blob: 035967c0a5f9f80bbddc0fdf0a5f97e9e29d3e74 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library matcher.escape_test;
import 'package:matcher/src/util.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
void main() {
group('escaping should work with', () {
_testEscaping('no escaped chars', 'Hello, world!', 'Hello, world!');
_testEscaping('newline', '\n', r'\n');
_testEscaping('carriage return', '\r', r'\r');
_testEscaping('form feed', '\f', r'\f');
_testEscaping('backspace', '\b', r'\b');
_testEscaping('tab', '\t', r'\t');
_testEscaping('vertical tab', '\v', r'\v');
_testEscaping('escape combos', r'\n', r'\\n');
_testEscaping('All characters',
'A new line\nA charriage return\rA form feed\fA backspace\b'
'A tab\tA vertical tab\vA slash\\',
r'A new line\nA charriage return\rA form feed\fA backspace\b'
r'A tab\tA vertical tab\vA slash\\');
group('unequal strings remain unequal when escaped', () {
_testUnequalStrings('with a newline', '\n', r'\n');
_testUnequalStrings('with slash literals', '\\', r'\\');
/// Creates a [test] with name [name] that verifies [source] escapes to value
/// [target].
void _testEscaping(String name, String source, String target) {
test(name, () {
var escaped = escape(source);
expect(escaped == target, isTrue,
reason: "Expected escaped value: $target\n"
" Actual escaped value: $escaped");
/// Creates a [test] with name [name] that ensures two different [String] values
/// [s1] and [s2] remain unequal when escaped.
void _testUnequalStrings(String name, String s1, String s2) {
test(name, () {
// Explicitly not using the equals matcher
expect(s1 != s2, isTrue, reason: 'The source values should be unequal');
var escapedS1 = escape(s1);
var escapedS2 = escape(s2);
// Explicitly not using the equals matcher
expect(escapedS1 != escapedS2, isTrue,
reason: 'Unequal strings, when escaped, should remain unequal.');