blob: 46434342d003804b5fd5cb0c9436e4f6c1705171 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library matcher.string_matchers;
import 'interfaces.dart';
/// Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is a string and
/// is equal to [value] when compared case-insensitively.
Matcher equalsIgnoringCase(String value) => new _IsEqualIgnoringCase(value);
class _IsEqualIgnoringCase extends _StringMatcher {
final String _value;
final String _matchValue;
_IsEqualIgnoringCase(String value)
: _value = value,
_matchValue = value.toLowerCase();
bool matches(item, Map matchState) =>
item is String && _matchValue == item.toLowerCase();
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.addDescriptionOf(_value).add(' ignoring case');
/// Returns a matcher which matches if the match argument is a string and
/// is equal to [value], ignoring whitespace.
/// In this matcher, "ignoring whitespace" means comparing with all runs of
/// whitespace collapsed to single space characters and leading and trailing
/// whitespace removed.
/// For example, the following will all match successfully:
/// expect("hello world", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("hello world"));
/// expect(" hello world", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("hello world"));
/// expect("hello world ", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("hello world"));
/// The following will not match:
/// expect("helloworld", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("hello world"));
/// expect("he llo world", equalsIgnoringWhitespace("hello world"));
Matcher equalsIgnoringWhitespace(String value) =>
new _IsEqualIgnoringWhitespace(value);
class _IsEqualIgnoringWhitespace extends _StringMatcher {
final String _value;
final String _matchValue;
_IsEqualIgnoringWhitespace(String value)
: _value = value,
_matchValue = collapseWhitespace(value);
bool matches(item, Map matchState) =>
item is String && _matchValue == collapseWhitespace(item);
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.addDescriptionOf(_matchValue).add(' ignoring whitespace');
Description describeMismatch(
item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) {
if (item is String) {
return mismatchDescription
.add('is ')
.add(' with whitespace compressed');
} else {
return super.describeMismatch(
item, mismatchDescription, matchState, verbose);
/// Returns a matcher that matches if the match argument is a string and
/// starts with [prefixString].
Matcher startsWith(String prefixString) => new _StringStartsWith(prefixString);
class _StringStartsWith extends _StringMatcher {
final String _prefix;
const _StringStartsWith(this._prefix);
bool matches(item, Map matchState) =>
item is String && item.startsWith(_prefix);
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('a string starting with ').addDescriptionOf(_prefix);
/// Returns a matcher that matches if the match argument is a string and
/// ends with [suffixString].
Matcher endsWith(String suffixString) => new _StringEndsWith(suffixString);
class _StringEndsWith extends _StringMatcher {
final String _suffix;
const _StringEndsWith(this._suffix);
bool matches(item, Map matchState) =>
item is String && item.endsWith(_suffix);
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('a string ending with ').addDescriptionOf(_suffix);
/// Returns a matcher that matches if the match argument is a string and
/// contains a given list of [substrings] in relative order.
/// For example, `stringContainsInOrder(["a", "e", "i", "o", "u"])` will match
/// "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".
Matcher stringContainsInOrder(List<String> substrings) =>
new _StringContainsInOrder(substrings);
class _StringContainsInOrder extends _StringMatcher {
final List<String> _substrings;
const _StringContainsInOrder(this._substrings);
bool matches(item, Map matchState) {
if (!(item is String)) {
return false;
var from_index = 0;
for (var s in _substrings) {
from_index = item.indexOf(s, from_index);
if (from_index < 0) return false;
return true;
Description describe(Description description) => description.addAll(
'a string containing ', ', ', ' in order', _substrings);
/// Returns a matcher that matches if the match argument is a string and
/// matches the regular expression given by [re].
/// [re] can be a [RegExp] instance or a [String]; in the latter case it will be
/// used to create a RegExp instance.
Matcher matches(re) => new _MatchesRegExp(re);
class _MatchesRegExp extends _StringMatcher {
RegExp _regexp;
_MatchesRegExp(re) {
if (re is String) {
_regexp = new RegExp(re);
} else if (re is RegExp) {
_regexp = re;
} else {
throw new ArgumentError('matches requires a regexp or string');
bool matches(item, Map matchState) =>
item is String ? _regexp.hasMatch(item) : false;
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add("match '${_regexp.pattern}'");
// String matchers match against a string. We add this intermediate
// class to give better mismatch error messages than the base Matcher class.
abstract class _StringMatcher extends Matcher {
const _StringMatcher();
Description describeMismatch(
item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) {
if (!(item is String)) {
return mismatchDescription.addDescriptionOf(item).add(' not a string');
} else {
return super.describeMismatch(
item, mismatchDescription, matchState, verbose);
/// Utility function to collapse whitespace runs to single spaces
/// and strip leading/trailing whitespace.
String collapseWhitespace(String string) {
var result = new StringBuffer();
var skipSpace = true;
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++) {
var character = string[i];
if (_isWhitespace(character)) {
if (!skipSpace) {
result.write(' ');
skipSpace = true;
} else {
skipSpace = false;
return result.toString().trim();
bool _isWhitespace(String ch) =>
ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\t';