blob: 9c7dd4c550ba5bb50883787c6a0f536717ff5a0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library matcher.prints_matchers_test;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:matcher/matcher.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'test_utils.dart';
/// The VM and dart2js have different toStrings for closures.
final closureToString = (() {}).toString();
void main() {
group('synchronous', () {
test("passes with an expected print", () {
shouldPass(() => print("Hello, world!"), prints("Hello, world!\n"));
test("combines multiple prints", () {
shouldPass(() {
}, prints("Hello\nWorld!\n"));
test("works with a Matcher", () {
shouldPass(() => print("Hello, world!"), prints(contains("Hello")));
test("describes a failure nicely", () {
shouldFail(() => print("Hello, world!"), prints("Goodbye, world!\n"),
"Expected: prints 'Goodbye, world!\\n' ''"
" Actual: <$closureToString> "
" Which: printed 'Hello, world!\\n' ''"
" Which: is different. "
"Expected: Goodbye, w ... "
" Actual: Hello, wor ... "
" ^ Differ at offset 0");
test("describes a failure with a non-descriptive Matcher nicely", () {
shouldFail(() => print("Hello, world!"), prints(contains("Goodbye")),
"Expected: prints contains 'Goodbye'"
" Actual: <$closureToString> "
" Which: printed 'Hello, world!\\n' ''");
test("describes a failure with no text nicely", () {
shouldFail(() {}, prints(contains("Goodbye")),
"Expected: prints contains 'Goodbye'"
" Actual: <$closureToString> "
" Which: printed nothing.");
group('asynchronous', () {
test("passes with an expected print", () {
shouldPass(() => new Future(() => print("Hello, world!")),
prints("Hello, world!\n"));
test("combines multiple prints", () {
shouldPass(() => new Future(() {
}), prints("Hello\nWorld!\n"));
test("works with a Matcher", () {
shouldPass(() => new Future(() => print("Hello, world!")),
test("describes a failure nicely", () {
shouldFail(() => new Future(() => print("Hello, world!")),
prints("Goodbye, world!\n"),
"Expected: 'Goodbye, world!\\n' ''"
" Actual: 'Hello, world!\\n' ''"
" Which: is different. "
"Expected: Goodbye, w ... "
" Actual: Hello, wor ... "
" ^ Differ at offset 0",
isAsync: true);
test("describes a failure with a non-descriptive Matcher nicely", () {
shouldFail(() => new Future(() => print("Hello, world!")),
"Expected: contains 'Goodbye'"
" Actual: 'Hello, world!\\n' ''",
isAsync: true);
test("describes a failure with no text nicely", () {
shouldFail(() => new Future.value(), prints(contains("Goodbye")),
"Expected: contains 'Goodbye'"
" Actual: ''",
isAsync: true);