blob: fb79e8fd2586474814893b8e0760103885a15e2a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library matcher.operator_matchers;
import 'core_matchers.dart';
import 'expect.dart';
import 'interfaces.dart';
/// This returns a matcher that inverts [matcher] to its logical negation.
Matcher isNot(matcher) => new _IsNot(wrapMatcher(matcher));
class _IsNot extends Matcher {
final Matcher _matcher;
const _IsNot(Matcher this._matcher);
bool matches(item, Map matchState) => !_matcher.matches(item, matchState);
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.add('not ').addDescriptionOf(_matcher);
/// This returns a matcher that matches if all of the matchers passed as
/// arguments (up to 7) match. Instead of passing the matchers separately
/// they can be passed as a single List argument.
/// Any argument that is not a matcher is implicitly wrapped in a
/// Matcher to check for equality.
Matcher allOf(arg0,
[arg1 = null,
arg2 = null,
arg3 = null,
arg4 = null,
arg5 = null,
arg6 = null]) {
return new _AllOf(_wrapArgs(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6));
class _AllOf extends Matcher {
final List<Matcher> _matchers;
const _AllOf(this._matchers);
bool matches(item, Map matchState) {
for (var matcher in _matchers) {
if (!matcher.matches(item, matchState)) {
addStateInfo(matchState, {'matcher': matcher});
return false;
return true;
Description describeMismatch(item, Description mismatchDescription,
Map matchState, bool verbose) {
var matcher = matchState['matcher'];
matcher.describeMismatch(item, mismatchDescription,
matchState['state'], verbose);
return mismatchDescription;
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.addAll('(', ' and ', ')', _matchers);
/// Matches if any of the given matchers evaluate to true. The
/// arguments can be a set of matchers as separate parameters
/// (up to 7), or a List of matchers.
/// The matchers are evaluated from left to right using short-circuit
/// evaluation, so evaluation stops as soon as a matcher returns true.
/// Any argument that is not a matcher is implicitly wrapped in a
/// Matcher to check for equality.
Matcher anyOf(arg0,
[arg1 = null,
arg2 = null,
arg3 = null,
arg4 = null,
arg5 = null,
arg6 = null]) {
return new _AnyOf(_wrapArgs(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6));
class _AnyOf extends Matcher {
final List<Matcher> _matchers;
const _AnyOf(this._matchers);
bool matches(item, Map matchState) {
for (var matcher in _matchers) {
if (matcher.matches(item, matchState)) {
return true;
return false;
Description describe(Description description) =>
description.addAll('(', ' or ', ')', _matchers);
List<Matcher> _wrapArgs(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) {
if (arg0 is List) {
// TODO(kevmoo) throw a more helpful error here if any of these args is
// not null
expect(arg1, isNull);
expect(arg2, isNull);
expect(arg3, isNull);
expect(arg4, isNull);
expect(arg5, isNull);
expect(arg6, isNull);
return => wrapMatcher(a)).toList();
List matchers = new List();
if (arg0 != null) {
if (arg1 != null) {
if (arg2 != null) {
if (arg3 != null) {
if (arg4 != null) {
if (arg5 != null) {
if (arg6 != null) {
return matchers;