| include: package:lints/recommended.yaml |
| analyzer: |
| language: |
| strict-inference: true |
| strict-raw-types: true |
| strong-mode: |
| implicit-casts: false |
| errors: |
| dead_code: error |
| unused_element: error |
| unused_import: error |
| unused_local_variable: error |
| # The example app explicitly takes a String of user-generated HTML and |
| # inserts it straight into a <div> using innerHtml. |
| unsafe_html: ignore |
| linter: |
| rules: |
| - camel_case_types |
| # https://github.com/dart-lang/linter/issues/574 |
| #- comment_references |
| - control_flow_in_finally |
| - directives_ordering |
| - empty_statements |
| - hash_and_equals |
| - implementation_imports |
| - iterable_contains_unrelated_type |
| - list_remove_unrelated_type |
| - non_constant_identifier_names |
| - only_throw_errors |
| - overridden_fields |
| - package_api_docs |
| - test_types_in_equals |
| - throw_in_finally |