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  1. 1e13d2f fix converting type annotations (#157) by Karol · 5 weeks ago main
  2. 4c4adc1 separate out benchmark into 4 stages: create, serialize, deserialize, hash (#154) by Jacob MacDonald · 5 weeks ago
  3. 587ff2a add benchmarks for normal Dart classes, serialized to JsonBuffers (#153) by Jacob MacDonald · 6 weeks ago
  4. a88aa0b update tool/generate_* scripts and sync files generated by those scripts (#150) by Karol · 6 weeks ago
  5. debc16c add benchmark for real wrapper classes around a JsonBuffer (#151) by Jacob MacDonald · 6 weeks ago


This repository is home to various macro related Dart packages.


_analyzer_macrosMacro support for the analyzer.
_cfe_macrosMacro support for the CFE.
_macro_builderBuilds macros.
_macro_clientConnects user macro code to a macro host.
_macro_hostHosts macros.
_macro_runnerRuns macros.
_macro_serverServes a macro_service.
_test_macrosSome test macros.
dart_modelData model for information about Dart code, queries about Dart code and augmentations to Dart code. Serializable with a versioned JSON schema for use by macros, generators and other package
macroFor implementing a package
macro_serviceMacro communication with the macro package

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