blob: f8ebf09d7d0b072ab9e0c4ea761d4689249f70ac [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library matcher.description;
import 'interfaces.dart';
import 'pretty_print.dart';
import 'utils.dart';
* The default implementation of IDescription. This should rarely need
* substitution, although conceivably it is a place where other languages
* could be supported.
class StringDescription implements Description {
var _out;
/** Initialize the description with initial contents [init]. */
StringDescription([String init = '']) {
_out = init;
int get length => _out.length;
/** Get the description as a string. */
String toString() => _out;
/** Append [text] to the description. */
Description add(text) {
_out = '${_out}${text}';
return this;
/** Change the value of the description. */
Description replace(String text) {
_out = text;
return this;
* Appends a description of [value]. If it is an IMatcher use its
* describe method; if it is a string use its literal value after
* escaping any embedded control characters; otherwise use its
* toString() value and wrap it in angular "quotes".
Description addDescriptionOf(value) {
if (value is Matcher) {
} else {
add(prettyPrint(value, maxLineLength: 80, maxItems: 25));
return this;
* Append an [Iterable] [list] of objects to the description, using the
* specified [separator] and framing the list with [start]
* and [end].
Description addAll(String start, String separator, String end,
Iterable list) {
var separate = false;
for (var item in list) {
if (separate) {
separate = true;
return this;
/** Escape the control characters in [string] so that they are visible. */
_addEscapedString(String string) {