blob: 91552c914dd7f6858aa4ed8f2df2c18af435b349 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'having_matcher.dart';
import 'interfaces.dart';
/// A [Matcher] subclass that supports validating the [Type] of the target
/// object.
/// ```dart
/// expect(shouldBeDuration, new TypeMatcher<Duration>());
/// ```
/// If you want to further validate attributes of the specified [Type], use the
/// [having] function.
/// ```dart
/// void shouldThrowRangeError(int value) {
/// throw new RangeError.range(value, 10, 20);
/// }
/// expect(
/// () => shouldThrowRangeError(5),
/// throwsA(const TypeMatcher<RangeError>()
/// .having((e) => e.start, 'start', greaterThanOrEqualTo(10))
/// .having((e) => e.end, 'end', lessThanOrEqualTo(20))));
/// ```
/// Notice that you can chain multiple calls to [having] to verify multiple
/// aspects of an object.
/// Note: All of the top-level `isType` matchers exposed by this package are
/// instances of [TypeMatcher], so you can use the [having] function without
/// creating your own instance.
/// ```dart
/// expect(
/// () => shouldThrowRangeError(5),
/// throwsA(isRangeError
/// .having((e) => e.start, 'start', greaterThanOrEqualTo(10))
/// .having((e) => e.end, 'end', lessThanOrEqualTo(20))));
/// ```
class TypeMatcher<T> extends Matcher {
final String _name;
const TypeMatcher(
[@Deprecated('Provide a type argument to TypeMatcher and omit the name. '
'This argument will be removed in the next release.')
String name])
: this._name =
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
/// Returns a new [TypeMatcher] that validates the existing type as well as
/// a specific [feature] of the object with the provided [matcher].
/// Provides a human-readable [description] of the [feature] to make debugging
/// failures easier.
/// ```dart
/// /// Validates that the object is a [RangeError] with a message containing
/// /// the string 'details' and `start` and `end` properties that are `null`.
/// final _rangeMatcher = isRangeError
/// .having((e) => e.message, 'message', contains('details'))
/// .having((e) => e.start, 'start', isNull)
/// .having((e) => e.end, 'end', isNull);
/// ```
TypeMatcher<T> having(
Object feature(T source), String description, Object matcher) =>
new HavingMatcher(this, description, feature, matcher);
Description describe(Description description) {
var name = _name ?? _stripDynamic(T);
return description.add("<Instance of '$name'>");
bool matches(Object item, Map matchState) => item is T;
final _dart2DynamicArgs = new RegExp('<dynamic(, dynamic)*>');
/// With this expression `{}.runtimeType.toString`,
/// Dart 1: "<Instance of Map>
/// Dart 2: "<Instance of Map<dynamic, dynamic>>"
/// This functions returns the Dart 1 output, when Dart 2 runtime semantics
/// are enabled.
String _stripDynamic(Type type) =>
type.toString().replaceAll(_dart2DynamicArgs, '');