blob: 5885766ac5b3a6ad904dbd680da964a79c8c4270 [file] [log] [blame]
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// test w/ `pub run test -N void_checks`
// @dart=2.9
import 'dart:async';
var x;
get g => null;
set s(v) {}
m() {}
class A<T> {
T value;
void m1(T arg) {}
void m2(i, [T v]) {}
void m3(i, {T v}) {}
void m4(void arg) {}
T m5(e) => null;
void call_constructor_with_void_positional_parameter() {
new A<void>.c(x); // LINT
void call_method_with_void_positional_parameter() {
final a = new A<void>();
a.m1(x); // LINT
void call_method_with_void_optional_positional_parameter() {
final a = new A<void>();
x, // LINT
void call_method_with_void_optional_named_parameter() {
final a = new A<void>();
v: x, // LINT
void use_setter_with_void_parameter() {
final a = new A<void>();
a.value = x; // LINT
void call_method_with_futureOr_void_parameter() {
final a = new A<FutureOr<void>>();
// it's OK to pass Future or FutureOr to m1
a.m1(new Future.value()); // OK
FutureOr<void> fo;
a.m1(fo); // OK
a.m1(x); // OK
a.m1(null); // OK
a.m1(1); // LINT
void use_setter_with_futureOr_void_parameter() {
final a = new A<FutureOr<void>>();
// it's OK to pass Future or FutureOr to set value
a.value = new Future.value(); //OK
FutureOr<void> fo;
a.value = fo; // OK
a.value = x; // OK
a.value = null; // OK
a.value = 1; // LINT
void return_inside_block_function_body() {
return x; // LINT
void simple_return_inside_block_function_body() {
return; // OK
void return_from_expression_function_body() => x; // OK
FutureOr<void> return_value_for_futureOr() {
return 1; // LINT
FutureOr<void> return_future_for_futureOr() {
return new Future.value(); // OK
FutureOr<void> return_futureOr_for_futureOr() {
return x; // OK
void assert_is_void_function_is_ok() {
assert(() {
return true; // OK
async_function() {
void f(Function f) {}
f(() //OK
async {
return 1; // OK
inference() {
f(void Function() f) {}
f(() // LINT
return 1; // OK
generics_with_function() {
f<T>(T Function() f) => f();
f(() // OK
return 1;
f<void>(() // LINT
return 1;
/// function ref are similar to expression function body with void return type
function_ref_are_ok() {
fA(void Function(dynamic) f) {}
fB({void Function(dynamic) f}) {}
void Function(String e) f1 = (e) {};
fA(f1); // OK
final f2 = (e) {};
fA(f2); // OK
final f3 = (e) => 1;
fA(f3); // OK
final a1 = new A();
fA(a1.m5); // OK
fB(f: a1.m5); // OK
final a2 = new A<void>();
fA(a2.m5); // OK
allow_functionWithReturnType_forFunctionWithout() {
takeVoidFn(void Function() f) {}
void Function() voidFn;
int nonVoidFn() => 1;
takeVoidFn(nonVoidFn); // OK
voidFn = nonVoidFn; // OK
void Function() returnsVoidFn() {
return nonVoidFn; // OK
allow_functionWithReturnType_forFunctionWithout_asComplexExpr() {
takeVoidFn(void Function() f) {}
void Function() voidFn;
List<int Function()> listNonVoidFn;
takeVoidFn(listNonVoidFn[0]); // OK
voidFn = listNonVoidFn[0]; // OK
void Function() returnsVoidFn() {
return listNonVoidFn[0]; // OK
allow_Null_for_void() {
forget(void Function() f) {}
forget(() {}); // OK
void Function() f;
f = () {}; // OK
allow_Future_void_for_void() {
forget(void Function() f) {}
forget(() async {}); // OK
void Function() f;
f = () async {}; // OK
allow_expression_function_body() {
forget(void Function() f) {}
int i;
forget(() => i); // OK
forget(() => i++); // OK
void Function() f;
f = () => i; // OK
f = () => i++; // OK
missing_parameter_for_argument() {
void foo() {}
void emptyFunctionExpressionReturningFutureOrVoid(FutureOr<void> Function() f) {
f = () {}; // OK