blob: 45187b470a2c3385fd8b29b758805dec247691d3 [file] [log] [blame] [view]
## 0.12.10-nullsafety
- Migrate to NNBD.
- Apis have been updated to express intent of the existing code and how it
handled nulls.
## 0.12.9
- Improve mismatch descriptions for deep matches. Previously, if the user tried
to do a deep match where the expectation included a complex matcher (such as a
"having" matcher), the failure message would just say "failed to match ...";
it wouldn't call on the expectation's matcher to explain why the match failed.
## 0.12.8
- Add a mismatch description to `TypeMatcher`.
## 0.12.7
- Deprecate the `mirror_matchers.dart` library.
## 0.12.6
- Update minimum Dart SDK to `2.2.0`.
- Consistently point to `isA` as a replacement for `instanceOf`.
- Pretty print with private type names.
## 0.12.5
- Add `isA()` to create `TypeMatcher` instances in a more fluent way.
- **Potentially breaking bug fix**. Ordering matchers no longer treat objects
with a partial ordering (such as NaN for double values) as if they had a
complete ordering. For instance `greaterThan` now compares with the `>`
operator rather not `<` and not `=`. This could cause tests which relied on
this bug to start failing.
## 0.12.4
- Add isCastError.
## 0.12.3+1
- Set max SDK version to <3.0.0, and adjusted other dependencies.
## 0.12.3
- Many improvements to `TypeMatcher`
- Can now be used directly as `const TypeMatcher<MyType>()`.
- Added a type parameter to specify the target `Type`.
- Made the `name` constructor parameter optional and marked it deprecated.
It's redundant to the type parameter.
- Migrated all `isType` matchers to `TypeMatcher`.
- Added a `having` function that allows chained validations of specific
features of the target type.
/// Validates that the object is a [RangeError] with a message containing
/// the string 'details' and `start` and `end` properties that are `null`.
final _rangeMatcher = isRangeError
.having((e) => e.message, 'message', contains('details'))
.having((e) => e.start, 'start', isNull)
.having((e) => e.end, 'end', isNull);
- Deprecated the `isInstanceOf` class. Use `TypeMatcher` instead.
- Improved the output of `Matcher` instances that fail due to type errors.
## 0.12.2+1
- Updated SDK version to 2.0.0-dev.17.0
## 0.12.2
* Fixed `unorderedMatches` in cases where the matchers may match more than one
element and order of the elements doesn't line up with the order of the
* Add containsAll matcher for Iterables. This Matcher checks that all
values/matchers in an expected iterable are satisfied by an element in the
value without allowing the same value to satisfy multiple matchers.
## 0.12.1+4
* Fixed SDK constraint to allow edge builds.
## 0.12.1+3
* Make `predicate` and `pairwiseCompare` generic methods to allow typed
functions to be passed to them as arguments.
* Make internal implementations take better advantage of type promotion to avoid
dynamic call overhead.
## 0.12.1+2
* Fixed small documentation issues.
* Fixed small issue in `StringEqualsMatcher`.
* Update to support future Dart language changes.
## 0.12.1+1
* Produce a better error message when a `CustomMatcher`'s feature throws.
## 0.12.1
* Add containsAllInOrder matcher for Iterables
## 0.12.0+2
* Fix all strong-mode warnings.
## 0.12.0+1
* Fix test files to use `test` instead of `unittest` pkg.
## 0.12.0
* Moved a number of members to the
[`unittest`]( package.
* `TestFailure`, `ErrorFormatter`, `expect`, `fail`, and 'wrapAsync'.
* `completes`, `completion`, `throws`, and `throwsA` Matchers.
* The `Throws` class.
* All of the `throws...Error` Matchers.
* Removed `FailureHandler`, `DefaultFailureHandler`,
`configureExpectFailureHandler`, and `getOrCreateExpectFailureHandler`.
Now that `expect` is in the `unittest` package, these are no longer needed.
* Removed the `name` parameter for `isInstanceOf`. This was previously
deprecated, and is no longer necessary since all language implementations now
support converting the type parameter to a string directly.
## 0.11.4+6
* Fix a bug introduced in 0.11.4+5 in which operator matchers broke when taking
lists of matchers.
## 0.11.4+5
* Fix all strong-mode warnings.
## 0.11.4+4
* Deprecate the name parameter to `isInstanceOf`. All language implementations
now support converting the type parameter to a string directly.
## 0.11.4+3
* Fix the examples for `equalsIgnoringWhitespace`.
## 0.11.4+2
* Improve the formatting of strings that contain unprintable ASCII characters.
## 0.11.4+1
* Correctly match and print `String`s containing characters that must be
represented as escape sequences.
## 0.11.4
* Remove the type checks in the `isEmpty` and `isNotEmpty` matchers and simply
access the `isEmpty` respectively `isNotEmpty` fields. This allows them to
work with custom collections. See [Issue
21792]( and [Issue
## 0.11.3+1
* Fix the `prints` matcher test on dart2js.
## 0.11.3
* Add a `prints` matcher that matches output a callback emits via `print`.
## 0.11.2
* Add an `isNotEmpty` matcher.
## 0.11.1+1
* Refactored libraries and tests.
* Fixed spelling mistake.
## 0.11.1
* Added `isNaN` and `isNotNaN` matchers.
## 0.11.0
* Removed deprecated matchers.
## 0.10.1+1
* Get the tests passing when run on dart2js in minified mode.
## 0.10.1
* Compare sets order-independently when using `equals()`.
## 0.10.0+3
* Removed `@deprecated` annotation on matchers due to
[Issue 19173](
## 0.10.0+2
* Added types to a number of constants.
## 0.10.0+1
* Matchers related to bad language use have been removed. These represent code
structure that should rarely or never be validated in tests.
* `isAbstractClassInstantiationError`
* `throwsAbstractClassInstantiationError`
* `isFallThroughError`
* `throwsFallThroughError`
* Added types to a number of method arguments.
* The structure of the library and test code has been updated.