blob: 9765b24fd74a7039aa73f4faa21c5b61c2af3f6b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
typedef Resolver = Node Function(String name, [String title]);
/// Base class for any AST item.
/// Roughly corresponds to Node in the DOM. Will be either an Element or Text.
abstract class Node {
void accept(NodeVisitor visitor);
String get textContent;
/// A named tag that can contain other nodes.
class Element implements Node {
final String tag;
final List<Node> children;
final Map<String, String> attributes;
String generatedId;
/// Instantiates a [tag] Element with [children].
Element(this.tag, this.children) : attributes = <String, String>{};
/// Instantiates an empty, self-closing [tag] Element.
: children = null,
attributes = {};
/// Instantiates a [tag] Element with no [children].
: children = [],
attributes = {};
/// Instantiates a [tag] Element with a single Text child.
Element.text(this.tag, String text)
: children = [Text(text)],
attributes = {};
/// Whether this element is self-closing.
bool get isEmpty => children == null;
void accept(NodeVisitor visitor) {
if (visitor.visitElementBefore(this)) {
if (children != null) {
for (var child in children) {
String get textContent => children == null
? ''
: child) => child.textContent).join('');
/// A plain text element.
class Text implements Node {
final String text;
void accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => visitor.visitText(this);
String get textContent => text;
/// Inline content that has not been parsed into inline nodes (strong, links,
/// etc).
/// These placeholder nodes should only remain in place while the block nodes
/// of a document are still being parsed, in order to gather all reference link
/// definitions.
class UnparsedContent implements Node {
final String textContent;
void accept(NodeVisitor visitor) => null;
/// Visitor pattern for the AST.
/// Renderers or other AST transformers should implement this.
abstract class NodeVisitor {
/// Called when a Text node has been reached.
void visitText(Text text);
/// Called when an Element has been reached, before its children have been
/// visited.
/// Returns `false` to skip its children.
bool visitElementBefore(Element element);
/// Called when an Element has been reached, after its children have been
/// visited.
/// Will not be called if [visitElementBefore] returns `false`.
void visitElementAfter(Element element);