blob: 3ecbb9de70a3ab9f166673397b10d3ed50aaee4a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'description.dart';
import 'interfaces.dart';
import 'util.dart';
/// Returns a matcher that matches the isEmpty property.
const Matcher isEmpty = const _Empty();
class _Empty extends Matcher {
const _Empty();
bool matches(item, Map matchState) => item.isEmpty;
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('empty');
/// Returns a matcher that matches the isNotEmpty property.
const Matcher isNotEmpty = const _NotEmpty();
class _NotEmpty extends Matcher {
const _NotEmpty();
bool matches(item, Map matchState) => item.isNotEmpty;
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('non-empty');
/// A matcher that matches any null value.
const Matcher isNull = const _IsNull();
/// A matcher that matches any non-null value.
const Matcher isNotNull = const _IsNotNull();
class _IsNull extends Matcher {
const _IsNull();
bool matches(item, Map matchState) => item == null;
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('null');
class _IsNotNull extends Matcher {
const _IsNotNull();
bool matches(item, Map matchState) => item != null;
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('not null');
/// A matcher that matches the Boolean value true.
const Matcher isTrue = const _IsTrue();
/// A matcher that matches anything except the Boolean value true.
const Matcher isFalse = const _IsFalse();
class _IsTrue extends Matcher {
const _IsTrue();
bool matches(item, Map matchState) => item == true;
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('true');
class _IsFalse extends Matcher {
const _IsFalse();
bool matches(item, Map matchState) => item == false;
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('false');
/// A matcher that matches the numeric value NaN.
const Matcher isNaN = const _IsNaN();
/// A matcher that matches any non-NaN value.
const Matcher isNotNaN = const _IsNotNaN();
class _IsNaN extends Matcher {
const _IsNaN();
bool matches(item, Map matchState) => double.NAN.compareTo(item) == 0;
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('NaN');
class _IsNotNaN extends Matcher {
const _IsNotNaN();
bool matches(item, Map matchState) => double.NAN.compareTo(item) != 0;
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('not NaN');
/// Returns a matches that matches if the value is the same instance
/// as [expected], using [identical].
Matcher same(expected) => new _IsSameAs(expected);
class _IsSameAs extends Matcher {
final _expected;
const _IsSameAs(this._expected);
bool matches(item, Map matchState) => identical(item, _expected);
// If all types were hashable we could show a hash here.
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('same instance as ').addDescriptionOf(_expected);
/// Returns a matcher that matches if the value is structurally equal to
/// [expected].
/// If [expected] is a [Matcher], then it matches using that. Otherwise it tests
/// for equality using `==` on the expected value.
/// For [Iterable]s and [Map]s, this will recursively match the elements. To
/// handle cyclic structures a recursion depth [limit] can be provided. The
/// default limit is 100. [Set]s will be compared order-independently.
Matcher equals(expected, [int limit = 100]) => expected is String
? new _StringEqualsMatcher(expected)
: new _DeepMatcher(expected, limit);
class _DeepMatcher extends Matcher {
final _expected;
final int _limit;
var count;
_DeepMatcher(this._expected, [int limit = 1000]) : this._limit = limit;
// Returns a pair (reason, location)
List _compareIterables(expected, actual, matcher, depth, location) {
if (actual is! Iterable) return ['is not Iterable', location];
var expectedIterator = expected.iterator;
var actualIterator = actual.iterator;
for (var index = 0;; index++) {
// Advance in lockstep.
var expectedNext = expectedIterator.moveNext();
var actualNext = actualIterator.moveNext();
// If we reached the end of both, we succeeded.
if (!expectedNext && !actualNext) return null;
// Fail if their lengths are different.
var newLocation = '${location}[${index}]';
if (!expectedNext) return ['longer than expected', newLocation];
if (!actualNext) return ['shorter than expected', newLocation];
// Match the elements.
var rp = matcher(
expectedIterator.current, actualIterator.current, newLocation, depth);
if (rp != null) return rp;
List _compareSets(Set expected, actual, matcher, depth, location) {
if (actual is! Iterable) return ['is not Iterable', location];
actual = actual.toSet();
for (var expectedElement in expected) {
if (actual.every((actualElement) =>
matcher(expectedElement, actualElement, location, depth) != null)) {
return ['does not contain $expectedElement', location];
if (actual.length > expected.length) {
return ['larger than expected', location];
} else if (actual.length < expected.length) {
return ['smaller than expected', location];
} else {
return null;
List _recursiveMatch(expected, actual, String location, int depth) {
// If the expected value is a matcher, try to match it.
if (expected is Matcher) {
var matchState = {};
if (expected.matches(actual, matchState)) return null;
var description = new StringDescription();
return ['does not match $description', location];
} else {
// Otherwise, test for equality.
try {
if (expected == actual) return null;
} catch (e) {
// TODO(gram): Add a test for this case.
return ['== threw "$e"', location];
if (depth > _limit) return ['recursion depth limit exceeded', location];
// If _limit is 1 we can only recurse one level into object.
if (depth == 0 || _limit > 1) {
if (expected is Set) {
return _compareSets(
expected, actual, _recursiveMatch, depth + 1, location);
} else if (expected is Iterable) {
return _compareIterables(
expected, actual, _recursiveMatch, depth + 1, location);
} else if (expected is Map) {
if (actual is! Map) return ['expected a map', location];
var err = (expected.length == actual.length)
? ''
: 'has different length and ';
for (var key in expected.keys) {
if (!actual.containsKey(key)) {
return ["${err}is missing map key '$key'", location];
for (var key in actual.keys) {
if (!expected.containsKey(key)) {
return ["${err}has extra map key '$key'", location];
for (var key in expected.keys) {
var rp = _recursiveMatch(
expected[key], actual[key], "${location}['${key}']", depth + 1);
if (rp != null) return rp;
return null;
var description = new StringDescription();
// If we have recursed, show the expected value too; if not, expect() will
// show it for us.
if (depth > 0) {
.add('was ')
.add(' instead of ')
return [description.toString(), location];
// We're not adding any value to the actual value.
return ["", location];
String _match(expected, actual, Map matchState) {
var rp = _recursiveMatch(expected, actual, '', 0);
if (rp == null) return null;
var reason;
if (rp[0].length > 0) {
if (rp[1].length > 0) {
reason = "${rp[0]} at location ${rp[1]}";
} else {
reason = rp[0];
} else {
reason = '';
// Cache the failure reason in the matchState.
addStateInfo(matchState, {'reason': reason});
return reason;
bool matches(item, Map matchState) =>
_match(_expected, item, matchState) == null;
Description describe(Description description) =>
Description describeMismatch(
item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) {
var reason = matchState['reason'];
// If we didn't get a good reason, that would normally be a
// simple 'is <value>' message. We only add that if the mismatch
// description is non empty (so we are supplementing the mismatch
// description).
if (reason.length == 0 && mismatchDescription.length > 0) {
mismatchDescription.add('is ').addDescriptionOf(item);
} else {
return mismatchDescription;
/// A special equality matcher for strings.
class _StringEqualsMatcher extends Matcher {
final String _value;
bool get showActualValue => true;
bool matches(item, Map matchState) => _value == item;
Description describe(Description description) =>
Description describeMismatch(
item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) {
if (item is! String) {
return mismatchDescription.addDescriptionOf(item).add('is not a string');
} else {
var buff = new StringBuffer();
buff.write('is different.');
var escapedItem = escape(item);
var escapedValue = escape(_value);
int minLength = escapedItem.length < escapedValue.length
? escapedItem.length
: escapedValue.length;
var start = 0;
for (; start < minLength; start++) {
if (escapedValue.codeUnitAt(start) != escapedItem.codeUnitAt(start)) {
if (start == minLength) {
if (escapedValue.length < escapedItem.length) {
buff.write(' Both strings start the same, but the given value also'
' has the following trailing characters: ');
_writeTrailing(buff, escapedItem, escapedValue.length);
} else {
buff.write(' Both strings start the same, but the given value is'
' missing the following trailing characters: ');
_writeTrailing(buff, escapedValue, escapedItem.length);
} else {
buff.write('\nExpected: ');
_writeLeading(buff, escapedValue, start);
_writeTrailing(buff, escapedValue, start);
buff.write('\n Actual: ');
_writeLeading(buff, escapedItem, start);
_writeTrailing(buff, escapedItem, start);
buff.write('\n ');
for (int i = (start > 10 ? 14 : start); i > 0; i--) buff.write(' ');
buff.write('^\n Differ at offset $start');
return mismatchDescription.replace(buff.toString());
static void _writeLeading(StringBuffer buff, String s, int start) {
if (start > 10) {
buff.write('... ');
buff.write(s.substring(start - 10, start));
} else {
buff.write(s.substring(0, start));
static void _writeTrailing(StringBuffer buff, String s, int start) {
if (start + 10 > s.length) {
} else {
buff.write(s.substring(start, start + 10));
buff.write(' ...');
/// A matcher that matches any value.
const Matcher anything = const _IsAnything();
class _IsAnything extends Matcher {
const _IsAnything();
bool matches(item, Map matchState) => true;
Description describe(Description description) => description.add('anything');
/// Returns a matcher that matches if an object is an instance
/// of [type] (or a subtype).
/// As types are not first class objects in Dart we can only
/// approximate this test by using a generic wrapper class.
/// For example, to test whether 'bar' is an instance of type
/// 'Foo', we would write:
/// expect(bar, new isInstanceOf<Foo>());
class isInstanceOf<T> extends Matcher {
const isInstanceOf();
bool matches(obj, Map matchState) => obj is T;
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('an instance of $T');
/// A matcher that matches a function call against no exception.
/// The function will be called once. Any exceptions will be silently swallowed.
/// The value passed to expect() should be a reference to the function.
/// Note that the function cannot take arguments; to handle this
/// a wrapper will have to be created.
const Matcher returnsNormally = const _ReturnsNormally();
class _ReturnsNormally extends Matcher {
const _ReturnsNormally();
bool matches(f, Map matchState) {
try {
return true;
} catch (e, s) {
addStateInfo(matchState, {'exception': e, 'stack': s});
return false;
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add("return normally");
Description describeMismatch(
item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) {
mismatchDescription.add('threw ').addDescriptionOf(matchState['exception']);
if (verbose) {
mismatchDescription.add(' at ').add(matchState['stack'].toString());
return mismatchDescription;
* Matchers for different exception types. Ideally we should just be able to
* use something like:
* final Matcher throwsException =
* const _Throws(const isInstanceOf<Exception>());
* Unfortunately instanceOf is not working with dart2js.
* Alternatively, if static functions could be used in const expressions,
* we could use:
* bool _isException(x) => x is Exception;
* final Matcher isException = const _Predicate(_isException, "Exception");
* final Matcher throwsException = const _Throws(isException);
* But currently using static functions in const expressions is not supported.
* For now the only solution for all platforms seems to be separate classes
* for each exception type.
abstract class TypeMatcher extends Matcher {
final String _name;
const TypeMatcher(this._name);
Description describe(Description description) => description.add(_name);
/// A matcher for Map types.
const Matcher isMap = const _IsMap();
class _IsMap extends TypeMatcher {
const _IsMap() : super("Map");
bool matches(item, Map matchState) => item is Map;
/// A matcher for List types.
const Matcher isList = const _IsList();
class _IsList extends TypeMatcher {
const _IsList() : super("List");
bool matches(item, Map matchState) => item is List;
/// Returns a matcher that matches if an object has a length property
/// that matches [matcher].
Matcher hasLength(matcher) => new _HasLength(wrapMatcher(matcher));
class _HasLength extends Matcher {
final Matcher _matcher;
const _HasLength([Matcher matcher = null]) : this._matcher = matcher;
bool matches(item, Map matchState) {
try {
// This is harmless code that will throw if no length property
// but subtle enough that an optimizer shouldn't strip it out.
if (item.length * item.length >= 0) {
return _matcher.matches(item.length, matchState);
} catch (e) {}
return false;
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('an object with length of ').addDescriptionOf(_matcher);
Description describeMismatch(
item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) {
try {
// We want to generate a different description if there is no length
// property; we use the same trick as in matches().
if (item.length * item.length >= 0) {
return mismatchDescription
.add('has length of ')
} catch (e) {}
return mismatchDescription.add('has no length property');
/// Returns a matcher that matches if the match argument contains the expected
/// value.
/// For [String]s this means substring matching;
/// for [Map]s it means the map has the key, and for [Iterable]s
/// it means the iterable has a matching element. In the case of iterables,
/// [expected] can itself be a matcher.
Matcher contains(expected) => new _Contains(expected);
class _Contains extends Matcher {
final _expected;
const _Contains(this._expected);
bool matches(item, Map matchState) {
if (item is String) {
return item.indexOf(_expected) >= 0;
} else if (item is Iterable) {
if (_expected is Matcher) {
return item.any((e) => _expected.matches(e, matchState));
} else {
return item.contains(_expected);
} else if (item is Map) {
return item.containsKey(_expected);
return false;
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('contains ').addDescriptionOf(_expected);
Description describeMismatch(
item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) {
if (item is String || item is Iterable || item is Map) {
return super
.describeMismatch(item, mismatchDescription, matchState, verbose);
} else {
return mismatchDescription.add('is not a string, map or iterable');
/// Returns a matcher that matches if the match argument is in
/// the expected value. This is the converse of [contains].
Matcher isIn(expected) => new _In(expected);
class _In extends Matcher {
final _expected;
const _In(this._expected);
bool matches(item, Map matchState) {
if (_expected is String) {
return _expected.indexOf(item) >= 0;
} else if (_expected is Iterable) {
return _expected.any((e) => e == item);
} else if (_expected is Map) {
return _expected.containsKey(item);
return false;
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('is in ').addDescriptionOf(_expected);
/// Returns a matcher that uses an arbitrary function that returns
/// true or false for the actual value.
/// For example:
/// expect(v, predicate((x) => ((x % 2) == 0), "is even"))
Matcher predicate(bool f(value), [String description = 'satisfies function']) =>
new _Predicate(f, description);
typedef bool _PredicateFunction(value);
class _Predicate extends Matcher {
final _PredicateFunction _matcher;
final String _description;
const _Predicate(this._matcher, this._description);
bool matches(item, Map matchState) => _matcher(item);
Description describe(Description description) =>
/// A useful utility class for implementing other matchers through inheritance.
/// Derived classes should call the base constructor with a feature name and
/// description, and an instance matcher, and should implement the
/// [featureValueOf] abstract method.
/// The feature description will typically describe the item and the feature,
/// while the feature name will just name the feature. For example, we may
/// have a Widget class where each Widget has a price; we could make a
/// [CustomMatcher] that can make assertions about prices with:
/// class HasPrice extends CustomMatcher {
/// const HasPrice(matcher) :
/// super("Widget with price that is", "price", matcher);
/// featureValueOf(actual) => actual.price;
/// }
/// and then use this for example like:
/// expect(inventoryItem, new HasPrice(greaterThan(0)));
class CustomMatcher extends Matcher {
final String _featureDescription;
final String _featureName;
final Matcher _matcher;
CustomMatcher(this._featureDescription, this._featureName, matcher)
: this._matcher = wrapMatcher(matcher);
/// Override this to extract the interesting feature.
featureValueOf(actual) => actual;
bool matches(item, Map matchState) {
var f = featureValueOf(item);
if (_matcher.matches(f, matchState)) return true;
addStateInfo(matchState, {'feature': f});
return false;
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add(_featureDescription).add(' ').addDescriptionOf(_matcher);
Description describeMismatch(
item, Description mismatchDescription, Map matchState, bool verbose) {
.add('has ')
.add(' with value ')
var innerDescription = new StringDescription();
matchState['feature'], innerDescription, matchState['state'], verbose);
if (innerDescription.length > 0) {
mismatchDescription.add(' which ').add(innerDescription.toString());
return mismatchDescription;