync* {
for (final method in methods) {
if (method.isPrivate) {
final methodName =;
if (methodName == 'noSuchMethod') {
if (methodName == 'toString' && method.parameters.isEmpty) {
// Do not needlessly override this method with a simple call to
// `super.toString`, unless the class has added parameters.
if (methodName == '==') {
// Never override this operator; user code cannot add parameters or
// narrow the return type.
if (_methodNeedsOverride(method)) {
yield Method((mBuilder) => _buildOverridingMethod(mBuilder, method));
void _checkForConflictWithCore(String name) {
if (mockLibraryInfo.dartCoreLibrary?.exportNamespace.get(name) != null) {
/// The default behavior of mocks is to return null for unstubbed methods. To
/// use the new behavior of throwing an error, we must explicitly call
/// `throwOnMissingStub`.
Constructor get _constructorWithThrowOnMissingStub =>
Constructor((cBuilder) => cBuilder.body =
referImported('throwOnMissingStub', 'package:mockito/mockito.dart')
/// Build a method which overrides [method], with all non-nullable
/// parameter types widened to be nullable.
/// This new method just calls `super.noSuchMethod`, optionally passing a
/// return value for methods with a non-nullable return type.
void _buildOverridingMethod(MethodBuilder builder, MethodElement method) {
var name = method.displayName;
if (method.isOperator) name = 'operator$name';
final returnType = method.returnType;
builder = name
..annotations.add(referImported('override', 'dart:core'))
// We allow overriding a method with a private return type by omitting the
// return type (which is then inherited).
if (!returnType.containsPrivateName) {
builder.returns = _typeReference(returnType);
// These two variables store the arguments that will be passed to the
// [Invocation] built for `noSuchMethod`.
final invocationPositionalArgs = <Expression>[];
final invocationNamedArgs = <Expression, Expression>{};
var position = 0;
for (final parameter in method.parameters) {
if (parameter.isRequiredPositional || parameter.isOptionalPositional) {
final superParameterType =
_escapeCovariance(parameter, position: position);
final matchingParameter = _matchingParameter(parameter,
superParameterType: superParameterType, forceNullable: true);
if (parameter.isRequiredPositional) {
} else {
} else if (parameter.isNamed) {
final superParameterType = _escapeCovariance(parameter, isNamed: true);
final matchingParameter = _matchingParameter(parameter,
superParameterType: superParameterType, forceNullable: true);
invocationNamedArgs[refer('#${parameter.displayName}')] =
} else {
throw StateError('Parameter ${} on method ${} '
'is not required-positional, nor optional-positional, nor named');
if (name == 'toString') {
// We cannot call `super.noSuchMethod` here; we must use [Mock]'s
// implementation.
builder.body = refer('super').property('toString').call([]).code;
final returnTypeIsTypeVariable =
typeSystem.isPotentiallyNonNullable(returnType) &&
returnType is analyzer.TypeParameterType;
final fallbackGenerator = fallbackGenerators[];
final parametersContainPrivateName =
method.parameters.any((p) => p.type.containsPrivateName);
final throwsUnsupported = fallbackGenerator == null &&
(returnTypeIsTypeVariable ||
returnType.containsPrivateName ||
if (throwsUnsupported) {
if (!mockTarget.unsupportedMembers.contains(name)) {
// We shouldn't get here as this is guarded against in
// [_MockTargetGatherer._checkFunction].
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
"Mockito cannot generate a valid override for '$name', as it has a "
'non-nullable unknown return type or a private type in its '
builder.body = refer('UnsupportedError')
// Generate a raw string since name might contain a $.
'"$name" cannot be used without a mockito fallback generator.',
raw: true)
final invocation =
referImported('Invocation', 'dart:core').property('method').call([
if (invocationNamedArgs.isNotEmpty) literalMap(invocationNamedArgs),
Expression? returnValueForMissingStub;
if (returnType.isVoid) {
returnValueForMissingStub = refer('null');
} else if (returnType.isFutureOfVoid) {
returnValueForMissingStub =
} else if (mockTarget.onMissingStub == OnMissingStub.returnDefault) {
if (fallbackGenerator != null) {
// Re-use the fallback for missing stub.
returnValueForMissingStub =
_fallbackGeneratorCode(method, fallbackGenerator);
} else {
// Return a legal default value if no stub is found which matches a real
// call.
returnValueForMissingStub = _dummyValue(returnType, invocation);
final namedArgs = {
if (fallbackGenerator != null)
'returnValue': _fallbackGeneratorCode(method, fallbackGenerator)
else if (typeSystem._returnTypeIsNonNullable(method))
'returnValue': _dummyValue(returnType, invocation),
if (returnValueForMissingStub != null)
'returnValueForMissingStub': returnValueForMissingStub,
var superNoSuchMethod =
refer('super').property('noSuchMethod').call([invocation], namedArgs);
if (!returnType.isVoid && !returnType.isDynamic) {
superNoSuchMethod = superNoSuchMethod.asA(_typeReference(returnType));
builder.body = superNoSuchMethod.code;
Expression _fallbackGeneratorCode(
ExecutableElement method, ExecutableElement function) {
final positionalArguments = <Expression>[];
final namedArguments = <String, Expression>{};
for (final parameter in method.parameters) {
if (parameter.isPositional) {
} else if (parameter.isNamed) {
namedArguments[] = refer(;
final functionReference =
referImported(, _typeImport(function));
return, namedArguments,
[for (var t in method.typeParameters) refer(]);
Expression _dummyValue(analyzer.DartType type, Expression invocation) {
// The type is nullable, just take a shortcut and return `null`.
if (typeSystem.isNullable(type)) {
return literalNull;
if (type is analyzer.FunctionType) {
return _dummyFunctionValue(type, invocation);
if (type is! analyzer.InterfaceType) {
// TODO(srawlins): This case is not known.
return literalNull;
var typeArguments = type.typeArguments;
if (type.isDartCoreBool) {
return literalFalse;
} else if (type.isDartCoreDouble) {
return literalNum(0.0);
} else if (type.isDartCoreFunction) {
return refer('() {}');
} else if (type.isDartAsyncFuture || type.isDartAsyncFutureOr) {
final typeArgument = typeArguments.first;
final futureValueArguments =
? [_dummyValue(typeArgument, invocation)]
: <Expression>[];
return _futureReference(_typeReference(typeArgument))
} else if (type.isDartCoreInt) {
return literalNum(0);
} else if (type.isDartCoreIterable || type.isDartCoreList) {
assert(typeArguments.length == 1);
final elementType = _typeReference(typeArguments[0]);
return literalList([], elementType);
} else if (type.isDartCoreMap) {
assert(typeArguments.length == 2);
final keyType = _typeReference(typeArguments[0]);
final valueType = _typeReference(typeArguments[1]);
return literalMap({}, keyType, valueType);
} else if (type.isDartCoreNum) {
return literalNum(0);
} else if (type.isDartCoreSet) {
assert(typeArguments.length == 1);
final elementType = _typeReference(typeArguments[0]);
return literalSet({}, elementType);
} else if (type.element2.declaration == typeProvider.streamElement) {
assert(typeArguments.length == 1);
final elementType = _typeReference(typeArguments[0]);
return TypeReference((b) {
..symbol = 'Stream'
..url = 'dart:async'
} else if (type.isDartCoreString) {
return literalString('');
} else if (type.isDartTypedDataSealed) {
// These types (XXXList + ByteData) from dart:typed_data are
// sealed, e.g. "non-subtypeable", but they
// have predicatble constructors; each has an unnamed constructor which
// takes a single int argument.
return referImported(, 'dart:typed_data')
// TODO(srawlins): Do other types from typed_data have a "non-subtypeable"
// restriction as well?
// This class is unknown; we must likely generate a fake class, and return
// an instance here.
return _dummyValueImplementing(type, invocation);
/// Returns a reference to [Future], optionally with a type argument for the
/// value of the Future.
TypeReference _futureReference([Reference? valueType]) => TypeReference((b) {
..symbol = 'Future'
..url = 'dart:async';
if (valueType != null) {
Expression _dummyFunctionValue(
analyzer.FunctionType type, Expression invocation) {
return Method((b) {
// The positional parameters in a FunctionType have no names. This
// counter lets us create unique dummy names.
var position = 0;
for (final parameter in type.parameters) {
if (parameter.isRequiredPositional) {
final matchingParameter = _matchingParameter(parameter,
superParameterType: parameter.type, defaultName: '__p$position');
} else if (parameter.isOptionalPositional) {
final matchingParameter = _matchingParameter(parameter,
superParameterType: parameter.type, defaultName: '__p$position');
} else if (parameter.isOptionalNamed) {
final matchingParameter =
_matchingParameter(parameter, superParameterType: parameter.type);
} else if (parameter.isRequiredNamed) {
final matchingParameter =
_matchingParameter(parameter, superParameterType: parameter.type);
if (type.returnType.isVoid) {
b.body = Code('');
} else {
b.body = _dummyValue(type.returnType, invocation).code;
Expression _dummyValueImplementing(
analyzer.InterfaceType dartType, Expression invocation) {
final elementToFake = dartType.element2;
if (elementToFake is EnumElement) {
return _typeReference(dartType).property(
elementToFake.fields.firstWhere((f) => f.isEnumConstant).name);
} else {
final fakeName = mockLibraryInfo._fakeNameFor(elementToFake);
// Only make one fake class for each class that needs to be faked.
if (!mockLibraryInfo.fakedInterfaceElements.contains(elementToFake)) {
_addFakeClass(fakeName, elementToFake);
final typeArguments = dartType.typeArguments;
return TypeReference((b) {
..symbol = fakeName
}).newInstance([refer('this'), invocation]);
/// Adds a `Fake` implementation of [elementToFake], named [fakeName].
void _addFakeClass(String fakeName, InterfaceElement elementToFake) {
mockLibraryInfo.fakeClasses.add(Class((cBuilder) {
// For each type parameter on [elementToFake], the Fake class needs a type
// parameter with same type variables, and a mirrored type argument for
// the "implements" clause.
final typeParameters = <Reference>[];
cBuilder = fakeName
..extend = referImported('SmartFake', 'package:mockito/mockito.dart');
for (var typeParameter in elementToFake.typeParameters) {
cBuilder.implements.add(TypeReference((b) {
..symbol =
..url = _typeImport(elementToFake)
cBuilder.constructors.add(Constructor((constrBuilder) => constrBuilder
Parameter((pBuilder) => pBuilder = 'parent'
..type = referImported('Object', 'dart:core')),
Parameter((pBuilder) => pBuilder = 'parentInvocation'
..type = referImported('Invocation', 'dart:core'))
.call([refer('parent'), refer('parentInvocation')]).code)));
final toStringMethod =
elementToFake.lookUpMethod('toString', elementToFake.library);
if (toStringMethod != null && toStringMethod.parameters.isNotEmpty) {
// If [elementToFake] includes an overriding `toString` implementation,
// we need to include an implementation which matches the signature.
(mBuilder) => _buildOverridingMethod(mBuilder, toStringMethod)));
/// Returns a [Parameter] which matches [parameter].
/// If [parameter] is unnamed (like a positional parameter in a function
/// type), a [defaultName] can be passed as the name.
/// If the type needs to be nullable, rather than matching the nullability of
/// [parameter], use [forceNullable].
Parameter _matchingParameter(ParameterElement parameter,
{required analyzer.DartType superParameterType,
String? defaultName,
bool forceNullable = false}) {
assert( || defaultName != null,
'parameter must have a non-empty name, or non-null defaultName must be '
'passed, but parameter name is "${}" and defaultName is '
final name = ? defaultName! :;
return Parameter((pBuilder) { = name;
if (!superParameterType.containsPrivateName) {
pBuilder.type =
_typeReference(superParameterType, forceNullable: forceNullable);
if (parameter.isNamed) pBuilder.named = true;
if (parameter.isRequiredNamed && sourceLibIsNonNullable) {
pBuilder.required = true;
if (parameter.defaultValueCode != null) {
try {
pBuilder.defaultTo = _expressionFromDartObject(
parameter.computeConstantValue()!, parameter)
} on _ReviveException catch (e) {
final method = parameter.enclosingElement3!;
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
'Mockito cannot generate a valid override for method '
"'${mockTarget.interfaceElement.displayName}.${method.displayName}'; "
"parameter '${parameter.displayName}' causes a problem: "
/// Determines the most narrow legal type for a parameter which overrides
/// [parameter].
/// Without covariant parameters, each parameter in a method which overrides
/// a super-method with a corresponding super-parameter must be the same type
/// or a supertype of the super-parameter's type, so a generated overriding
/// method can use the same type as the type of the corresponding parameter.
/// However, if a parameter is covariant, the supertype relationship is no
/// longer guaranteed, and we must look around at the types of of the
/// corresponding parameters in all of the overridden methods in order to
/// determine a legal type for a generated overridding method.
analyzer.DartType _escapeCovariance(ParameterElement parameter,
{int? position, bool isNamed = false}) {
assert(position != null || isNamed);
assert(position == null || !isNamed);
var type = parameter.type;
if (!parameter.isCovariant) {
return type;
final method = parameter.enclosingElement3 as MethodElement;
final class_ = method.enclosingElement3 as InterfaceElement;
final name = Name(method.librarySource.uri,;
final overriddenMethods = inheritanceManager.getOverridden2(class_, name);
if (overriddenMethods == null) {
return type;
final allOverriddenMethods = Queue.of(overriddenMethods);
while (allOverriddenMethods.isNotEmpty) {
final overriddenMethod = allOverriddenMethods.removeFirst();
final secondaryOverrides = inheritanceManager.getOverridden2(
overriddenMethod.enclosingElement3 as InterfaceElement, name);
if (secondaryOverrides != null) {
final parameters = overriddenMethod.parameters;
if (position != null) {
if (position >= parameters.length) {
// [parameter] has been _added_ in [method], and has no corresponding
// parameter in [overriddenMethod].
// TODO(srawlins): Assert that [parameter] is optional.
final overriddenParameter = parameters[position];
// TODO(srawlins): Assert that [overriddenParameter] is not named.
type = typeSystem.leastUpperBound(type, overriddenParameter.type);
} else {
final overriddenParameter =
parameters.firstWhereOrNull((p) => ==;
if (overriddenParameter == null) {
// [parameter] has been _added_ in [method], and has no corresponding
// parameter in [overriddenMethod].
// TODO(srawlins): Assert that [overriddenParameter] is named.
type = typeSystem.leastUpperBound(type, overriddenParameter.type);
return type;
/// Creates a code_builder [Expression] from [object], a constant object from
/// analyzer and [parameter], an optional [ParameterElement], when the
/// expression is created for a method parameter default value.
/// This is very similar to Angular's revive code, in
/// angular_compiler/analyzer/di/injector.dart.
Expression _expressionFromDartObject(DartObject object,
[ParameterElement? parameter]) {
final constant = ConstantReader(object);
if (constant.isNull) {
return literalNull;
} else if (constant.isBool) {
return literalBool(constant.boolValue);
} else if (constant.isDouble) {
return literalNum(constant.doubleValue);
} else if (constant.isInt) {
return literalNum(constant.intValue);
} else if (constant.isString) {
return literalString(constant.stringValue, raw: true);
} else if (constant.isList) {
return literalConstList([
for (var element in constant.listValue)
} else if (constant.isMap) {
return literalConstMap({
for (var pair in constant.mapValue.entries)
} else if (constant.isSet) {
return literalConstSet({
for (var element in constant.setValue)
} else if (constant.isType) {
// TODO(srawlins): It seems like this might be revivable, but Angular
// does not revive Types; we should investigate this if users request it.
var type = object.toTypeValue()!;
var typeStr = type.getDisplayString(withNullability: false);
throw _ReviveException('default value is a Type: $typeStr.');
} else {
// If [constant] is not null, a literal, or a type, then it must be an
// object constructed with `const`. Revive it.
var revivable = constant.revive();
if (revivable.isPrivate) {
final privateReference = revivable.accessor.isNotEmpty
? '${revivable.source}::${revivable.accessor}'
: '${revivable.source}';
throw _ReviveException(
'default value has a private type: $privateReference.');
if (object.toFunctionValue() != null) {
// A top-level function, like `void f() {}` must be referenced by its
// identifier, rather than a revived value.
var element = object.toFunctionValue();
return referImported(revivable.accessor, _typeImport(element));
} else if (revivable.source.fragment.isEmpty) {
// We can create this invocation by referring to a const field or
// top-level variable.
return referImported(
revivable.accessor, _typeImport(object.type!.element2));
final name = revivable.source.fragment;
final positionalArgs = [
for (var argument in revivable.positionalArguments)
final namedArgs = {
for (var pair in revivable.namedArguments.entries)
pair.key: _expressionFromDartObject(pair.value)
final element = parameter != null && name != object.type!.element2!.name
? parameter.type.element2
: object.type!.element2;
final type = referImported(name, _typeImport(element));
if (revivable.accessor.isNotEmpty) {
return type.constInstanceNamed(
// No type arguments. See
return type.constInstance(positionalArgs, namedArgs);
/// Build a getter which overrides [getter].
/// This new method just calls `super.noSuchMethod`, optionally passing a
/// return value for non-nullable getters.
void _buildOverridingGetter(
MethodBuilder builder, PropertyAccessorElement getter) {
builder = getter.displayName
..annotations.add(referImported('override', 'dart:core'))
..type = MethodType.getter;
if (!getter.returnType.containsPrivateName) {
builder.returns = _typeReference(getter.returnType);
final returnType = getter.returnType;
final fallbackGenerator = fallbackGenerators[];
final returnTypeIsTypeVariable =
typeSystem.isPotentiallyNonNullable(returnType) &&
returnType is analyzer.TypeParameterType;
final throwsUnsupported = fallbackGenerator == null &&
(returnTypeIsTypeVariable || getter.returnType.containsPrivateName);
if (throwsUnsupported) {
if (!mockTarget.unsupportedMembers.contains( {
// We shouldn't get here as this is guarded against in
// [_MockTargetGatherer._checkFunction].
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
"Mockito cannot generate a valid override for '${}', as "
'it has a non-nullable unknown type or a private type.');
builder.body = refer('UnsupportedError')
// Generate a raw string since might contain a $.
'"${}" cannot be used without a mockito fallback '
raw: true)
final invocation =
referImported('Invocation', 'dart:core').property('getter').call([
final namedArgs = {
if (fallbackGenerator != null)
'returnValue': _fallbackGeneratorCode(getter, fallbackGenerator)
else if (typeSystem._returnTypeIsNonNullable(getter))
'returnValue': _dummyValue(returnType, invocation),
if (mockTarget.onMissingStub == OnMissingStub.returnDefault)
'returnValueForMissingStub': (fallbackGenerator != null
? _fallbackGeneratorCode(getter, fallbackGenerator)
: _dummyValue(returnType, invocation)),
var superNoSuchMethod =
refer('super').property('noSuchMethod').call([invocation], namedArgs);
if (!returnType.isVoid && !returnType.isDynamic) {
superNoSuchMethod = superNoSuchMethod.asA(_typeReference(returnType));
builder.body = superNoSuchMethod.code;
/// Build a setter which overrides [setter], widening the single parameter
/// type to be nullable if it is non-nullable.
/// This new setter just calls `super.noSuchMethod`.
void _buildOverridingSetter(
MethodBuilder builder, PropertyAccessorElement setter) {
final nameWithEquals =;
final name = setter.displayName;
builder = name
..annotations.add(referImported('override', 'dart:core'))
..type = MethodType.setter;
assert(setter.parameters.length == 1);
final parameter = setter.parameters.single;
builder.requiredParameters.add(Parameter((pBuilder) { = parameter.displayName;
if (!parameter.type.containsPrivateName) {
pBuilder.type = _typeReference(parameter.type, forceNullable: true);
if (parameter.type.containsPrivateName) {
if (!mockTarget.unsupportedMembers.contains(nameWithEquals)) {
// We shouldn't get here as this is guarded against in
// [_MockTargetGatherer._checkFunction].
throw InvalidMockitoAnnotationException(
"Mockito cannot generate a valid override for '$nameWithEquals', "
'as it has a private parameter type.');
builder.body = refer('UnsupportedError')
// Generate a raw string since nameWithEquals might contain a $.
'"$nameWithEquals" cannot be used without a mockito fallback '
raw: true)
final invocation =
referImported('Invocation', 'dart:core').property('setter').call([
final returnNoSuchMethod = refer('super')
.call([invocation], {'returnValueForMissingStub': refer('null')});
builder.body = returnNoSuchMethod.code;
/// Create a reference for [typeParameter], properly referencing all types
/// in bounds.
TypeReference _typeParameterReference(TypeParameterElement typeParameter) {
return TypeReference((b) {
b.symbol =;
if (typeParameter.bound != null) {
b.bound = _typeReference(typeParameter.bound!);
/// Create a reference for [type], properly referencing all attached types.
/// If the type needs to be nullable, rather than matching the nullability of
/// [type], use [forceNullable].
/// This creates proper references for:
/// * InterfaceTypes (classes, generic classes),
/// * FunctionType parameters (like `void callback(int i)`),
/// * type aliases (typedefs), both new- and old-style,
/// * enums,
/// * type variables.
// TODO(srawlins): Contribute this back to a common location, like
// package:source_gen?
Reference _typeReference(analyzer.DartType type,
{bool forceNullable = false}) {
if (type is analyzer.InterfaceType) {
return TypeReference((b) {
..symbol =
..isNullable = forceNullable ||
type.nullabilitySuffix == NullabilitySuffix.question
..url = _typeImport(type.element2)
} else if (type is analyzer.FunctionType) {
final alias = type.alias;
if (alias == null || alias.element.isPrivate) {
// [type] does not refer to a type alias, or it refers to a private type
// alias; we must instead write out its signature.
return FunctionType((b) {
..isNullable =
forceNullable || typeSystem.isPotentiallyNullable(type)
..returnType = _typeReference(type.returnType)
for (var parameter
in type.parameters.where((p) => p.isOptionalNamed)) {
b.namedParameters[] = _typeReference(parameter.type);
for (var parameter
in type.parameters.where((p) => p.isRequiredNamed)) {
b.namedRequiredParameters[] =
return TypeReference((b) {
..symbol =
..url = _typeImport(alias.element)
..isNullable = forceNullable || typeSystem.isNullable(type);
for (var typeArgument in alias.typeArguments) {
} else if (type is analyzer.TypeParameterType) {
return TypeReference((b) {
..symbol =
..isNullable = forceNullable || typeSystem.isNullable(type);
} else {
return referImported(
type.getDisplayString(withNullability: false),
/// Returns the import URL for [element].
/// For some types, like `dynamic` and type variables, this may return null.
String? _typeImport(Element? element) {
// For type variables, no import needed.
if (element is TypeParameterElement) return null;
// For types like `dynamic`, return null; no import needed.
if (element?.library == null) return null;
'An element, "$element", is missing from the asset URI mapping');
return mockLibraryInfo.assetUris[element] ??
(throw StateError('Asset URI is missing for $element'));
/// Returns a [Reference] to [symbol] with [url].
/// This function overrides `code_builder.refer` so as to ensure that [url] is
/// given.
static Reference referImported(String symbol, String? url) =>
Reference(symbol, url);
/// Returns a [Reference] to [symbol] with no URL.
static Reference refer(String symbol) => Reference(symbol);
/// An exception thrown when reviving a potentially deep value in a constant.
/// This exception should always be caught within this library. An
/// [InvalidMockitoAnnotationException] can be presented to the user after
/// catching this exception.
class _ReviveException implements Exception {
final String message;
/// An exception which is thrown when Mockito encounters an invalid annotation.
class InvalidMockitoAnnotationException implements Exception {
final String message;
String toString() => 'Invalid @GenerateMocks annotation: $message';
/// An [Allocator] that avoids conflicts with elements exported from
/// 'dart:core'.
/// This does not prefix _all_ 'dart:core' elements; instead it takes a set of
/// names which conflict, and if that is non-empty, generates two import
/// directives for 'dart:core':
/// * an unprefixed import with conflicting names enumerated in the 'hide'
/// combinator,
/// * a prefixed import which will be the way to reference the conflicting
/// names.
class _AvoidConflictsAllocator implements Allocator {
final _imports = <String, int>{};
var _keys = 1;
/// The collection of names of elements which conflict with elements exported
/// from 'dart:core'.
final Set<String> _coreConflicts;
_AvoidConflictsAllocator({required Set<String> coreConflicts})
: _coreConflicts = coreConflicts;
String allocate(Reference reference) {
final symbol = reference.symbol!;
final url = reference.url;
if (url == null) {
return symbol;
if (url == 'dart:core' && !_coreConflicts.contains(symbol)) {
return symbol;
return '_i${_imports.putIfAbsent(url, _nextKey)}.$symbol';
int _nextKey() => _keys++;
Iterable<Directive> get imports => [
if (_imports.containsKey('dart:core'))
// 'dart:core' is explicitly imported to avoid a conflict between an
// overriding member and an element exported by 'dart:core'. We must
// add another, unprefixed, import for 'dart:core' which hides the
// conflicting names.
Directive.import('dart:core', hide: _coreConflicts.toList()),
(u) => Directive.import(u, as: '_i${_imports[u]}'),
/// A [MockBuilder] instance for use by `build.yaml`.
Builder buildMocks(BuilderOptions options) => MockBuilder();
extension on Element {
/// Returns the "full name" of a class or method element.
String get fullName {
if (this is ClassElement) {
return "The class '$name'";
} else if (this is EnumElement) {
return "The enum '$name'";
} else if (this is MethodElement) {
var className = enclosingElement3!.name;
return "The method '$className.$name'";
} else if (this is MixinElement) {
return "The mixin '$name'";
} else if (this is PropertyAccessorElement) {
var className = enclosingElement3!.name;
return "The property accessor '$className.$name'";
} else {
return 'unknown element';
extension on analyzer.DartType {
/// Whether this type contains a private name, perhaps in a type argument or a
/// function type's parameters, etc.
bool get containsPrivateName {
final self = this;
if (self is analyzer.DynamicType) {
return false;
} else if (self is analyzer.InterfaceType) {
return self.element2.isPrivate ||
self.typeArguments.any((t) => t.containsPrivateName);
} else if (self is analyzer.FunctionType) {
return self.returnType.containsPrivateName ||
self.parameters.any((p) => p.type.containsPrivateName);
} else if (self is analyzer.NeverType) {
return false;
} else if (self is analyzer.TypeParameterType) {
return false;
} else if (self is analyzer.VoidType) {
return false;
} else {
assert(false, 'Unexpected subtype of DartType: ${self.runtimeType}');
return false;
/// Returns whether this type is `Future<void>` or `Future<void>?`.
bool get isFutureOfVoid =>
isDartAsyncFuture &&
(this as analyzer.InterfaceType).typeArguments.first.isVoid;
/// Returns whether this type is a sealed type from the dart:typed_data
/// library.
bool get isDartTypedDataSealed {
if (element2!.library!.name != 'dart.typed_data') {
return false;
final name = element2!.name;
return name == 'Float32List' ||
name == 'Float64List' ||
name == 'Int8List' ||
name == 'Int16List' ||
name == 'Int32List' ||
name == 'Int64List' ||
name == 'Uint8List' ||
name == 'Uint16List' ||
name == 'Uint32List' ||
name == 'Uint64List' ||
name == 'ByteData';
extension on TypeSystem {
bool _returnTypeIsNonNullable(ExecutableElement method) =>
// Returns whether [method] has at least one parameter whose type is
// potentially non-nullable.
// A parameter whose type uses a type variable may be non-nullable on certain
// instances. For example:
// class C<T> {
// void m(T a) {}
// }
// final c1 = C<int?>(); // m's parameter's type is nullable.
// final c2 = C<int>(); // m's parameter's type is non-nullable.
bool _hasNonNullableParameter(ExecutableElement method) =>
method.parameters.any((p) => isPotentiallyNonNullable(p.type));
extension on int {
String get ordinal {
final remainder = this % 10;
switch (remainder) {
case (1):
return '${this}st';
case (2):
return '${this}nd';
case (3):
return '${this}rd';
return '${this}th';
bool _needsOverrideForVoidStub(ExecutableElement method) =>
method.returnType.isVoid || method.returnType.isFutureOfVoid;
/// This casts `ElementAnnotation` to the internal `ElementAnnotationImpl`
/// class, since analyzer doesn't provide public interface to access
/// the annotation AST currently.
extension on ElementAnnotation {
ast.Annotation get annotationAst =>
(this as ElementAnnotationImpl).annotationAst;